100字范文 > 城镇化水平 urbanization level英语短句 例句大全

城镇化水平 urbanization level英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-17 03:19:37


城镇化水平 urbanization level英语短句 例句大全

城镇化水平,urbanization level

1)urbanization level城镇化水平

1.Theurbanization level has close relationship with the average income of peasants,that is to say,the higherurbanization level,the higher average income of peasants,and vice reverse.城镇化水平与农民人均收入存在着密切关系,即城镇化水平越高,农民人均收入越高;城镇化水平越低,农民人均收入越低。

2.The forecast ofurbanization level is one of the core contents.城镇化水平预测是城镇体系规划的核心内容之一,城镇化水平预测方法是历来研究重点之一。

3.This paper constructs a set of index system of composite evaluation ofurbanization level which includes populationurbanization level, sighturbanization level, economyurbanization level and societyurbanization level and uses the method of multi-factored composite evaluation and gets the index ofurbanization level.构建了一套城镇化水平综合测算的指标体系,把城镇化水平划分为人口城镇化水平、景观城镇化水平、经济城镇化水平、社会城镇化水平,采用多因素综合评价的方法,得到城镇化水平综合指数。


1.Fast development of urbanization.城镇化水平发展较快。

2.Index System of Urbanization Composite Evaluation and Urban Land Use;城镇化水平综合测评与城镇用地分析

3.The Driving Mechanism and Forecast About Urbanism of Jixian天津蓟县城镇化的驱动机制与城镇化水平预测

4.Developing Towns to Upgrade the Urbanization in China;有重点地发展小城镇,提高我国城镇化水平

5.Correlate Study on the Urbanization Standard and Peasants Income;城镇化水平与农民收入的相关性研究

parative analysis of urbanization level in three regions of Chongqing;重庆在三大地域单元城镇化水平比较

7.The Estimation and Truth Analysis about the Urbanization Level Based on AHP基于AHP的城镇化水平测度及实证分析

8.It is essential to raise the level of urbanization gradually and persist in the coordinated development of large, medium and small cities and small towns along the path to urbanization with Chinese characteristics.要逐步提高城镇化水平,坚持大中小城市和小城镇协调发展,走中国特色的城镇化道路。

9.Evaluation of the urbanization level in Harbin-governed counties (cities ) rural areas;哈尔滨县(市)农村城镇化水平的综合评价

10.Gray GM(1.1) Based Handan Urbanization Level Forecast;基于灰色GM(1.1)的邯郸市城镇化水平预测

11.AHP Based Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation for Townifying Level;基于层次分析法的城镇化水平模糊综合评价

12.Monographic Study on Population in De an County and its Urbanization Level;德安县县域人口及城镇化水平专题研究

13.Research on Multi-Factorial Analysis of Urbanization Level in Hehuang Region of Qinghai Province;青海河湟地区城镇化水平的综合分析研究

14.Study on the Countermeasures for Increasing the Urbanization Level Depending on the Sci-tech Progress;依靠科技进步提高城镇化水平的对策研究

15.The National and Regional Urbanization Projection for China;未来全国和不同区域人口城镇化水平预测

16.Analysis and Classified Study on the Provincial Difference of the Urbanization Development Level in Our Countr;我国城镇化水平的省际差异及分类研究

17.The Agglomeration Economy and Urbanization of Rural Areas in China;聚集经济问题与我国农村城镇化水平的提高

18.The Forecast of the Population Development and the Urbanization Level in the Region Along the Railway of South Xinjiang;南疆铁路沿线区域人口发展和城镇化水平预测


level of urbanization城镇化水平

1.Thelevel of urbanization of Jiangsu Province for different standard years was predicted by use of the United Nations method and the consumption level method,and the urban population in this area was analyzed and determined.运用联合国法和消费水平法分别预测出江苏省不同水平年城镇化水平,分析确定了江苏省不同水平年设区城市人口的数量;分别用分项预测法和城市人均综合用水定额法预测不同水平年城市用水量,两者结果非常接近,可采用人均综合用水量预测结果作为不同水平年的城市用水量,用分项预测成果分析各类用水的比重;针对城市用水预测结果,提出了保障江苏省设区城市用水的开源节流建议。

3)urbanization horizontal method城镇化水平法

4)the standard of population urbanization人口城镇化水平

1.This paper uses a new method similar to the formula of comodify price index, and gives a series of formula to measurethe standard of population urbanization.本文针对通常采用的计算人口城镇化水平公式的不足 ,采用类似经济学中计算物价指数的方法予以改进 ,并初步探讨了流动人口在人口城镇化水平测定中相应的处理方

5)levels of Urbanization城镇化水平Ⅰ、Ⅱ

6)urbanization level forecast城镇化水平预测


