100字范文 > 整合策略 integrated strategy英语短句 例句大全

整合策略 integrated strategy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-24 08:49:17


整合策略 integrated strategy英语短句 例句大全

整合策略,integrated strategy

1)integrated strategy整合策略


1.Tactical thinking on the reorganization of human resources after the merging of three colleges;学院合并后的人力资源整合策略思考

2.Changde Cigarette Factory Human Resources Conformity Strategy Research;常德卷烟厂的人力资源整合策略研究

3.Research on Network Marketing Channel Integration Strategy of Turism Enterprises;旅游企业网络营销渠道整合策略研究

4.An Integration Study on Chinese IT Enterprises after the Merger and Acquisition;我国IT企业跨国并购后的整合策略研究

5.Strategy of the Insurance Marketing Channel Integration under the Enterprise Value Chain;企业价值链下保险营销渠道整合策略

6.Culture Conflict and Culture Integration in the Corporate Merger and Acquisition;论企业并购中的文化冲突及整合策略

7.An Analysis of College English Reform Strategies in Medical Colleges;医学院校大学英语课程整合策略分析

8.The Integration Strategy of Human Resources after Merger and Acquisition of High-Technology Company;高科技企业并购后人力资源整合策略

9.Reintegration Strategy Study on Teaching and Learning in Distance Education;远程教育中教与学再度整合策略研究

10.Problems to Integrate Disciplines in Merged Higher Learning Institutions and Countermeasures;合并高校学科整合的难点与策略探讨

11.The Strategies on the Combination of Network Culture and Class Management浅谈网络文化与班级管理整合的策略

12.The Application and Strategies of Integrated Marketing in AAA Maritime Co., Ltd.;AAA航运集团整合营销的应用与策略

13.A Study on Vehicle Control Strategy for SH750 Hybrid Electric Car;SH750混合动力轿车整车控制策略研究

14.Explore the Strategy of Local BIC of China s Domestic Car;探索中国家用轿车整合品牌传播策略

15.Integrated Application Research of Marketing Strategy on Cash Residence Mart;商品住宅市场营销策略整合应用研究

16.Research on the Principles and Strategies of the Instructional Design for Integrated Curriculum;整合课程教学设计的原理与策略研究

17.The Strategy to Achieve Integration of Information Technology and Subject Teaching;信息技术与学科教学整合的实现策略

18.IT Integration Strategy Selection in M&A and Its Activities Framework;企业并购中的IT整合框架及其策略选择


integration strategy整合策略

3)integration strategies整合策略

1.Research of Meger and Acquisition in Automobile Enterprise and It s Integration Strategies;汽车企业并购及其整合策略研究

4)Tactics integration策略整合

5)The combination strategy整合性策略

6)Profound level combines the tactics深层次整合策略


