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苗医药 the miao national medicine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-30 18:03:51


苗医药 the miao national medicine英语短句 例句大全

苗医药,the miao national medicine

1)the miao national medicine苗医药

2)Miao medicine culture苗族医药文化

1.The author discusses in-depth the relationship betweenMiao medicine culture, modern science and Miao medicine industry: .论文对苗族医药文化、现代科学技术与苗药产业的关系作了深入的探讨指出:苗族医药文化是苗药产业发展的根基;现代科学技术是苗药产业发展的关键。

3)Miao Ethnomedicine苗药

1.Antibacterial Activities of Extracts fromMiao Ethnomedicine Pilea notata C.H.Wright苗药冷水花提取物的抑菌作用


1.Study on the Chemical Constituents and Pharmacognosy of Perploca Forrestii Schltr;苗药黑骨藤的生药学以及化学成分研究

2.Research on the SOD determination of Rosa roxburghii Tratt and preserving methods苗药刺梨SOD测定及其保存方法探讨

3.Study on Effects of the Extracts of Miao Ethnomedicine Pilea notata C.H. Wright on Anti-inflammation and Analgesic苗药冷水花提取物抗炎镇痛活性的研究

4.Biotech Drugs and Vaccines生物技术制药与疫苗

5.Salk vaccine【药】索尔克氏疫苗;脊髓灰质炎菌苗(预防小儿麻痹)

6.preventive medicine; vaccines are prophylactic; a prophylactic drug.防病的药物;疫苗有预防的效果;预防疾病的药。

7.To introduce(a drug or vaccine, for example) into a body part.注射(药液)将(例如药或疫苗)注入身体一部分

8.Acute Toxicity of Five Drugs to Hemibarbus maculates Fries五种药物对花?鱼苗的急性毒性试验

9.Prevention and Treatment of Coccidiosis with Herbal Medicine and the DNA Vaccine;鸡球虫病的中药防治与DNA疫苗研究

10.Fusarium Species Causing Rice Bakanae Disease and Resistance of the Pathogen to Fungicides in Jiangsu Privince;江苏水稻恶苗病菌种类和抗药性研究

11.Weed Control Efficacy Trial of 20% ‘Longjuanfeng’ Aqueous Solution in Nursery20%龙卷风水剂除治苗圃杂草药效试验

12.Therapeutic effects of DNA vaccines in a mouse model of multi-drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis infectionDNA疫苗治疗小鼠耐多药结核病的研究

13.On Medicine Logic that Derives from Hmong People s Life Consciousness--Research Institute of Anthropology & Ethnology,Jishou University;苗族生命意识衍生的医药逻辑诠释——以东部支系(湘西方言)苗族为例

14.This productis safe both to the seeds germination and the seedlings,as wellas personnelthatconducting the application ,it may be used as an alternativeto the weedsremoving by hand forseed bed .该药剂对烟种萌发和烟苗安全,对施药人员安全,可替代苗床手工除草。

15.Still No Vaccine, but Better Antiviral, Drugs Are on the Way依旧不是疫苗但已有了更好的抗艾滋病毒的药

16.Doctors use two main types of drugs for the prevention of disease: ( 1 ) vaccines and ( 2 ) serums.医生使用两类主要药物预防疾病:(1)疫苗,(2)血清。

17.Technique Study on Pesticide Renew to Pest on Seedling Stage of Spring Cole in Qinghai Province青海省春油菜苗期害虫用药更新技术初探

18.Pharmacodynamic Study on Nanoemulsion-encapsulated Tumor Specific Antigen Protein Vaccine;肿瘤基因工程纳米乳剂疫苗的药效学研究


Miao medicine culture苗族医药文化

1.The author discusses in-depth the relationship betweenMiao medicine culture, modern science and Miao medicine industry: .论文对苗族医药文化、现代科学技术与苗药产业的关系作了深入的探讨指出:苗族医药文化是苗药产业发展的根基;现代科学技术是苗药产业发展的关键。

3)Miao Ethnomedicine苗药

1.Antibacterial Activities of Extracts fromMiao Ethnomedicine Pilea notata C.H.Wright苗药冷水花提取物的抑菌作用


1.Pondering on the Acceleration of High-Tech Medicine Industry Development;加快医药高新技术产业发展的思考

2.Protection of Intellectual Property and Establishment of Technological Intermediaries in Medicine;医药知识产权的保护与医药科技中介机构的建立

3.Chemical modification of D-glucosamine and its application in biology andmedicine;D-氨基葡萄糖的化学修饰及其在生物医药领域的应用


1.Research on Industrial organization ofpharmaceutical industry in China;我国医药产业的产业组织分析

2.Research on and analyse of thepharmaceutical market structure of China;对我国医药行业市场结构的分析与研究

3.Development of The Application of Soy Isoflavones in HealthFoods and Pharmaceutical;大豆异黄酮在保健食品和医药中应用的研究进展


1.Ethylene glycol phenyl ether is mainly used in solvent,pharmaceuticals and commodity chemicals.目前 ,全球乙二醇苯醚的生产能力约为 17万t/a,装置开工率在 80 %~ 90 % ,产品的主要应用领域有溶剂、医药、日用化学品等。

2.The characters and new development of enzymatic catalysts,some recent applications of biocatalysts in thepharmaceuticals industry, such as enzymatic synthesis of antibiotics, chiral drugs, aspartame and chiral pharmaceutical intermediates were presented.介绍了近年来酶催化工艺在医药领域中 ,如酶法合成半合成抗生素、手性药物及中间体等生产中的一些应用及酶催化剂的一些特点和新发展 ,并对酶催化工艺用于制药工业的研究和发展进一步作了评

3.Dibromoaniline is an important organic intermediate for synthesis ofpharmaceuticals, alkaloid and ferromagnetics.2 ,6 二溴苯胺是重要的有机合成中间体 ,可用于合成医药、生物碱和铁磁体等。


