100字范文 > 蒙古族地区 Mongolian regions英语短句 例句大全

蒙古族地区 Mongolian regions英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-28 05:33:54


蒙古族地区 Mongolian regions英语短句 例句大全

蒙古族地区,Mongolian regions

1)Mongolian regions蒙古族地区

1.There are Tibetan Buddhism Temples that have various kinds of Raseng inMongolian regions of the Qing Dynasty,large or medium sized Tibetan Buddhism Temples all have Manba Raseng.清代蒙古族地区藏传佛教寺庙中设有各种扎仓,较大的或中等寺庙均有曼巴扎仓。


1.The spread and influence of Lamaism in Kazuo mongolian district喇嘛教在喀左蒙古族地区的传播及其影响

2.Yurt Architectural Decorative Art of the Mongol Nationality in Inner Mongolia;内蒙古地区蒙古族毡帐建筑装饰艺术

3.On City Modernization of Mongolian Population in Inner Mongolia浅谈内蒙古地区蒙古族人口城市化现状

4.The Reasons of the Flow of the Inland Han People into Inner Mongolia Region in the Qing Dynasty;清代汉族移民进入内蒙古地区的原因

5.The Differences of Parental Rearing Patterns among Mongolia and Han Nationality Undergraduates in Inner Mongolia;内蒙古地区蒙汉族大学生父母教养方式研究

6.Study on 4 Human Population Genetic Characters of Mongol and Han in Western Inner Mongolia内蒙古西部地区蒙古族、汉族4项人类群体遗传学特征的研究

7.The Change and Influence of the Administration System in Inner-Mongolia during the Time between the Late Qing Dynasty and 1911-1949;清末民国时期内蒙古地区政区管理体制变迁及对蒙古族的影响

8.of or relating to the region of Mongolia or its people or their languages or cultures.属于或关于蒙古地区、蒙古人、蒙古语、蒙古文化的。

9.I) Mongols live in Mongolia. They like wrestling.蒙古族人民喜欢骑马摔跤,主要居住在内蒙古地区。

10.Historically Buriat-Mongol were a branch of Mongol, residing in the Baikal region.布里亚特—蒙古人历史上是蒙古族的一支 ,居住在贝加尔湖地区。

11.The Research and Study on the Execute of the Comprehensive Practice Course of Mongolia Elementary Schools in the Inner Mongolia Area;内蒙古地区蒙古族小学综合实践活动课程实施情况之调查研究

12.Study on Traditional Botanical Knowledge of the Mongolians" in Typical Steppe Area of Xilingol, Inner Mongolia内蒙古锡林郭勒盟典型草原地区蒙古族传统植物学知识的研究

13.A Positive Study on System of Dispute Settlement in the Region Where Mongolians Live in a Compact Community;蒙古族聚居地区纠纷解决机制的实证研究

14.Research on Developing Organizational Culture of the Mogolian Kindergarten--A Case Study in Hohhot呼和浩特地区蒙古族幼儿园园文化建设研究

15.A Comparative Study of the Yu Mongolians and Other Mongolians in Tibetan Areas;余氏蒙古族与藏区其他蒙古族之比较研究

16.Reserch on Construction of Spa Tourism in Ethnic Regions Takeing an Example of Mongolia Style Spa Tourism in Inner Mongolia;民族地区温泉旅游的建设研究——以内蒙古“蒙式温泉”旅游构建为例

17.A Survey of the Knowledge of Nutrition、the Attitute towards Nutrition and the Practice of Diet among Mongolian and Han Middle School Students in Bayannaore of Inner Mongolia内蒙古巴彦淖尔地区蒙汉族中学生营养知识、态度及行为调查

18.Study on English Teaching Problem of "Mongolian Class Beginning with ABC" for Teacher-Training of Colleges and Universities in Inner Mongolia--A Case Study on College of Foreign Language of Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities;内蒙古地区师范类蒙授英语专业教学模式的研究——以内蒙古民族大学外国语学院为例


mongolia area蒙古地区

1.During this period, the Qing government carried out a variety of policies and measures with obvious national traits and area characteristic in Mongolia area.在此期间,清政府在蒙古地区推行和采取了种种具有明显民族特点和地区特点的政策措施。

2.Chapter one mainly describes the concept of the secularchange of Tibet Buddhism in Mongolia area,, explains theconcepts of secular change of religion of scholars bothat home and abroad.《藏传佛教在蒙古地区的世俗化探究》一文由导论、正文两章、结语、参考书目等五个部分组成。

3)local Mongolians当地蒙古族

4)Inner Mongolia area内蒙古地区

1.Objective:To report the clinical materials of 2 cases of renal echinococcus disease which were first diagnosed and cured in theInner Mongolia area;Methods:The excision operation of internal capsule were performed.目的 :介绍内蒙古地区最先诊断并治疗的肾包虫病患者的临床资料 ;方法 :2例均施行内囊摘除术 ,其中 1例为开放性肾包虫 ,行患肾切除术 ;结果 :近期随访均未复发 ;结论 :B超检查 ,此病可因包虫内“子囊”、“孙囊”造成“混合性回声超声波” ;CT扫描本病的囊壁较肾囊肿略厚 ,并显示特有的“囊中囊”征或囊内蜂窝状分隔 ;患者Casoni皮内试验多呈阳性。

2.The study, upon the refugee matter in theInner Mongolia area during the last period of Qing dynasty, is one of the most important research topics in the domain of the social sciences.晚清内蒙古地区的流民问题研究是社会科学研究的重要课题之一。

5)Inner Mongolia region内蒙古地区

ment on Historical Status and Multi——culture on Inner Mongolia Region in Qin and Han Dynasties;论秦汉时期内蒙古地区的历史地位与多元文化

2.Qin and Han Dynasties were a period of great unification in the Chinese history,in which theInner Mongolia region occupies an important position.内蒙古地区在这一时期有着重要的历史地位,是农耕文化与游牧文化的交汇地带。

3.This book describes the changes of history and politics in theInner Mongolia region from “the September 18 Incident" to “the Xi An Incident".《征人泪》作为张长弓先生的绝笔之作 ,是其《北国》三部曲的第二部 ,书中描绘的是“九一八”之后 ,西安事变之前 ,内蒙古地区的风云变化。

6)Inner Mongolia内蒙古地区

1.The Methods of Information Quality Education of University Libraries inInner Mongolia;内蒙古地区高校图书馆开展信息素质教育的途径

2.The Distribution and the Trend of Air Water Resources inInner Mongolia in Recent 20 Years;近二十年内蒙古地区空中水资源的分布及变化趋势

3.Some Issues of Minority University Students inInner Mongolian Area;内蒙古地区少数民族大学毕业生自身存在问题分析


太平洋地区标准会议标准(见太平洋地区标准会议)太平洋地区标准会议标准(见太平洋地区标准会议)standards of PASC: see Pacific Area Standards Congress; PASCTa iPingyang Diqu Bioozhun Hu呼ib沁幻Zhun太平洋地区标准会议标准(s切md田心sofR巧C)见太平洋地区标准会议。
