100字范文 > 时空神经网络 space-time neural network英语短句 例句大全

时空神经网络 space-time neural network英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-13 09:43:56


时空神经网络 space-time neural network英语短句 例句大全

时空神经网络,space-time neural network

1)space-time neural network时空神经网络

2)Time-Delay neural network时延神经网络

1.The paper applied neural network to the research of wood drying control, established time-delay neural network schedule model useful to wood moisture content prediction, gave the identification structure of time-delay neural network and used practical drying data of three species to train and test the networks.将人工神经网络应用于木材干燥控制研究中,建立可用于木材含水率预测的时延神经网络基准模型,并给出其网络辨识结构。

2.Based on the analysis of time-delay neural network and making use of the prior knowledge of character of discrete event dynamic system of military communication network, the uncertain time-delay neural network was put forward.在分析了时延神经网络的基础上,利用军事通信网具有离散事件动态系统性质的先验知识,提出不确定时延神经网络。


1.Research on Bifurcation, Chaos and Their Control in Time-delayed Neural Network System;时延神经网络系统的Hopf分岔、混沌及其控制研究

2.On the Global Exponential Stability and Convergence of Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delays变时延神经网络的全局指数稳定性及收敛性

3.Exponential Stability for Neural Networks Systems with Discrete and Distributed Time-varying Delays含离散和分布时变时延神经网络系统的指数稳定性(英文)

4.Exo-atmospheric Discrimination of Infrared Space Point Target Based on Adaptive Time-Delay Neural Network基于自适应时延神经网络的空间红外点目标识别

5.Internet time-delay prediction based on RBF Neural NetworkRBF神经网络在网络时延预测中的应用

6.The Exponential Stability of Periodic Solutions for Neural Networks with Time-varying Delays;变延时神经网络周期解的指数稳定性

7.Multi-step Network Delay Prediction Model Based on RNN基于随机神经网络的多步网络时延预测模型

8.Forecast of Short Time Traffic Flow Based on Adaptive Time-Delay Neural Network基于自适应延时神经网络的短时交通流预测

9.Research on Nonlinear Time Delay System Control Based on Time Delay Neural Network基于延迟神经网络的非线性时滞系统控制研究

10.Real-Valued Time-Delay Neuro-Fuzzy Model for Power Amplifier with Memory Effects有记忆效应的功放实数延时模糊神经网络模型

11.Fault Diagnosis of Bearings Based on Time-delayed Correlation and Demodulation B-Spline Neural Networks;基于时延相关解调与B样条模糊神经网络的轴承故障诊断

12.Single Neuron PID Control of Networked Control System Based on Time-delay Compensation网络控制系统中基于时延补偿的单神经元PID控制

13.Synchronization of Time Delay and Star Coupling H-R Neural Networks延迟-星形连接H-R神经网络的同步

14.Global asymptotic stability condition for a class of delayed cellular neural networks一类延迟细胞神经网络全局渐近稳定性条件

15.A Class of Neural Network With Time-varying Delays for Solving Quadratic Maximin Problem解二次极大极小的时变时滞神经网络

16.Research on Stability of Delayed Neural Networks and Complex Network Synchronization;时滞神经网络稳定性及复杂网络同步的研究

17.Data Predicting in CNET Using Time-Series-Theory Based GA-BP Network;用时序遗传神经网络预测通信网络业务指标

18.The Theory of Neural Networks and the Stability Analysis of Neural Networks with Delay;神经网络理论及其具有时滞的神经网络的稳定性分析


Time-Delay neural network时延神经网络

1.The paper applied neural network to the research of wood drying control, established time-delay neural network schedule model useful to wood moisture content prediction, gave the identification structure of time-delay neural network and used practical drying data of three species to train and test the networks.将人工神经网络应用于木材干燥控制研究中,建立可用于木材含水率预测的时延神经网络基准模型,并给出其网络辨识结构。

2.Based on the analysis of time-delay neural network and making use of the prior knowledge of character of discrete event dynamic system of military communication network, the uncertain time-delay neural network was put forward.在分析了时延神经网络的基础上,利用军事通信网具有离散事件动态系统性质的先验知识,提出不确定时延神经网络。

3)time-delay neural network延时神经网络

1.As a new data forecasting model,the double BP neural network combined model based on regressive neural network andtime-delay neural network was proposed, which has the advantages of nonlinear combined forecasting methods.在回归和延时神经网络的基础上,利用非线性组合预测方法的优点,提出一种新的预测模型——双重BP神经网络组合模型模型,选用某660MW机组的主蒸汽流量数据进行学习训练,实例计算结果表明双重BP神经网络组合模型可提高单项预测模型的精度,校核样本的平均相对误差为1。

2.By using the principle of various spatial curve classification and usingtime-delay neural network,thetime-delay neural network can distinguishthe little circuit response difference caused by the soft fault and can classify the circuit response properly within the circuit part s tolerance,so the network can be used in diagnosis of the of analog circuitsoft fault.利用延时神经网络对不同空间曲线的分类原理,延时神经网络可以检查出软故障造成的响应信号之间的细微区别,并正确分类元件容差范围内的电路响应信号,具有诊断模拟电路软故障的能力。

4)delayed neural networks时滞神经网络

1.Periodic solutions for impulsive periodicdelayed neural networks;脉冲时滞神经网络的周期解

2.While the dynamical characteristics ofdelayed neural networks include stable, unstable, oscillatory and chaotic behaviors, the dynamical issues ofdelayed neural networks have attracted worldwide attentions in recent years.时滞神经网络广泛应用于信号处理、动态图像处理、人工智能和全局优化等领域,但时滞神经网络在运行过程中有可能出现稳定、不稳定、振荡和混沌等动力学行为,近年来时滞神经网络的动力学问题引起了学术界的广泛关注。

5)time delay neural network时延神经网络

1.The ability of neural networks to deal with time dynamic signal was improved with a new neural network architecture specializing in syllable recognition based on thetime delay neural network (TDNN) and the convolutional neural network.为了提高人工神经网络处理动态信号能力 ,在时延神经网络 ( TDNN )和卷积神经网络 ( CNN)的基础上 ,针对孤立音节的特点 ,提出了一个新的网络结构 ,研究了其学习算法。

6)delayed neural network时滞神经网络

1.The stability of the null solution in a system ofdelayed neural network is investigated, and the parameter condition of the occurence of the Hopf bifurcation in the system is give给出一类时滞神经网络系统的零解的局部稳定判定准则,并给出该系统出现Hopf分枝的参数条件


Hopfield神经网络模型Hopfield神经网络模型Hopfield neural network model收敛于稳定状态或Han加Ing距离小于2的极限环。上述结论保证了神经网络并行计算的收敛性。连续氏pfield神经网络中,各个神经元状态取值是连续的,由于离散H6pfield神经网络中的神经元与生物神经元的主要差异是:①生物神经元的I/O关系是连续的;②生物神经元由于存在时延,因此其动力学行为必须由非线性微分方程来描述。为此,在1984年J.J.H叩fi酗提出了连续氏pfield神经网络,它可用图1所示的电路实现,其动态方程┌───┐│·T叮 │└───┘图1连续F砧pfield神经网络(a)Sigmoid非线性;(b)神经元模型可由下述微分方程式描述: 、,产 门J/r、l、1.。瓮一客、一佘Ii认=f(u£)£=l,2,…,n式中f(·)为连续可微的Sign101d函数;T,j=兀、i,j=1,2,“’,n几=0]=i1~.吞~·‘八文一Q*+,戮T,j‘一‘,2,”一”连续时间氏pfield神经网络式的计算能量函数定义为:一告客客几从砚石l「Vi_1,、,合,,,+乞古!‘厂‘(x)dx一乙I,从(4)’月R‘Jo“‘、一’一月一,” 对于式(3),若f一‘为单调增且连续,C>0,T,j=几(i,j=1,2,一,n),则沿系统的运动轨道有dE一。-丁丁足之Uat当且仅当贷一。时 箭一。式(3)的稳定平衡点就是能量函数E〔式(4)」的极小点,反之亦然。同时,连续氏pfield神经网络式(3)以大规模非线性连续时间并行方式处理信息。网络的稳定平衡点对应于其计算能量函数E的极小点,网络的计算时间就是它到达稳定的时间,网络的计算在系统趋于稳态的过程中也就完成了。这也是式(3)用于神经计算及联想记忆的基本原理,也即神经计算机的基本原理。HoPfield shenling wangluo moxingHopfield神经网络模型(Hopfieldne,Ine幻即0比m侧触l)一种单层全反馈的人工神经网络模型(后称之为氏p玉idd模型),它对推动人工神经网络研究的复苏起了很重要的作用。且,lield对人工神经网络研究的贡献主要有:(l)把有反馈的神经网络看作一个非线性动力系统,提出了系统的全局Lyap阴lov函数(或称能量函数)的概念,用于系统稳定性的分析;(2)利用上述分析方法解决人工智能中的组合优化问题,如15护;(3)给出了利用模拟电子线路实现的连续Hopfidd网络的电路模型,为进一步研究神经计算机创造了条件。
