100字范文 > 特别敏感海域(PSSA) particular sensitive sea areas(PSSA)英语短句 例句大全

特别敏感海域(PSSA) particular sensitive sea areas(PSSA)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-24 19:06:39


特别敏感海域(PSSA) particular sensitive sea areas(PSSA)英语短句 例句大全

特别敏感海域(PSSA),particular sensitive sea areas(PSSA)

1)particular sensitive sea areas(PSSA)特别敏感海域(PSSA)


1.Discussion on the establishment of aPSSA in the Bohai Sea;渤海海域建立特别敏感海域(PSSA)的思考


1.Designation of western European PSSA and its impact on development of PSSA regime从设立西欧特别敏感海域遇到的问题谈特别敏感海域制度的发展(英文)

2.Special Areas” and“ Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas” are the two concepts in relation to environment proposed by IMO.特殊区域和特别敏感海域是国际海事组织提出的两个环境概念。

3.Suggestion for China based on comparative study of particular sensitive sea area and special area基于特别敏感海域和特殊区域对比研究对中国的建议(英文)

4.Meeting of Legal Experts on Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas特别敏感海区法律专家会议

5.Guidelines for the Designation of Special Areas and the Identification of Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas指定特别地区和确定特别敏感海区的指导方针

6.You can"t help anyone by being sensitive.如果有人特别敏感,那谁又管得了呢。

7.Dogs are peculiar about the dead.狗对于死人是特别敏感的。

8.Plants are sensitive to the simple olefins, particularly C2H4.植物对简单烯烃是敏感的特别是乙烯。

9.Mr. Elton seemed very properly struck by the idea.埃尔顿先生对这话似乎特别敏感。

10.That reporter has a nose for news.那位新闻记者对新闻特别敏感。

11.Henry belonged to uniquely articulate, sensitive, and lively-minded family.亨利一家都特别长于表达,善感而敏思。

12.His daily duties cannot help but make him sensitive to the concerns of bankers and investors, their colleagues overseas, and their friends on the Hill.他的日常责任不能不使他对银行家和投资者以及他们的海外同胞和国会朋友的利益特别敏感。

13.Sensitivity of the Potential Evapotranspiration to Key Climatic Variables in the Haihe River Basin海河流域潜在蒸散发的气候敏感性分析

14.pollution episode污染敏感时刻; 特别容易受污染威胁的时候

15.Pressure-fed engines are particularly susceptible to dissolved gas in the propellants.挤压式发动机对推进剂中溶解的气体特别敏感。

16.I remember-in college you were an usually liberal, sensitive chap.我记得――你在大学里是个特别开明敏感的人。

17.Most susceptible, and the first to be affected, are the intellectuals and the young students.特别是文化人和青年学生,感觉锐敏,首当其冲。

18.The most susceptible, and the first to be affected, are the intellectuals and the young students.特别是文化人和青年学生, 感觉敏锐,首当其冲。



1.Discussion on the establishment of aPSSA in the Bohai Sea;渤海海域建立特别敏感海域(PSSA)的思考

3)Sensitive sea area敏感海域


5)particularly sensitive sea area特殊敏感海区

6)sensitive sex敏感性别


特别1.不一般,与众不同。 2.格外。 3.特地,特意。 4.尤其。
