100字范文 > 宽带城域网 broadband metropolitan area network英语短句 例句大全

宽带城域网 broadband metropolitan area network英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-26 13:19:33


宽带城域网 broadband metropolitan area network英语短句 例句大全

宽带城域网,broadband metropolitan area network

1)broadband metropolitan area network宽带城域网

1.This paper introduces the concept and definition ofbroadband metropolitan area network,then discusses the functional architecture model of broadband metropolitan access network.本文讨论了宽带城域网的概念、定义 ,并针对宽带城域接入网的功能结构模型进行了探讨。


1.The Research on Security Architecture of Carrier Metro Broadbank Network;电信宽带城域网网络安全体系的研究

2.Application and Comparison of the Newest Broadband MAN Technologies新一代宽带城域网技术的应用与比较

3.Research and Design on the Framework Structure of Cable TV IP MAN;广电宽带城域网整体架构研究与设计

4.Analysis and Design of Router-type Broad Band Metro Aero Network;基于路由型的宽带城域网分析与设计

5.Study of OFDMA for BWS;无线宽带城域网中OFDMA接入技术研究

6.Design and Realization of Regional CATV Broadband MAN;地区CATV宽带城域网的设计与实现

7.Build New Generation Broadband MAN with Optical Ethernet Technology用光以太网技术建设新一代宽带城域网

8.Study on the achieving plan of commercial internet access to the broadband LAN;商业驻地网接入宽带城域网的实现方案探讨

9.The Design and Implementation of Uplink Scheduling of MAC Layer in WMAN;无线宽带城域网MAC层上行带宽调度的设计与实现

10.This paper introduces the concept and definition of broadband metropolitan area network, then discusses the functional architecture model of broadband metropolitan access network.本文讨论了宽带城域网的概念、义,并针对宽带城域接入网的功能结构模型进行了探讨。

11.Study on Critical Technology of Electronic Commerce and Broadband Metropolitan Area Network电子商务与宽带城域网的关键技术研究

12.Research on the Project of the Fuzhou Telecom Broadband Metropolitan Area Network Optimization and Capacity Expansion;福州电信宽带城域网络优化扩容方案研究

13.Optimizing Design of Baotou Netcom Broadband IP Metropolitan Area Network;包头网通宽带IP城域网网络优化设计

14.The Research and Experience for Jinan Metro Ethernet s Builiding Programme;济南宽带IP城域网建设的研究与实践

15.Design and Realizing of the Land Broadband Network Resource Administrative System of City;城域宽带网资源管理系统设计与实现

16.The Design and Implementation of WiMax Broadband Wireless MAN System;WiMax宽带无线城域网系统的设计与实现

17.Carrier-class Broadband IP MAN Construction and Applied Research;电信级宽带IP城域网建设与应用研究

18.The Function of Broadband Access Server(BRAS) and the Application in the Broadband IP Metropolitan Network Optimization Construction;宽带接入网关BRAS的功能及其在宽带IP城域网优化建设中的实现


broadband metropolitan area networks宽带城域网

1.First,the paper presents conceptions,characteristics and structures ofbroadband metropolitan area networks,then presents main construction plan forbroadband metropolitan area networks such as IP over ATM,IP over SDH,IP over WDM/DWDM,IP over RPR,IP over GE,IP over MSPP,finally presents the principle for construction plan and applications in the electric trades.论文阐述了宽带城域网的概念、特征和结构,还阐述了IPoverATM,IPoverSDH,IPoverWDM/DWDM,IPoverRPR,IPoverGE,IPoverMSPP等宽带城域网主流组网方案,最后阐述了组网方案选择的原则以及在电力系统通信中的应用。

2.broadband metropolitan area networks is now focuses of communications networks development .宽带城域网是当前通信网发展的热点。

3)Bandwidth MAN城域宽带城域网

4)Metropolitan area broad-band network城域宽带网


1.Study of mobile E-business based on IEEE 802.16A forBMAN;基于IEEE 802.16A的无线宽带城域网络移动电子商务系统

6)broadband IP MAN宽带IP城域网

1.Development prospects ofbroadband IP MAN;宽带IP城域网发展前景分析

2.Optimized Strategy and Application of the Broadband IP MAN;宽带IP城域网的优化策略及应用

3.Optimization and Practice of Fuzhou Unicom s Broadband IP MAN;抚州联通宽带IP城域网优化设计与实践


城域网(见计算机网络)城域网(见计算机网络)metropolitan area network, MANehengyuwQng城域网(metropolitan area netwo次,MAN)分布范围可覆盖几个街区到整个城市的计算机网络。见计算机网络。
