100字范文 > 纠错输出码 error correcting output codes英语短句 例句大全

纠错输出码 error correcting output codes英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-22 12:55:31


纠错输出码 error correcting output codes英语短句 例句大全

纠错输出码,error correcting output codes

1)error correcting output codes纠错输出码

1.A conversion matrix is received by usingerror correcting output codes.提出一种将二类分类问题推广到多类分类问题的新方法,用纠错输出码转换得到转换矩阵,通过转换矩阵把多类分类问题转换成二类分类问题,计算二类分类的平均值来评估分类器的性能。

2)error-correcting output code (ECOC)纠错输出码(ECOC)

3)Error-Correcting Output Coding纠错输出编码

1.ImprovingError-Correcting Output Coding Using Kernel Methods;基于核方法的纠错输出编码多类分类算法改进


1.Output code algorithm for ierarchical error correcting based on KNNModel基于KNN模型的层次纠错输出编码算法

2.Improving Error-Correcting Output Coding Using Kernel Methods;基于核方法的纠错输出编码多类分类算法改进

3.Dignosis of gear fault based on KPCA and ECOC-SVM基于核主元分析与纠错输出编码SVM的齿轮故障诊断

4.Research on encoding and correcting in wireless transmission of shunting work requisition调车作业单无线传输数据编码与纠错的研究

5.A Method of Multi-Radio Transmission Diversity with Packet Level Forward Error Correction采用分组纠错编码的多接入传输分集方法

6.Error correction coding study for vehicle navigation and positioning data transmission车载导航定位数据传输的纠错编码系统研究

7.The Research of Congestion Control and Error Correction Coding of Short Message Service Transmitting Based on DSP;基于DSP短消息发送数据传输拥塞控制及纠错编码的研究

8.Improvement Research and Simulation of the Transmission Mechanism of Adaptive Forward Error Correction Code Based on the Multi-Protocol Label Switch Network;基于MPLS网络的自适应前向纠错编码传输机制的改进研究与仿真

9.Low-density Parity Check Code for Error Correcting in Real-time Voice Transmission一种适于实时语音纠错编码的LDPC码

10.A Technique of Bandwidth Optimization on Forward Error Correction Coding一种前向纠错编解码的带宽优化方法

11.Effect of Error Correction Coding on OCDMA System纠错编码对OCDMA系统性能的影响

12.Research on SVD watermark algorithm based on the error-correcting coding基于纠错编码的SVD水印算法研究

13.Bose-Chaudhuri-HocQuenghem code错误纠正码,bch 码

14.Modern Error Correcting Codes and Their Applications in Distributed Video Coding;现代纠错码及其在分布式视频编码中的应用

15.Research on Rate Allocation Algorithm Based on Error Resilient Arithmetic Code基于纠错算术编码的码率分配算法研究

16.Application of Error Correcting Technology of RS Code in Encoding and Decoding PDF417 CodesRS码纠错技术在PDF417码编译算法中的应用

17.An encoding error has occurred.出现了一个编码错误。

18.An effective unidirectional byte error correcting code and its encoding/decoding algorithms are introduced in the paper.介绍了一种有效的字节式单向错误纠错码及其编码和译码算法。


error-correcting output code (ECOC)纠错输出码(ECOC)

3)Error-Correcting Output Coding纠错输出编码

1.ImprovingError-Correcting Output Coding Using Kernel Methods;基于核方法的纠错输出编码多类分类算法改进

4)error-correcting output codes-support vector machine(ECOC-SVM)纠错输出编码支持向量机

5)error correction coding纠错编码

1.A kind oferror correction coding methods in the communication between singlechip′s serialport and PC in the electric spark forming machine control system is proposed.介绍一电火花成型机数控系统中,单片机串口与PC机通信过程中的纠错编码。

2.As chaos sequences have many specific features,so this paper first modulates origin watermark label using chaos sequences generated using a key as its seed,then applieserror correction coding and magic scrambling to watermark label,afterwards applying bit extension and chaos sequences to that,at last embedding the fore-processed watermark to host image.由于混沌序列具有的优良性质 ,首先由密钥作为种子生成原始混沌序列 ,以此来调制原始水印标志 ,并进行纠错编码和幻方置乱 ,然后进行位扩展和混沌序列调制 ,最后把预处理后的水印嵌入到原始载体图像中 。

3.Thenerror correction coding method is presented and discussed in detail to overcome the disadvantage, so the performance of the communication system is greatly improved.针对一类低速率、小数据量无线数据传输系统在可靠性方面存在的不足 ,分析该类应用的特点及要求 ,提出采用纠错编码技术来克服此缺陷 ,使目标系统的性能得到较大改

6)error correcting code纠错码

1.Application of parameter induced stochastic resonance anderror correcting code technology;参激随机共振及纠错码技术的应用

2.Research of public-key cryptosystem based on McElieceerror correcting code;基于McEliece纠错码的公钥密码体制的研究

3.Research of RS code applied in coding and decoding of PDF417error correcting code;RS码技术在PDF417码纠错码编译码中的应用研究


