100字范文 > 文化品质 cultural quality英语短句 例句大全

文化品质 cultural quality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-16 08:06:00


文化品质 cultural quality英语短句 例句大全

文化品质,cultural quality

1)cultural quality文化品质

1.Taking “Artistic Life” as an example, this text attempts to analyze the cultural implications of current TV talk program, points out that the success of TV talk show involves its inherentcultural quality, explores how the TV talk show effectively constructs contemporary mainstream culture, which is important for the TV talk show to make maximum social benefit in the socialist market economy.本文试图分析目前电视谈话节目的文化内涵,并以《艺术人生》为代表,指出电视谈话节目的成功涉及到其内在的文化品质的高低,探索电视谈话节目如何有效的承担起当代社会主流文化建设。



2.Upgrading Cultural Characteristics of School and Constructing Harmonious Campus;提升学校文化品质 构建和谐校园

3.Cultural Viewpoints on the TV Talk Program --Also on the Cultural Quality of Artistic Life;电视谈话节目的文化观照——兼议《艺术人生》的文化品质

4.The scene of the countryside where people live together as a big family have a special culture character.聚族而居的村落景观具有独特的文化品质。

5.Primary Exploration on Campus Cultural Savour, Humanistic Environment and Cultural Quality Education;校园文化品位、人文环境与文化素质教育初探

6.Critic on Homogenizing the Producing of Cultural Product;关于文化产品生产同质化倾向的研究

7.On the Influence of Cyber Culture on the Morality of College Students论网络文化对大学生道德品质的影响

8.Quality optimization of the multi-factor and multi-index product;多因素多指标产品的质量优化(英文)

9.Constructing China s High Quality Enterprise Culture;构建中国高品质企业文化的基本内容

10.Research on Guangdong Hakka Culture of Tea and Hakka Quality of Famous Tea广东客家茶文化与客家名茶品质研究

11.Constructing Harmonious Campus Culture to Promote Education Quality建设和谐的校园文化 提升教育品质

12.Standardization measurements for improvement of frequality of design documents提高产品设计文件质量的标准化措施

anizational location includes: the special quality of product or service, of rules, of personnel and that of culture.组织定位包括:产品(服务)特质、规范特质、人员特质、文化特质。

14.The Transformation Mode of the Tourism Productivization of Intangible Cultural Heritage;非物质文化遗产旅游产品化的转型模式研究

15.The Transformation Mode of the Tourism Products of Intangible Cultural Heritage;非物质文化遗产旅游产品化的转型模式

16.This long-time accumulation of quality culture is the base of producing high-quality furniture.这种长久积淀的品质文化,正是生产高品质家具的坚实基础。

17.Build Great Quality Coporate Culture Impove Core Comptence;构建高品质企业文化提升企业核心竞争力

18.The Heterogeneous Conflict between the Modern Brand Building and the Local Culture;本土文化与现代品牌建设的异质性冲突分析


cultural character文化品质

1.The activity of the mathematics Olympic was a global cultural phenomenon with deep-going connotation and profoundcultural character.几何试题中蕴含着这种文化现象的深刻内涵,折射着这种文化品质特有的内容与风格。

3)quality culture品质文化

1.But the brand establishment make with the good quality while the forming process ofquality culture is long-time and complex and it needs the staff s intense quality consciousness and evenquality culture formation.而品牌的建立需用良好的品质来打造,品质文化形成过程是长久的,复杂的,需要员工强烈的品质意识,乃至品质文化的形成。

4)cultural quality人文品质

1.This paper, by analyzing thecultural quality problems on urban human settlement environment at persent, expounds its importance of culture guildline in urban human settlement environment construction .本文通过分析当前城市人居环境建设的人文品质问题,阐述了在城市人居环境建设中进行人文引导的重要性。

2.Taking Shapingba district in Chongqing as the case, this paper analyzed thecultural quality problems, such as the consciousness of culture and management on urban human settlement environment at present,and also discussed orientation the basic of cul.随着城市化进程的加速,在经济快速发展的条件下,城市人居环境建设已普遍为人们所关注,特别是其人文品质,对人们精神的塑造更有着直接影响。

5)literature qualities文学品质

6)Brand culture品牌文化

1.On the obstacles and solutions of constructing the brand culture of the China Postal Savings Bank;中国邮政储蓄银行品牌文化的构建障碍及其对策

2.Building brand culture to promote hospital core competition;建设品牌文化 提高医院核心竞争力

3.Research on Brand Culture Strategy of Haidian District s City Marketing;海淀区城市营销之品牌文化策略研究


白茶品质特征(quality characteristics of white tea)白茶品质特征(quality characteristics of white tea)在色、香、味、形方面显示白茶品质特点的性状。白茶白色芽毫多,汤浅黄,毫香显,毫味重。按芽叶嫩度和鲜叶的茶树品种分为白毫银针、白牡丹和贡眉三种。白毫银针纯为毫芽,不带梗蒂,肥壮长大,形状如针,色泽银白,香气清鲜,毫香浓。汤浅杏黄色。白牡丹、贡眉(寿眉)外形毫芽多而肥壮,叶张肥嫩,叶态平伏舒展,叶缘垂卷,叶面有隆起波纹,叶尖微翘、芽叶相连而稍并拢。叶面色泽灰绿、墨绿或翠绿,叶背银白色、叶脉微红。香气毫香浓显,滋味鲜爽醇厚清甜,汤色橙黄明亮。叶底匀亮,灰绿到黄绿,梗及叶脉微红。白牡丹毫芽特别肥壮长大,两叶抱芽,遍披白色茸毛,毫香特显,滋味醇厚,品质胜贡胥。
