100字范文 > 牙髓细胞 Dental pulp cells英语短句 例句大全

牙髓细胞 Dental pulp cells英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-24 18:32:19


牙髓细胞 Dental pulp cells英语短句 例句大全

牙髓细胞,Dental pulp cells

1)Dental pulp cells牙髓细胞

1.Influence of Chinese nutgall extracts on the damage effect of lipopolysaccharide on the ultrastructure of human dental pulp cells;五倍子水提取物对内毒素损伤人牙髓细胞超微结构的影响

2.Effects of bFGF and IGF-1 on activity of alkaline phosphatase and mineralization of human dental pulp cells;碱性成纤维细胞生长因子和胰岛素样生长因子-1对人牙髓细胞碱性磷酸酶活性及矿化能力的影响

3.Effects of 8Br-cAMP on LPS induced nitric oxide in human dental pulp cells;8Br-cAMP对人牙髓细胞NO表达的影响


1.Influence of Pulse Nd:YAG Laser Irradiation on Dental Pulp脉冲Nd:YAG激光照射牙髓断面后对牙髓细胞的影响

2.The surface antigen expression of periodontal ligament cells and dental pulp cells in vitro人牙周韧带细胞和牙髓细胞表型特征的比较

3.Inductive Effects of Rhizoma Drynariac on the Human Dental Pulp Cells in Vitro;骨碎补对人牙髓细胞体外诱导的作用

4.Effect of enamel matrix proteins on dental pulp cell proliferation釉基质蛋白在牙髓细胞增殖中的作用

5.Effects of bone morphogenetic protein-7 on the dental pulp cells in vitro and in vivorhBMP-7对牙髓细胞影响的体内、外研究

6.Induction of dentin regeneration by human dental pulp cell人牙髓细胞诱导牙本质再生的实验观察

7.Study on dental pulp stem cells from patients with hypophosphatasia低磷酸酯酶症患者乳牙牙髓细胞的研究

8.As the main components of dental pulp cells, the odontoblasts were responsible for the formation and maintenance of dentin during the development and mature age of teeth.成牙本质细胞作为牙髓细胞的主要成分,具有在牙发育期间和成熟牙内生成牙本质的功能。

9.The Biological Effects and Repairing Function of rhBMP-7 to Dental Pulp Cells and Dental Pulp TissuerhBMP-7对牙髓细胞的生物学作用及牙髓损伤修复作用的初步研究

10.Study on the distribution of dental pulp stem cell in the pulp tissue牙髓干细胞在牙髓组织中分布的研究

11.Improving the Competence of Odontogenetic Differentiation of Dental Pulp Stem Cells提高牙髓干细胞牙向分化潜能的研究

12.Isolation and identification of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth人乳牙牙髓干细胞的体外培养和鉴定

13.Isolation, culture and odontogenic phenotypes of human exfoliated deciduous dental pulp stromal cells人乳牙牙髓基质细胞的分离培养与牙再生能力

14.Expression of DSP,DMP1,CBFA1,BMP2 in rat dental pulp stem cellsdsp、DMP1、CBFA1、BMP2在大鼠牙髓干细胞中的表达

15.Experimental Study on Culture, Inducement and Identification of Dental Pulp Stem Cells from Deciduous Teeth;人乳牙牙髓干细胞培养、诱导及鉴定的实验研究

16.The Elementary Study of Tooth Regeneration with Dental Pulp Stem Cells;利用牙髓干细胞进行牙齿再生的初步研究

17.The Research of Constructing Tooth Like Structure with Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells用牙髓干细胞构建牙齿样结构的实验研究

18.Isolation and identification of dental pulp stem cells in deciduous teeth from miniature pigs小型猪乳牙牙髓干细胞体外分离培养和鉴定


dental pulp cell牙髓细胞

1.Study on human periodontal ligament cells anddental pulp cells with modified tissue culture in vitro;改良组织块法体外培养人牙周膜细胞和牙髓细胞

2.Effects of Rhizoma drynariac on the proliferation and ultrastructure in cultured humandental pulp cells;骨碎补对体外培养人牙髓细胞增殖及超微结构的影响

3.Dental bonding agent induces apoptosis of humandental pulp cells in vitro;牙本质黏结剂诱导人牙髓细胞凋亡的体外研究

3)human dental pulp cells牙髓细胞

1.Formation of odontoblast-like cells from culturedhuman dental pulp cells in pulp cavity in vitro;人牙髓细胞在离体牙髓腔内向成牙本质细胞样细胞分化的研究

2.The effects of DMP1 on the growth and alkaline phosphataseactivity of culturedhuman dental pulp cells in vitro;大鼠牙本质基质蛋白1对人牙髓细胞增殖和ALP活性的影响

3.Object To evaluate the effects of different concentration platelet rich plasma(PRP)onhuman dental pulp cells(HDPCs)proliferation.目的探讨不同浓度富血小板血浆(Platelet rich plasma,PRP)对人牙髓细胞(human dental pulp cells,HDPCs)的增殖作用。

4)dental pulp牙髓细胞

1.Objective To investigate the differentiation ofdental pulp cells into odontoblast-like cells correlates with the changes of cells proliferation.目的建立成牙本质细胞样细胞体外培养体系,观察体外培养的牙髓细胞向成牙本质细胞分化过程中细胞周期的变化。

2.Objective:To study the growth and activity of ratdental pulp cells in a 3 - demensional culture system and the feasibility of using β- TCP asdental pulp cell scaffold in pulp tissue engineering.目的:研究大鼠牙髓细胞与β-TCP复合培养后的生长情况及细胞活性,探讨β-TCP作为大鼠牙髓细胞支架材料的可行性。

3.Abnormal increase of MMPs In inflameddental pulp results in unbalanced synthesis and metabolism of extracellular matrix and accelerates pathological changes todental pulp necrosis.牙髓炎是牙髓组织疾病,绝大多数由龋齿发展而来,微生物的混合感染引发多种炎症细胞产生细胞因子,进而促进牙髓细胞合成基质金属蛋白酶(matrixmetalloproteinases,MMPs)。

5)pulp cell牙髓细胞

1.Cytotoxicity of 4 kinds of dental restorative materials on humanpulp cell in vitro;4种牙体修复材料对人牙髓细胞毒性的实验研究

2.Establishment of three dimensional cultured model ofpulp cell employing the method of tissue engineering;用组织工程的方法建立人牙髓细胞体外三维立体培养模型

6)dental pulp stem cell牙髓干细胞

1.Culture and identification of ratdental pulp stem cell;大鼠牙髓干细胞的培养和鉴定

2.Study on the plasticity of ratdental pulp stem cells;大鼠牙髓干细胞可塑性研究

3.Research progress ofdental pulp stem cells and its application in tissue engineering;牙髓干细胞及其在组织工程中的研究进展


