100字范文 > 道德意义 moral significance英语短句 例句大全

道德意义 moral significance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-27 14:21:34


道德意义 moral significance英语短句 例句大全

道德意义,moral significance

1)moral significance道德意义


1.regards art as a moralless activity把艺术视为没有道德意义的活动

2.they also show his intention of forsaking evil and promoting virtue.他们也表现了弃恶扬善的道德意义。

3.The Moral Forming Throry of New Freudism and the Meaning to Moral Education;新弗洛伊德主义的道德形成理论及其德育意义

4.Significance of Zhu Xi’s Moral Principles to the Conhstruction of "Family Virtue;朱熹的道德观对家庭美德建设的意义

5.Kantian subjective ethics philosophy and its pedagogic meaning;康德主体性道德哲学及其教育学意义

6.On the Relativity of Morality and Its Meaning in Moral Practice--And An Analysis of Moral Relativism;论道德相对性及其道德实践意义——兼析道德相对主义

7.The true morality conflict to the significance which grows regarding the individual morality;真实的道德冲突对个体道德成长的意义

8.Ethnic-psychology-its impact on the study of ethnics and its application;浅谈道德心理学对道德研究及运用的意义

9.To interpret or explain the moral meaning of.教化阐释或解释道德方面的意义

10.On the Significance of Mencius View of Good Nature of Human in the Contemporary Moral Construction;孟子性善论在当下道德建设中的意义

11.Mengcius Ideological System of Moral Education and Its Modern Significance;孟子道德教育思想体系及其现代意义

12.Sontoku Ninomiya s Way of Cultivation and its Practical Significance;论二宫尊德的修身之道及其现实意义

13.The Practical Significance of the Confucianists’ Instructing Doctrine “Instructing by Good Moral Examples”;论儒家“道之以德”教育方法的现实意义

14.On Metaphysical Significance and Moral Value of “Honesty” in The Doctrine of the Mean;论《中庸》之“诚”的形上意义及道德价值

15.On Morally Self-edifying Function of "Life","Personal" and "Self" in The Analects;《论语》中“身”、“己”、“我”的自我道德教育意义

16.On the Relationship between Music and Ethical Construction and its Significance;试论音乐与道德建设的关系及其意义

17.Aesthetic meaning of Dao De Jing and its aesthetic significance;《道德经》论美的内涵及其美学意义

18.On Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi s "Moral Ontology" and it s Modern Significance;论老庄的“道德本体论”及其现代意义


morally practical meaning道德实践意义

3)meaning of moral education道德教育意义

4)an adherence in the moral sense道德意义上的遵循

1.Inthis changing process, we thereby derive three different modes of following nature, namely intuitionaladherence; an adherence in the scientific sense andan adherence in the moral sense.在这个变化过程中,我们便有了三种不同性质的遵循自然的方式:动物式的遵循、科学意义上的遵循和道德意义上的遵循。

5)Morality and Its Life Meaning道德及其生活意义

6)the significance of governement with moral principle德治意义


《论战斗唯物主义的意义》列宁向马克思主义哲学工作者提出战斗任务的文章。刊载于19 3月《在马克思主义旗帜下》杂志第 3期。中译文载人民出版社1957年出版的《列宁全集》第33卷。发表这篇文章时,正值苏维埃俄国实行新经济政策时期,国内外的资产阶级分子和反动势力企图复辟资本主义,思想领域斗争激烈,唯心主义猖獗,针对这种状况,文章为战斗唯物主义者规定了如下的任务:①共产党员哲学家必须和一切唯物主义者建立联明,共同斗争,反对唯心主义,发展唯物主义哲学;②必须进行彻底的无神论宣传,使广大劳动群众摆脱宗教迷信的束缚,为进行共产主义教育创造条件;③哲学家必须同自然科学家结成联盟,从哲学上总结自然科学的新成就,排除唯心主义的干扰;④在概括科学成就和社会实践经验的基础上探讨和发展唯物主义辩证法。文章还指出,要充分发扬18世纪唯物主义和无神论的优秀传统,特别要以马克思用唯物主义观点改造黑格尔辩证法为典范,用唯物辩证法来分析当代社会。这篇文章是无产阶级党性和科学性结合的典范,是发展马克思主义哲学的纲领性文献。
