100字范文 > 聚类分析法 cluster analysis英语短句 例句大全

聚类分析法 cluster analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-03 04:16:24


聚类分析法 cluster analysis英语短句 例句大全

聚类分析法,cluster analysis

1)cluster analysis聚类分析法

1.An analysis on the inshore water quality on the Lusi fishing grounds by principal component analysis(PCA) andcluster analysis;应用主成分法和聚类分析法分析吕四渔场近岸海水水质

2.This paper,based on the factor analysis as well ascluster analysis,studies the kernel competitiveness for 16 Journals in Jiangsu province in an attempt to explore an effective way to evaluate the kernel competitiveness to help the journal of higher learning to raise their academic status and influence.文章运用因子分析法和聚类分析法对江苏省内的16家高校学报的核心竞争力进行了综合评价,试图探索出一种对学报竞争力进行综合评价的有效方法,以帮助学报提高学术地位和影响力。

3.Cluster Analysis and Principal Components Analysis are introduced in thecomparative analysis of residents living standard in every municipal city in Hunan provincein .本文结合恩格尔系数研究居民生活水平的优点,采用聚类分析法与主成分分析法对湖南省各地市州居民生活水平进行比较分析,给出了这些城市居民生活水平的综合得分及其排序,从而更真实地衡量湖南省各地市州居民生活水平。


1.hierarchical agglomerative method集结层序聚类分析法

2.A new R cluster analysis--Multiple R correlation cluster analysis;一种新的R型聚类分析方法——复相关R型聚类分析法

3.Setups algorithm based on clustering analysis基于聚类分析法的装夹规划算法研究

4.The Application of Cluster Analysis on the Classification of Enterprises Economical Profit;聚类分析法在企业经济效益分类中的应用

5.Fuzzy Cluster Analysis on the General Layout Unit总平面布置单元的模糊聚类分析法

6.Research on Fuzzy Cluster Analysis of Fuzzy C-means Clustering Calculation Method模糊聚类分析中模糊c均值聚类计算方法研究

7.Algorithm for Clustering Analysis by Using Ants Climbing Hill采用蚁群爬山法进行聚类分析的算法

8.Clustering Analysis Methods Based on Swarm Intelligent Algorithm基于群智能算法的聚类分析方法研究

9.Clustering analysis method based on pseudo parallel genetic algorithm基于伪并行遗传算法的聚类分析方法

10.New Methods for Cluster Analysis in Distributed Environments;分布式环境下聚类分析新方法的研究


12.Researching on customers’ classification in view of principal component-cluster analysis method;基于主成分—聚类分析方法的客户分类研究

13.The Application Research of Fuzzy Cluster Analysis Method in Reservoir Classification;模糊聚类分析方法在油藏分类中的应用研究

14.The Studies on Classified Methods of Load Data Based on Clustering Techniques;基于聚类分析的负荷数据分类方法的研究

15.A Method of Clustering Analysis Based on Category Judgement by Part Samples一种基于部分样本类别判定的聚类分析方法

16.Soil classification using CPTU data based upon cluster analysis theory基于聚类分析理论的CPTU土分类方法研究

17.A Study on Clustering Analysis Algorithms in Spatial Data Mining;空间数据挖掘中聚类分析算法的研究

18.The Cluster Analysis of Statistical Methods in Medical Dissertations;医学论文中统计方法应用的聚类分析


Clustering analysis聚类分析法

1.Rapid and undamaged determination of qianzheng power by fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and clustering analysis;聚类分析法在快速鉴别中药牵正散中的应用

2.Selecting agricultural resources,rural community development,and agriculture economic conditions three major categories of 18 indicators,using principal component analysis and clustering analysis on the synthetic agriculture regionalization of Huzhu Tuzu Autonomous County.选取农业资源条件、农村社会发展、农业经济状况等三大类共18个指标因子,运用主成分分析法和聚类分析法对青海省互助土族自治县进行综合农业区划。

3.Then the essentiality and importance of the nationalization of ISM Code is studied by the method of principle component analysis and clustering analysis on the basis of comprehensive and detailed investigation.在对我国国内航线的航运公司进行全面、详细调查的基础上,运用主成分分析法和聚类分析法,科学地分析了ISM规则国内化,即根据我国国情将ISM规则的原理运用于我国国内航线航运公司的安全管理的必要性和可行性,并进一步对国内化后的ISM规则的实施及其经济和社会效益进行了探讨。

3)Cluster Analysis Method聚类分析法

1.Applied Study of Trace Elements(TE) Grade in Food ByCluster Analysis Method;聚类分析法在食品TE分级中应用研究

2.Using cluster analysis method in short-term load forecasting;聚类分析法在短期负荷预测中的应用

3.Aiming at the characteristics of the all-purpose equipment support training and evaluation, this article investigates and discusses the cluster analysis method in distinguishing grading the training and examination results in all-purpose equipment support training and amination.针对通用装备保障训练考评的特点,探讨了利用聚类分析法对通用装备保障训练考评成绩区分与排序,并给出了对通用装备保障分队的训练考评成绩进行区分与排序的实例。

4)clustering method聚类分析法

1.Automatic recognition of fabric weave patterns by fuzzy C-meansclustering method;利用模糊C-均值聚类分析法实现织物组织结构自动识别

2.The veracity of experimental and analytical data for the onset of nucleate boiling (ONB with subcooled boiling in natural circulation was examined using theclustering method of fuzzy mathematics to select the most accurate data.运用模糊数学的聚类分析法,对自然循环欠热沸腾起始点的实验和计算数据准确性进行考核,以选择同类准确数据,并判定公式的计算准确率。

5)stepwise cluster anal ysis分类聚类分析法

6)layered clustering method分层聚类分析法

1.Alayered clustering method was applied to analyze the data of wheat regional experiment yield in Huang-Huai Wheat Growing Region.本文采用分层聚类分析法,对国家黄淮麦区19个试验点的小麦区域试验产量资料进行了分析。


