100字范文 > 偏差调整 deviation adjusting英语短句 例句大全

偏差调整 deviation adjusting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-31 10:38:46


偏差调整 deviation adjusting英语短句 例句大全

偏差调整,deviation adjusting

1)deviation adjusting偏差调整


1.Cluster-Average Method: Applied in Readjusting the Deviation of Nonresponse;类平均法在无回答偏差调整中的应用

2.Construction technology for adjustment of 1750 t concrete box pier top deviation1750t混凝土箱梁墩顶偏差调整施工工艺

3.The Deviation and Suggestion of the Reform about the Legislation of Electronic Commerce in China;我国电子商务立法的偏差及调整建议

4.The Adjustment of Psychological Deviation for College Students Job-selecting;高职院校大学生择业心理偏差的调整

5.Discussion on Adjustment of Movement Structure Model and Technical Deviation of Gymnastics;论体操动作结构模型与技术偏差的调整

6.AGC of Dynamic Adjust Tie-Line Frequency Bias Based on NERC s Constrol Performance Stanard;CPS标准下动态调整频率偏差系数的自动发电控制

7.Discussion on Adjustment of Movement Mtructure Model and Technical Deviation of Back Slide Step of Shot Put;论背向滑步推铅球动作结构模型与技术偏差的调整

8.Analysis of Station Dwelling Error and Adjustment Solution for Operation after Screen Door"s Installation运营线路加装屏蔽门后列车停站精度偏差分析及调整对策

9.steering worm eccentric adjusting sleeve转向蜗杆偏心调整套


11.Zero adjustment function,forward adjust is forward biased,reverse adjust is reverse biased.零点调整功能,顺时针调整可以偏负,逆时针调整可以偏正。

12.Timing Control Positive Governing Governor Deviation正时控制正调节调速偏差

13.When deviation occurs, the process agent can autonomously make changes to its plan and cooperative relations.过程执行出现偏差时,过程Agent能够自治地对计划以及相互间的协同关系进行调整。

14.Improper adjustment of differential bearings.差速器轴承调整错误。

15.Post Adjustment Index工作地点差价调整数指数(差价调整数指数)

16.Study on Controlling Deviation in the Course of Roll Zeroing on Baosteel s 1580PC Mill;宝钢1580PC轧机零调偏差控制研究

17.Windage and Adjustment of Higher Vocational Students’ Self-awareness for higher vocational school;高职院校学生自我意识的偏差与调适

18.Deviation and Adjustment of Criminals Self - consciousness in Their Later Transforming Period;罪犯改造后期的自我意识偏差与调控


offset error adjustment偏心误差调整

3)error self tuning factor偏差调整因子

1.This paper presents a fuzzy control algorithm witherror self tuning factor.提出了一种带有偏差调整因子的模糊控制算法 ,有效地避免了偏差的淹没现象 ,实现了高精度的模糊控

4)partial adjustment有偏调整

1.On the basis of them,the study to the price behavior of new issues indicates that there are positive revision andpartial adjustment phenomena in Chinese stock market.在详细分析询价制度下新股发行定价过程的基础上,针对询价发行方式下产生的新股价格行为特征进行了实证分析,结果发现我国新股发行定价过程中存在着显著的正向偏离和与国外成熟股票市场相同的“有偏调整”特征,对这些价格行为特征进行的实证研究表明询价过程中存在对信息揭示者的价格补偿和数量补偿,我国的新股询价机制在揭示新股真实价值方面具有较好作用。

5)offset adjustment偏移调整

6)deflection adjustment偏转调整


逼近函数的偏差逼近函数的偏差deviation of an approxmating function通近函数的偏差【山血位扣of ana即.油加tiI犯如‘丘.;yoo.e。。e np:6二:狱a沁川e‘中y。二明。。1逼近函数g〔K和一个给定函数f任叨之间的距离p匆,f).在同一个类叨内可以考虑用不同度量p,譬如一致度量p(g,f)一碧笃}g(x)一f(x)I,以及积分度量 /(。,,)一(i一(·)一,(·):“·)’‘’,p一和别的度量.至于逼近函数的类K则可以用代数多项式、三角多项式,还有f关于某个正交系的正交展开的部分和,这些部分和的线性平均,以及一些别的集之、
