100字范文 > 封建制 feudal system英语短句 例句大全

封建制 feudal system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-21 19:35:41


封建制 feudal system英语短句 例句大全

封建制,feudal system

1)feudal system封建制

1.The feudal law system in China,an important component of feudal society,embodies the social politics,economy,cultural life and so on,and reflects the development offeudal system as a mirror.中国的封建法制作为封建社会的重要组成部分,集中体现了封建社会的政治、经济、文化生活和社会状况,更是封建制发展的一面镜子。


1.Of, relating to, or characteristic of feudalism.封建的、有关封建制度的或有封建制度特点的

2.They feudalized lands.他们封土地施行封建制度。

3.Nowadays the feudal system is still knocking around如今,封建制度仍然存在。

4.Shouldn"t the feudal system be destroyed?封建制度要不要破坏?

5.The feudal system slowly fell into decay, ie stopped working.封建制度在缓慢地衰亡.

6.disintegration of the feudal mode of production封建制生产方式的解体

7.It was mainly against feudal autocracy, against the feudal structure.它主要地反对封建独载统治,反对封建制度。

8.But it also made religions the guardian of feudalism, and in that sense, it was not all positive.但“封建宗法性”却使宗教沦为封建制度的卫道士,却并非都结“善果”。

9.a piece of land held under the feudal system.在封建制度下拥有的一块土地。

10.A: the wars of the roses dealt a death blow to feudalism in england.答:它致命的打击了英国的封建制度.

11."The feudal period in Europe was, by comparison, shorter."比较而言,欧洲的封建制度历史较短。

12.A landed estate granted in feudal tenure.封地封建财产制度下的封赏地宅

13.land tenure by service to the lord as a knight.给封建领主当武士的封建土地制度。

14.seignorial economy in France法国封建领地制经济

15.seignorial economy in England英国封建领地制经济

16.seignorial economy in Germany德国封建领地制经济

17.A feudal holding, system, or regime.封建领地、制度或政体

18.IV. Feudal Serfdom in Old Tibet四、旧西藏的封建农奴制


feudal system封建制度

1.The love tragedy of two generations in Cha-tong mountains is just the life portrayal of the remote mountain area during the period of "May-4th"Youth Patriotic Movement,From Cui-cue s tragedy fate,we can extrapolate the general tragedy destiny of the young girls in Xiangxi region and dredge up the social source of the tragedy——feudal system,feudalistic ideas and feudal force.由翠翠的悲剧命运,推及湘西少女普遍的悲剧命运,从而挖掘出社会根源——封建制度、封建思想和封建势力,折射出反封建的主题,反映出对民族精神再造的一种思索。

2.The particularity of Chinesefeudal system has a direct link with the turbulence in the countryside.中国封建制度的特殊性对造成农村治乱有直接关系,实现农村和谐稳定的根本条件是作为主要生产力的农民和主要生产资料的土地必须结合,使农民具备从事生产劳动的起码条件。

3.In the history of the Qin State,thefeudal system was based on the state s or king s ownership of land,that is,the supreme land owner was the state while the king was its personification.在泰国的历史上,封建制度的基础是一种土地国有制或王有制,最高土地所有者被认为是国家,而国王就是国家的人格化。

3)feudal autocracy封建专制

1.Thus,the national economy becomes at standstill,thefeudal autocracy strengthened,and the corruption grave.清朝统治者在利用儒家思想作指导,积极进取,取得了盛世的辉煌业绩后,却停滞不前,采用儒家的"持盈保泰"的保守思想为治国的基本方略,强化了封建专制,腐败严重,采取闭关锁国的政策。

2.This paper is an attempt to analyze the women from Xiangxi in Shen Congwen’s articles,who pursue and persevere the love under thefeudal autocracy and the impact of modern civilization.结合具体作品分析沈从文笔下的湘西女性形象,阐释她们如何在封建专制统治和“现代文明”冲击的双重历史背景下,追求爱情,坚守爱情。

4)feudal legal system封建法制

1.During his ruling time,he advocated Confucianism,abolished the old law and carried out thefeudal legal system,and formed abundant legal thoughts,such as : advocating Confucianism,changing the old laws to new ones,justicing and stricting law enforcement,meting out rewards and punishmenting fairly and so .耶律楚材作为中国北方历史上一位杰出的政治家和思想家,他顺应时代潮流,审时度势,在辅佐元太祖、元太宗时期,主张以儒治国,革除旧法之弊端,推行封建法制,形成了较为丰富的法律思想。

2.The legal system they founded promoted the development of thefeudal legal system in China.鲜卑族是中国一个古老的民族 ,西晋末年进入中原建立政权后 ,进行了某些法制建设 ,他们创设的法律制度推动了中国封建法制的发展。

5)feudal autocratic monarchy封建帝制


1.In the factor of politics, the main property of Chinese feudalism in history is the condition of great unificat.在艺术本身,封建制度对艺术的禁锢成为中西方精英艺术共同面临的困境,但是在中国,这种禁锢更加严重,因而成为中国精英美术衰落的根本原因。


巴西封建领地制葡萄牙在巴西实行的殖民体制。葡萄牙王室为巩固在巴西的殖民统治,于1530年派M.A.de索萨率领舰队和400名移民在巴西建立永久殖民地。1532年葡萄牙王室决定在巴西推行世袭领地制。1534~1536年,巴西沿岸地区陆续出现了14个巨大的封建领地(一说13个,另一说15个),分属12个大贵族管辖。封建领地呈长条形,最窄10里格,最宽 100里格,东起大西洋海岸,西至托德西利亚斯线(即教皇子午线)。受封贵族称领主,承担领地开拓、防御、财政的全部责任。有分配土地、建造城镇、组织司法行政机构、征税、通商和奴役印第安人等权力。但须承认王室对巴西木与香料的垄断权,把矿产收入的 1/5、渔业收入的1/20上缴王室。封建领地疆界不得变更和重新划分,领地由领主世代相袭。后因领主各自为政,割据一方,葡王室为加强对巴西殖民地的控制,于1549年任命T.de索萨为巴西第一任总督,以巴伊亚为首府,统一管理各个封建领地,领主的权力逐步削弱。1750~1777年,9个封建领地被葡萄牙国王收回。1799年若昂亲王摄政时又取消了其他封建领地,并以各封建领地的地域为基础,建立省制,由国王统辖。
