100字范文 > 电能计量装置 Electric energy metering device英语短句 例句大全

电能计量装置 Electric energy metering device英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-10 13:07:44


电能计量装置 Electric energy metering device英语短句 例句大全

电能计量装置,Electric energy metering device

1)Electric energy metering device电能计量装置

1.The electric energy metering device improvement for large power consumer;大用户电能计量装置改造初探

2.Study on transformation means for electric energy metering devices in gas insulated switchgear;GIS设备中电能计量装置改造方法的探讨

3.The factors of affecting the accuracy of electric energy metering device and improving methods;影响电能计量装置准确性的因素及其改进方法


1.Design on the digital metering device of electricity based on Proteus基于Proteus的数字电能计量装置设计

2.The design of electric energy metering device running status analysis system电能计量装置运行状态分析系统设计

3.Development of a Device for Metering Harmonic Energy in Electric Power System Based on DSP;基于DSP的谐波电能计量装置的研制

4.Automatic Checking System of Energy Metering Device Abnormal Wiring;电能计量装置异常接线自动校验系统

5.Error Analysis of Harmonic Effect on Electric Energy Measurement谐波对电能计量装置影响的误差分析

6.False Connection of Three-phase Three-wire Electrical Energy Metering Device三相三线电能计量装置的错接线浅析

7.Clock test system for electric energy measuring devices based on GPS基于GPS的电能计量装置时钟测试系统

8.Development of bidirectional energy measurement device for electrical bus电动大巴双向电能计量装置的设计与实现

9.Research and Analysis About Influence of Electrified Railway on Electric Energy Metering Device电气化铁路对电能计量装置的影响研究分析

10.Embedded Electric Energy Metering Device Running Status Intelligence Analysis System嵌入式电能计量装置运行状态智能分析系统

11.Development of Digital Multifunction Electrical Energy Metering System数字式多功能电能计量装置的研制与开发

12.Calculation of Error Electric Quantity of Pass Electricity Metering Device in Fault in Power Plant发电厂关口电能计量装置故障时差错电量的计算

13.Development and Application of Bar Code Management System for Electric Energy Metering Device电能计量装置条形码管理系统的开发及应用

14.A Study on the Terminal Unit of Monitor System for Anomaly of Electric Energy Metering Device;电能计量装置异常状态监测系统终端技术研究

15.The Research of Monitor System for Anomaly of Electric Energy Metering Device;电能计量装置异常状态监测系统的研究

16.The Research of Monitor System for Electric Energy Metering Device Based on PCI Bus;基于PCI总线的电能计量装置监测系统的研究

17.Post-evaluation of Rebuilding Electric Energy Measuring Devices Using Data Envelopment Analysis and Relative Potential Model;基于DEA和相对势的电能计量装置改造后评价

18.Digital Watt-hour metering system and verification equipment数字式电能计量系统及检定装置设计


electrical energy metering device电能计量装置

1.Analysis of three phase three wireelectrical energy metering device common loop breaking and inverse wiring of current transformer secondary circuit;三相三线电能计量装置公共回路断线及电流互感器二次反极性时接线分析

2.The paper introduces the accuracy of gateway electrical energy meters,the secondary load evaluation of voltage transformers and current transformers,the error evaluation and secondary pressure drop of mutual-inductors for measurement in theelectrical energy metering devices for gateway on Jiangsu power grid.介绍了江苏省上网关口电能计量装置中关口电能表精确度、电压互感器及电流互感器二次负荷评估、计量用互感器误差评估以及二次压降评估,对装置中的电能表、计量用电压互感器、计量用电流互感器、计量回路的测试数据进行了技术统计与分析,给出了评估意见,针对存在的问题提出了合理化的建议。

3.Based on the annual testing status,the present situation ofelectrical energy metering device for gateway on Jiangsu electric power grid is introduced.根据江苏省上网关口电能计量装置周检情况,介绍了江苏省上网关口电能计量装置的运行现状,分析了江苏省内关口电能计量装置目前存在的主要问题,并对上网关口电能计量装置的故障进行了统计。

3)power metering device电能计量装置

1.Design of remote on-line detecting system forpower metering device;电能计量装置远程在线检测系统的设计与实现

2.This paper looks back the development course ofpower metering devices, and prospects the development tendency for the modernpower metering devices in 21st century.回顾了电能计量装置的发展历程,对21世纪现代电能计量装置的发展趋势进行了展望。

3.Based on the analysis of the complex errors ofpower metering device, new factors that effect the metering accuracy in the system are proposed and the measures to decrease the errors are presented in this paper.在分析电能计量装置的综合误差的基础上 ,提出了影响电能计费系统中电能计量精度的新因素 ,并提出了如何减少综合误差的方

4)energy measurement devices电能计量装置

1.Management information system ofgatewayenergy measurement devices based on JSP;基于JSP的关口电能计量装置管理信息系统

2.For designing a set of monitoring system forenergy measurement devices,the following monitoring modules should be included:the errors of electrical energy meter,the accuracy of its clock,the secondary voltage drop of PT,the secondary load of CT and the harmonic.一套电能计量装置监测系统,应包括如下模块:电能表误差监测、电能表时钟准确度监测、PT二次压降监测、CT二次负荷监测、谐波监测。

5)electric energy metering devices电能计量装置

1.At present, some of the field calibrator has little incorrect connection judging function, for theelectric energy metering devices running state detection work is far from sufficient.电能计量装置的技术管理是一项国家十分重视的管理工作。

2.The EEMMIS is an all-around professional management system, which is used to manage theelectric energy metering devices in Tianjin city.本文论述的系统是实现对全天津市电能计量装置的管理的一个综合性专业管理系统,它对电能计量装置的整个生命周期进行综合管理。

6)electric energy measurement device电能计量装置

1.The accuracy of theelectric energy measurement device has direct bearing on the economic benefit of each enterprise within the electric power system.电能计量装置准确与否,直接关系到电力系统中各企业的经济效益。


电能计量装置电能计量装置electricity metering devices的高压计费用户;跨省电网之间的联络线.②l类,用于计量10万kw以下发电机发电量;月平均用电t10万kw·h及以上或变压器容量为315 kV·A及以上的高压计费用户,发电厂厂用电。③.类,用于计量月平均用电量10万kw·h以下或变压器容t为315 kV·A以下的高压用户和用电容量较大的低压用户。④W类,用于计量其他低压用户。(见用户)为保证电能计量装置准确地计量电能,首先应正确地选择电能计量装置类别,其次,选择性能和质量优良的电能表和仪用互感器,以及二次回路导线截面,并按规定安装、维护,确保电能计量装里运行的安全、准确、可靠。d 10nnengj}llong ZhU0ngZhl电能计t装!(eleetrieity metering deviees)用于测量、记录发电量、供(互供)电量、厂用电量、线损电量和用户用电圣的计量器具。电能计量装置指由电能表(有功、无功电能表,最大需量表,复费率电能表等)、计量用互感器(包括电压互感器和电流互感器)及二次连接线导线构成的总体。中国将电能计量装置按其计量的重要性分为I、I、.、IV四类,相应的电能表和互感器准确度等级见表. 各类电能计,袭t应配工的电能衰及 互盛.的准确度等级┌────┬─────────────────────┐│电能计t │准确度等级││装里类别├───┬───┬───────┬─────┤││有功 │无功 │电压 │电流 │││电能表│电能表│互感器│互感器│├────┼───┼───┼───────┼─────┤│I│0。5 │2 .0 │0。2 │0.2或0.25 │├────┼───┼───┼───────┼─────┤│I│1 .0 │2 .0 │0 .2或0.5(,) │0 .2或0.25│││ │ │ │或0.5(,) │├────┼───┼───┼───────┼─────┤│.│1 .0 │2 .0 │0。5 │0 .5或0.55│├────┼───┼───┼───────┼─────┤│份 │2。0 │3 .0 │0 .5 │0.5或0.55 │└────┴───┴───┴───────┴─────┘ 注:1.0.5〔,)级电压互感器或电流互感寻表示原为0.5 级电压互感器或电流互感界,在正常工作电压或负 荷电流范围内和实际二次负载下其实际误差符合。.2级互感器的要求。 2.5表示加强结构.各类电能计量装置适用的范围:①I类,用于计量10万kw及以上发电机发电量;月平均用电量100万kw·h及以上或变压器容量为2000 kV·A及以上
