100字范文 > 绿色科技 green science and technology英语短句 例句大全

绿色科技 green science and technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-07 02:35:17


绿色科技 green science and technology英语短句 例句大全

绿色科技,green science and technology

1)green science and technology绿色科技

1.Take thegreen science and technology innovation as the strut to promote our country s circulation economy;以绿色科技创新为支撑 促进我国循环经济发展

2.As a win-win technology of human and nature,green science and technology is essential way to sustainable development.绿色科技作为一种人与自然双赢的科学技术,是通向可持续发展的必由之路。

3.Current situation of internal and externalgreen science and technology is analyzed in greater detail,and thatgreen science and technology has significance on sustainable development of China is expounded in this paper.阐述绿色科技及其在中国可持续发展中意义的同时,详细分析了国内外绿色科技发展现状,并针对我国21世纪面临的环境问题,着重分析了21世纪我国环境保护事业对绿色科技的需求及我国21世纪绿色科技的发展趋


1.Interpretation on the ‘Green Science and Technology’ in Colleges and Universities--Take Wuyi University for Example高校“绿色科技”解读——以武夷学院为例

2.Research on the Green Science and Technology Support System for the Socialist Harmonious Society;社会主义和谐社会的绿色科技支撑体系研究

3.Green science and technology:the standard of ecological times and the development of science;绿色科技:生态时代的规范与学界研究的进展

4.Take the green science and technology innovation as the strut to promote our country s circulation economy;以绿色科技创新为支撑 促进我国循环经济发展

5.The circulation economy development needs the green science and technology innovation as the strut.循环经济的发展需要绿色科技创新生态化作为支撑。

6.Strategic Conception & Actualization Scheme of Guangzhou Baiyun Green Scientific Technological R&D Corridor;广州白云绿色科技研发走廊的战略构想与实施方案

7."Green, high-tech and people friendly Olympic Games"绿色奥运,科技奥运,人文奥运

8.Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics and People"s Olympics?绿色奥运”“科技奥运”“人文奥运”。

9.Developing the Coal Resources with the Concepts of the Green,Sci-tech and Humanity;用“绿色·科技·人文”理念开发煤炭资源

10.Exerting Science and Technology Power, Based on Human Being, Building Green Coal Mining Areas;发挥科技力量,以人为本,建设绿色矿区

11.Humanistic,sci-tech and green Olympics --new idea of modern Olympics;现代奥运新理念:人文、科技、绿色

12.Interpretation of "Green Olympics,High-tech Olympics and People"s Olympics"解读“绿色奥运、科技奥运、人文奥运”

13.An Example of Environment Sustainable Development Buildings绿色建筑实例分析——“科华数码广场”项目绿色建筑技术介绍

14.Environmental Technology-Airlaid Nonwovens for Recyling Waste绿色环保科技——气流成网的非织造布工艺技术

15.Research on the Green Index System of Regional Science and Technology Input Performance Evaluation;区域科技投入绩效绿色评估指标体系研究

16.Technology Development Strategy Based on Green Manufacturing of Hubei Automobile Manufacturing;湖北汽车制造业基于绿色制造的科技发展战略

17.Strengthen Scientific Innovation is the Base of Developing Green Building Industry in our Country;加强科技创新是发展我国绿色建筑业的根本

18.On the connotation and building of the college campus culture;绿色、人文、科技、和谐——大学校园文化的内涵和建设


green technology绿色科技

1.Discussion on the Green Technology Practice in Shanghai;上海实施绿色科技进程中的若干问题

2.The article states that redesigning traditional industry and developing environment industry bygreen technology guided by the thoughts of LCA(Life Cycle Assessment) will accelerate the sustainable development of economy and exploit wide space for econoic growth.绿色科技以产品为中心 ,是传统产业绿化改造和环保产业发展的关键环节。

3)Green Science Conception绿色科技观

4)green science and technology innovation绿色科技创新

1.Take thegreen science and technology innovation as the strut to promote our country s circulation economy;以绿色科技创新为支撑 促进我国循环经济发展

5)green science绿色科学

1.Reliabiable human-centered thinking’sgreen science innovation design;可靠性人本绿色科学创新设计

6)green technology绿色技术

1.Study on Externalities and Compensation in the Development of Green Technology;绿色技术发展的外部经济性及其补偿研究

2.Research on functional Sources of Green Technology Innovation;绿色技术创新功能源研究

3.Countermeasures for the rise and development ofgreen technology innovation;绿色技术创新的兴起及发展对策


