100字范文 > 消防装备 fire equipment英语短句 例句大全

消防装备 fire equipment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-14 12:11:24


消防装备 fire equipment英语短句 例句大全

消防装备,fire equipment

1)fire equipment消防装备

1.Establishing and software realizing of a model for optimized distribution tofire equipment;消防装备优化配置的模型建立与软件实现

2.The article proposed the present situation of management and construction offire equipment of our country through the investigation and study,and scientifically analyzed the reason,and proposed the target-oriented management countermeasures of the next step.通过调研,提出了当前我国消防装备管理及建设中存在的问题,科学地分析了这些问题产生的原因,并有针对性地提出了相关对策。


1.Science research and promotion on fire control work should be reiterated and advanced fire control technology and equipage should be adopted.对消防工作,应当加强科学研究,推广、使用先进消防技术、消防装备。

2.In case public fire control facilities and equipage are insufficient or do not fit in with actual demand, efforts should be made on expansion, rebuilding, allocation and purchase or technical reform.公共消防设施、消防装备不足或者不适应实际需要的,应当增建、改建、配置或者进行技术改造。

3.quintuple ladder truck五件套云梯车消防装备有水箱、 水带、 泵浦、 拉梯和机械云梯五种组成

4.fireman general protection equipment消防员常规防护装备

5.fireman special protection equipment消防员特种防护装备

6.Certificate of Fire Service Installations and Equipment消防装置及设备证书

7.provision of fire services installation and equipment提供消防装置和设备

8.control for automatic fire protection equipment自动消防设备控制装置

9.a unit of firefighters including their equipment.包括消防队员及其装备的一个单位。

10.Certificate of Fire Service Installations and Equipment [FS 251]消防装置及设备证书〔FS 251〕

11.Code of Practice for Minimum Fire Service Installations and Equipment《最低限度之消防装置及设备守则》

12.heavy rescue company有重型救援装备的消防队

13.The department operates 661 fire appliances and supporting vehicles fitted with up-to-date fire-fighting and rescue equipment.消防处有661部消防车辆及支援车辆,车上配有最新灭火与救援装备。

14.The Discussion of the Problems and Countermeasures about Fire Communication Equipment;论消防通信装备在使用中存在的问题及对策

15.Consideration on equipment management and construction of national fire army对我国消防部队装备管理及建设的思考

16.pumper-ladder truck泵浦消防梯车梯车上加装消防泵浦的消防车

17.Analysis and Prospects of Fire Fighting and Rescue Equipment Optimum Distribution我国公安消防部队应急救援装备配置的现状分析及展望

18.Fire Service Installation and Ventilation Division [Fire Services Department]消防设备及通风系统课〔消防处〕


fireman"s outfit消防员装备

3)fire equipment cabinet消防装备箱

4)fire protecting arrangement消防设备布置;消防装置

5)fire communication equipment消防通信装备

1.The current situation is introduced offire communication equipment,firstly.介绍了我国消防通信装备在使用中的现状;重点从消防通信装备的配备、技术和管理几方面分析了消防通信装备在使用中存在的问题;从完善火场通信联络方式、不断改进常规、集群无线组网功能、推动数字化手机和消防通信头盔的运用等方面提出了解决问题的对策。

6)fire equipment消防装备建设


城市消防城市消防 urban fire control【概念】为预防和减轻因火灾对城市造成损失而采取的各种预防和减灾措施。
