100字范文 > 广播网络 broadcast network英语短句 例句大全

广播网络 broadcast network英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-01 17:02:19


广播网络 broadcast network英语短句 例句大全

广播网络,broadcast network

1)broadcast network广播网络

1.The optimization ofbroadcast network is a very important problem in communication networks.广播网络的优化是通讯网络中的一个比较重要的问题。


1.Optimal Design and Algorithm on Broadcast Networks in f Mode;f模式下广播网络的优化设计与算法

2.Study of the CATV Data and Broadcasting Network;有线电视数据及广播网络系统的研究

3.Redio broadcasting and network;广播与网络互动——谈网络时代的广播广告

4.local area network multicast局部区域网络多址广播

5.Application of Internet in Net Broadcast;谈Internet在广播中的应用——网络广播

6.Wireless Multicast/Broadcast and Its Application in Network Education;无线网络组播/广播及其在网络教育中的应用

7.A radio broadcasting organization or network of affiliated organizations.广播电台无线电广播组织或联合组织的网络

8.Research of Energy Efficiency in Wireless Networks Broadcasting Base on Network Coding基于网络编码的无线网络广播能量效率研究

9.Wireless broadcasting retransmission approach based on network coding基于网络编码的无线网络广播重传方法

10.The Research on Routing and Broadcasting Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks;无线传感器网络路由与广播算法研究

11.The Research and Improvement of Broadcasting Algorithm in Ad hoc Network;Ad hoc网络中的广播算法研究与改进

12.The Streaming Media Network Broadcast Platform Designing Based on ARM-Linux;基于ARM-Linux的流媒体网络广播平台设计

13.Research on Broadcast Algorithm in Ad Hoc Network;Ad Hoc网络中广播算法的研究

14.An Analysis of the Online Advertising Communication in Olympic Brand Marketing;奥运品牌营销中网络广告传播透析

15.A Survey on the Usage of Chinese Characters and Phrases in the Newspapers,Radio,TV,and Web;报纸、广播电视、网络用字用词调查

16.A Study on Linguistic Environment of Newspaper,Radio,TV and Internet News;论报纸、广播、电视、网络新闻语言的语境

17.The Research on A New Algorithm of Wireless Broadcast Retransmission Based on Network Coding基于网络编码的广播重传算法的研究

18.An Efficient Broadcast Method in Multi-hop Wireless Networks一种多跳无线网络中的高效广播算法


broadcast networks广播网络

1.Broadcasting is a procedure that some vertexes (knowing the information, named originator) call the others inbroadcast networks.将广播网络用简单连通的无向图表示。

3)network broadcasting网络广播

1.After making careful study of broadcasting media under network age, knowing the development ofnetwork broadcasting and aiming at transmission characteristics ofnetwork broadcasting, this essay points out factors restricting its development and prospects its development foreground.认真研究网络时代的广播媒体,了解网络广播的发展,针对网络广播的传播特点,指出目前制约其发展的局限因素,并对它的未来发展进行了展望。

2.The present paper sums u p the forms and the char-acteristics,advantages and drawbacks of network advertisements and re asons out the contributing factors of the speedy development ofnetwork broadcasting.本文概述了网络广告的形式和特点、优势与不足,并对网络广播迅速发展的成因进行分析。

3.In the future,thenetwork broadcasting will inevitably become a new survival mean and development direction of broadcasting.未来,网络广播必然成为广播媒体新的生存方式和发展方向。

4)network broadcast网络广播


1.The emergence of thewebcasting makes the audio frequency document a reality in the smooth dissemination in the network media,and broadcasting has really become "staying voice".网络广播的出现使音频文件在网络媒体中的顺利传播成为现实,广播真正成为"留得住的声音",实现了广播的广为传播。

6)Multicast/broadcast networks多播广播网络


自由欧洲广播电台和自由广播电台美国以东欧社会主义国家和苏联为广播对象的两座国际广播电台。台址设在联邦德国的慕尼黑。均由美国国会外交委员会所属的国际广播委员会领导。前者1950年 7月开始广播,使用6种语言。后者1953年3月开始广播,使用俄语和14种苏联其他民族语言。开播时称"解放广播电台",1963年改现名。后又开办了对阿富汗的达里语(1980.9)和普什图语(1982.7)广播,每天各播出1小时。两台每天广播时数累计152小时(1987)。1971年以前两台主要由美国中央情报局出资, 后改由国会拔款。1986年度预算1.68亿美元。
