100字范文 > 给水安装 water supply installation英语短句 例句大全

给水安装 water supply installation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-01 16:49:36


给水安装 water supply installation英语短句 例句大全

给水安装,water supply installation

1)water supply installation给水安装

2)building water & wastewater engineering installation建筑给排水安装

1.The conclusion is that we should emphasize the pre-period quality control ofbuilding water & wastewater engineering installation, onsite construction quality control and post-period quality control to improve the quality of building water & wastewater installation project.建筑给排水安装工程是建筑工程的一个重要组成部分,通过分析指出提高建筑给排水安装工程的质量水平,应对安装工程的前期、现场施工和后期质量进行全过程质量管理,并对各个过程质量管理内容进行了详细阐述。


1.The Whole Procedure Quality Control in Building Water & Wastewater Engineering Installation;建筑给排水安装工程的全过程质量管理

2.Pump Selection Installation and Operation Measures in Building Water Supply and Sewerage建筑给水排水工程水泵选型安装及运行维护措施探讨

3.Study on Roof Drainage System Design and Installation Techniques of High-rise Commercial and Residential高层建筑屋面雨水排水系统设计与安装技术探讨

4.Advices in Modifying the Building Water Supply and Sewerage Engineering;对修订《建筑给水排水工程》教材的建议

5.Terms of equipments and materials for building water supply and drainageGB/T16662-1996建筑给水排水设备器材术语

6.Innovative Design of Water Supply & Drainage System and Firefight System in High-Rise Building高层建筑给排水及消防系统设计创新

7.The economical efficiency and operability of architectural water supply and drainage design建筑给排水设计的经济性和可操作性

8.Standard for quality inspection and evaluation of petroleum construction engineering heating ventilating water supply and sewerage engineering石油建设工程质量检验评定标准采暖、通风、给排水安装工程

9.A Study on the Life Cycle Assessment for Building s Water Supply and Drainage Systems;建筑给水排水系统生命周期评价(LCA)方法研究

10.The Analysis of Computing Method of Water Design Flow for Plumbing System in Buildings;建筑给水排水设计秒流量计算方法研究

11.Teaching Practice and Reform on the Course of "Building Water Supply and Sewerage Engineering";“建筑给水排水工程”课程的教学实践与改革

12.Discussion on Professional Cooperation in Building Water and Wastewater Engineering Construction Drawing Design建筑给水排水施工图设计专业配合探讨

13.On the Water Supply and Drainage Problems in the Design of Residential Architecture浅谈住宅建筑给水排水设计中的若干问题

14.The technical analysis of architectural water supply and drainage engineering based on water-saving concept基于节水理念的建筑给排水工程技术分析

15.Ways to Improve Teaching Quality of Building Water Supply and Drainage Engineering提高建筑给水排水工程教学质量的途径

16.To furnish with side or subordinate extensions, as a building or an altarpiece.给安装翼给…建翼部或附属物,如一个建筑或圣坛背壁装饰画

17.Custom and Development of Water and Waste Water System of Architecture on AutoCAD VBA;基于AutoCAD VBA的建筑给排水系统定制与开发

18.Problems in Design of Construction Plumbing;住宅建筑给排水设计应重视的几个问题


building water & wastewater engineering installation建筑给排水安装

1.The conclusion is that we should emphasize the pre-period quality control ofbuilding water & wastewater engineering installation, onsite construction quality control and post-period quality control to improve the quality of building water & wastewater installation project.建筑给排水安装工程是建筑工程的一个重要组成部分,通过分析指出提高建筑给排水安装工程的质量水平,应对安装工程的前期、现场施工和后期质量进行全过程质量管理,并对各个过程质量管理内容进行了详细阐述。

3)water-supply device给水装置


1.Appraisal model of performance to fieldwaterworks based on BP neural networks;基于BP神经网络的野战给水装备性能评估模型


6)safe water安全给水 SW


