100字范文 > 城市边缘 Urban fringe英语短句 例句大全

城市边缘 Urban fringe英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-06 06:11:17


城市边缘 Urban fringe英语短句 例句大全

城市边缘,Urban fringe

1)Urban fringe城市边缘

1.Urbanization of urban fringe settlement in the Pearl River Delta;珠江三角洲城市边缘聚落的城市化


1.Tourism Development on Edge Effect and Suburbs Tourism;浅谈边缘效应与城市边缘地区旅游的开发

2.Strategy Research of Urban Fringe Development on Urban Expansion;城市扩展中城市边缘区的城市规划政策研究

3.Primary Study on the Environmental Problem in the Urban Fringe of Wuhu City;芜湖市城市边缘区环境问题初步研究

4.Research to the Land Ownership Market in Our Rural-Urban Fringe;我国城市边缘区土地所有权市场研究

5.City Periphery:Core and Primary Area of Rural-urban Integration;城市边缘区:城乡统筹、城乡一体化的核心部位

6.Study on the Urban Design for High-Tech Industrial Development Zone by the Fringe Area of Big City;大城市边缘型高技术产业开发区城市设计初探

7.Reseach on the Town Development Model of Urban Fringe--Taking Changsha Urban Fringe as An Example;城市边缘区小城镇发展模式研究——以长沙市为例

8.The Urban Fringe Problem of Planning against the Background of Rapid Urbanization谈城市化快速进程中城市边缘区的规划问题

9.A Discussion on the Concept and Tactics of Green Urban Design in Urban Fringes城市边缘区的绿色城市设计理念与方法

10.Just barely get out of school, came from the edge of town.只是很少去学校,游荡在城市边缘。

11.New houses have mushroomed on the edge of the town.城市边缘的新建房屋犹如雨后春笋。

12.Sustainable Development of Villages Ecological Enviroment in the City Boarder Area;城市边缘村镇生态环境的可持续发展

13.The Case Study of "Country to Residence" Community in City Fringe Area;城市边缘区“村改居”社区改造案例研究

14.Problems and Researches of the Current Large-scale Residential Area on Outskirts;当前城市边缘大型住区的问题与研究

15.Changes and Reconstruction of Village Space in Urban Fringe;大城市边缘区村落空间的变动与重构

16.Research on Communalized Development of Adult Education in Urban Fringe;城市边缘区成人教育社区化发展研究

17.Research on the Characteristics,Functions and the Definition of the Urban Fringe;城市边缘区的界定 特性与作用研究

18.Analysis of Rural Space Changes in Urban Fringe of Nanjing;南京城市边缘区乡村空间的变动分析


City edge城市边缘

1.City edge district has become the position of its transform.随着城市化的快速发展,城市的扩容、高新技术开发区和工业园区的相继落户,城市边缘区成为了其改造的阵地。

3)Edge City边缘城市

1.Study on China sEdge City;中国特色的“边缘城市”发展:解析上海与北京城市区域向多中心结构的转型

2.Study on the Trend of Consumption of Urban Public Space inEdge City边缘城市中的消费公共空间研究——以昆山花桥国际商务城C-25地块项目为例

3.After tracing the formation and predicament of theEdge City, this paper discusses the localization of towns and the responsibility and the pursuit of governments.文章透视了上海青浦边缘城市形成的过程和现状的困境。


1.Spatial-temporal Variation of Integrated Soil Fertility Quality Index in thePeri-urban Suzhou;苏州城市边缘带土壤综合肥力质量时空特征

2.As an interface between the dynamic, interactive and transformative rural-urban spectrum, the peri-urban zone can be divided into several types based on its forming mechanisms.城市边缘带作为城乡交互作用界面,根据其形成机制可划分为不同类型,而土地利用/覆被空间结构的高度复杂性、土地利用形式在时间序列上的强烈可变性是所有边缘带类型的重要共有特征。

3.Urbanization is causing and increasing enormous pressure on soil resource and soil environment in peri-urban area.本研究以江苏省南通市为例,运用RS和GIS技术,在野外调查取样和室内分析的基础上,着重阐述了城市化对城市边缘带土壤资源数量、土壤肥力质量和土壤环境质量的影响。

5)urban fringe城市边缘区

1.Study on characteristics of atmospheric environmental quality inurban fringe of Wuhu;芜湖市城市边缘区大气环境质量特征研究

2.Thoughts on the development of towns inurban fringe district;城市边缘区城镇发展的思考

3.Landscape Ecological Problems and Countermeasures of the Famous Scenic Area in Urban Fringe;城市边缘区风景名胜区景观生态问题与对策

6)urban fringe district城市边缘区

1.Research on sustainable development of Chineseurban fringe districts;我国大城市边缘区可持续发展研究

2.Analysis on sustainable development ofurban fringe district;大城市边缘区可持续发展浅析

3.The development strategies and methods of large-scale projects inurban fringe districts;城市边缘区大规模项目开发的策略与方法


