100字范文 > 大气闪烁 atmospheric scintillation英语短句 例句大全

大气闪烁 atmospheric scintillation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-24 12:33:04


大气闪烁 atmospheric scintillation英语短句 例句大全

大气闪烁,atmospheric scintillation

1)atmospheric scintillation大气闪烁

1.Influence ofatmospheric scintillation on performance of wireless optical CDMA system;大气闪烁对无线光CDMA通信系统性能的影响

2.To present preference to design of pointing,acquisition and tracking link in space optical communication,time-averaging effect of theatmospheric scintillation in the strong turbulent regime was studied experimentally.为了给空间光通信的瞄准捕获跟踪链路的设计提供参考,实验研究了强湍流区的大气闪烁时间平滑效应,并考虑大气闪烁和瞄准抖动误差,分析了空间光通信的跟瞄链路的强度起伏统计规律;在此基础上,分析了时间平滑对链路衰落起伏的改善作用。

3.Considering the effects of background optical noise,multi-user interference,avalanche photodiode detector(APD) noise,andatmospheric scintillation,the system model of atmospheric two-dimensional wireless optical code division multiple access(2D-WOCDMA) communication system with pulse position modulation(PPM) and fiber Bragg grating.考虑背景光噪声、探测器噪声、多用户干扰和大气闪烁等影响因素,给出了二维无线光码分多址(2D-WOCDMA)系统模型,在该模型中采用了脉冲位置调制(PPM)和光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)编解码器。


1.Spectrum Characteristic of Atmospheric Scintillation in Simulating Convective Boundary Layer模拟的对流边界层大气闪烁频谱特性研究

2.gas scintillator气体闪烁器气体闪烁体

3.Seeing is the scintillation of image caused by turbulence in the atmosphere.宁静度是由大气湍流所引起的象的闪烁反射。

4.The surface of the spaceship was glowing red when it came back into the earth"s atmosphere.“飞回大气层时,我看到飞船表面红光闪烁。

5.Study on the Scintillation of Microwave Propagating through the Atmospheric Turbulence of Northern Region in China中国北方大气湍流中微波传播闪烁问题研究

6.Study and Analysis of the Technology for the Detection of Ionospheric Scintillation Based on GPS Signal基于GPS信号的大气电离层闪烁检测技术研究

7.high pressure helium gas scintillation counter高压氦气闪烁计数器

8.gas proportional scintillation counter气体正比闪烁计数器

9.Twinkle, twinkle, little star闪烁,闪烁,小星星。

10.Flashes on the Effects of Atmospheric Turbulence Laser Communication Systems and Compensation Technology Research大气湍流闪烁效应对激光通信系统影响及补偿技术研究

11.Experiments and Analysis for the Relationship Between Receive-Caliber and Variance of Scintillation Caused by Atmospheric Turbulence大气湍流闪烁方差与接收口径的关系测量实验与分析

12.The candle flickered [was flickering].烛光 (在) 闪烁。

13.The surface of the road shimmered in the heat of the sun.路面在烈日的热气中发出闪烁的微光.

14.The surface of the road shimmer in the heat of the sun.路面在烈日的热气中发出闪烁的微光。

15.A. She has a very pleasant smile and she always has a twinkle in her eye.她时常灿烂地微笑,闪烁着她的大眼睛。

16.The waters danced and sparkled in the sunlight.茫茫大水荡漾,在阳光下闪烁。

17.Ionospheric Scintillation Monitoring for the Communication Channel of the Geosynchronous Meteorological Satellites针对静止气象卫星通讯链路的电离层闪烁监测

18.He had melted off into the surface-shimmer of the desert, into the mirage.他在沙漠里闪闪烁烁的热空气里熔化了,在海市蜃楼的幻景里消失了。



1.Laser signal is affected by thescintillation in the course of atmospheric transmission,thus the performances of the laser detecting system are unstable In this paper,the effect of atmosphericscintillation to laser signal detection is roughly estimated and calculated The corresponding changes of signal detection are also demonstrate激光在大气信道中传输时,会受到大气闪烁的影响,从而造成激光检测系统性能不稳定。

2.To combat the influence ofscintillation, Low-density parity-check codes (LDPC) are adopted to improve the link performance.针对严重影响大气无线光通信链路性能的大气闪烁因素,本文采用低密度校验(Low-Density Parity-Check Codes,LDPC)码用以改善大气无线光通信链路性能。

3)atmosphere scintillation大气闪烁

1.In this paper, some factors affecting free space optical communication ,which is from atmosphere attenuation、atmosphere scintillation and light beam deflection because of sway、rock and float, and solutions are introduced.介绍了大气衰减、大气闪烁以及因摇摆、晃动造成的光束偏离等诸因素对自由空间光通信(FSO)的影响以及相应的解决方法。

4)Laser scintillation激光大气闪烁

5)large area flicker大面积闪烁

1.The effects of different driving schemes on perceived motion artifacts andlarge area flicker were studied for field emission displays.为了优化场致发射显示驱动时序、提高图像显示质量,分析了不同驱动时序对场致发射显示可能出现的运动伪像和大面积闪烁的影响。

2.The physiology mechanism forlarge area flicker and the analysis of the critical flicker frequency(CFF)is firstly studied.在目前显示器件(如CRT,PDP)中,大面积闪烁的问题日益引起人们的关注。

3.An objective characterization method forlarge area flicker of plasma display panel is proposed.针对等离子体显示普遍存在的大面积闪烁现象,提出了一种基于时变光信号亮度测量系统的大面积闪烁客观评价方法。

6)gas scintillator气体闪烁器


