100字范文 > 雨水贮存 回收利用系统 rain-storing and recycling system英语短句 例句大全

雨水贮存 回收利用系统 rain-storing and recycling system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-20 15:08:05


雨水贮存 回收利用系统 rain-storing and recycling system英语短句 例句大全

雨水贮存、回收利用系统,rain-storing and recycling system

1)rain-storing and recycling system雨水贮存、回收利用系统

1.We build a set ofrain-storing and recycling system in Olympic Gymnasium of Qin Huangdao,which was used to store rain and supply water to greenbelt.河北省秦皇岛市奥林匹克体育中心因地制宜建设了一套雨水贮存、回收利用系统,把雨水收集起来,用于奥林匹克体育中心的绿化用水。

2)Rainwater collection system雨水收集利用系统

3)Rainwater collected system雨水回收系统

4)rainwater utilization system雨水利用系统

1.According to the rainwater utilization theory and having analyzed the makeup ofrainwater utilization system, this paper has established a index system for evaluating the environmental benefit of rainwater utilization from ecology and economy and society aspects, has also detailed the system s constituting program, method, principle, structure and the contents.依据雨水利用的理论基础,分析了雨水利用系统的组成,从生态、经济和社会3方面建立了雨水利用环境效应评价指标体系,以及构建指标体系的程序、方法、原则、结构和内容。

2.This paper expounds the classification and establishment principles ofrainwater utilization system in residential district, and through the case analysis, introduces the application ofrainwater utilization system in residential district.阐述了住宅小区雨水利用系统的分类及建立原则,通过案例分析,介绍了雨水利用系统在住宅小区中的应用。


1.Overall evaluation of urban rainwater utilization system by fuzzy-analytic hierarchy process城市雨水利用系统的模糊层次综合评价

2.Rainwater Collecting and Use System in Residential Area of City利用雨水收集回用系统实现城市小区雨水资源化

3.Optimal Design for Rainwater Pipe Network and Pumping Station by Utilizing Wetlands System利用湿地系统对雨水管网及雨水泵站进行优化设计

4.Optimal Planning of the Bio-economic System in Rainfall Collection and Usage Area;雨水集蓄利用区生态经济系统的优化规划

5.Brief Introduction of the Rain Water Recovery and Reuse System of the Kaide·Shijie Residential Project凯德·视界住宅工程雨水回收再利用系统简介

6.Rain Water Gathering System which the Solar Energy Draws Water Using in Our Country Arid Farmland and Pasture采用太阳能提水的雨水收集系统在我国干旱农牧区的利用分析

7.Runoff Coefficient Analysis for Urban Stormwater and Flood Control and Utilization城市雨洪控制利用的雨水径流系数分析

8.Study on the Models of Optimal Rainwater Utilization in Terraced Field System in Loess Hill-gully Region;黄土丘陵沟壑区梯田系统雨水优化利用模式研究

9.deluge foam-water sprinkler system雨淋喷水-泡沫联用灭火系统

10.Using the Difference Method to Build a Rainstorm Waterlogging Forecast System;使用差分方法构造暴雨积水预报系统

11.Discussion on the Use of Rain Water in the Landscape Water System in Shandong Province Community试论山东省居住区雨水在景观水系中的利用

12.P& S: potable water system in public area, rain, surface runoff, waste water should be discharged in separation.(1) 给排水:公共部分饮用水系统,雨、、水分流排放。

13.P&S: potable water system in public area, rain, surface runoff, waste water should be discharged in separation.给排水:公共部分饮用水系统,雨、污、废水分流排放。

14.This essay also introduces some installation methods of rain cups and pipes suitable to the big house surface draining rain through pressure flow rain drainage system.介绍了适用于大屋面雨水排放的压力流雨水排水系统中雨水斗和管道的安装方法。

15.Rethinking Alternative Water Resources-In Research the Feasibility of Adopting Rainwater and Greywater in Residential Developments雨水及灰水再利用—非传统水资源在居民区应用可行性研究

16.Pressure Flow Rain Drainage System Applied in the Practicing Projects;压力流雨水排水系统在实际工程中的应用

17.The Relations between Soil and Water Losses and Rainfall Characteristics in Different Land-use Types;不同土地利用方式水土流失与降雨特性的关系

18.Making Rainstorm Forecasting System of Chuzhou City by Using T213 Physical Data利用T213物理量资料制作滁州市暴雨预报系统


Rainwater collection system雨水收集利用系统

3)Rainwater collected system雨水回收系统

4)rainwater utilization system雨水利用系统

1.According to the rainwater utilization theory and having analyzed the makeup ofrainwater utilization system, this paper has established a index system for evaluating the environmental benefit of rainwater utilization from ecology and economy and society aspects, has also detailed the system s constituting program, method, principle, structure and the contents.依据雨水利用的理论基础,分析了雨水利用系统的组成,从生态、经济和社会3方面建立了雨水利用环境效应评价指标体系,以及构建指标体系的程序、方法、原则、结构和内容。

2.This paper expounds the classification and establishment principles ofrainwater utilization system in residential district, and through the case analysis, introduces the application ofrainwater utilization system in residential district.阐述了住宅小区雨水利用系统的分类及建立原则,通过案例分析,介绍了雨水利用系统在住宅小区中的应用。

5)Recycling system of three sorts三类收集回收利用系统

6)the comprehensive utilization system of ur-ban rainwater雨水综合利用系统


雨水雨水 雨水 气象学名词。 ①天上降落的水滴。 ②二十四节气之一。《素问·刺法论》:“于雨水日后,三浴以药泄汗。”
