100字范文 > 预留子载波 Tone Reservation英语短句 例句大全

预留子载波 Tone Reservation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-24 20:25:02


预留子载波 Tone Reservation英语短句 例句大全

预留子载波,Tone Reservation

1)Tone Reservation预留子载波

1.With respect to the problem of high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) in WIMAX technique, a new reducing PAPR method byTone Reservation is presented.针对WIMAX技术中正交频分多址系统(OFDMA)所具有的高峰均比问题,本文在传统的预留子载波降低峰均比算法基础上,提出了一种新的算法——受控修剪算法。


1.Research on Improved Tone Reservation Algorithm for PAPR Reduction in the WiMAX SystemWiMAX系统中降低PAPR的预留子载波改进算法

2.A TR scheme based on FFT/IFFT for OFDM system一种基于FFT/IFFT的OFDM子载波预留方案

3.Multicell Subcarrier Allocation Based on Kalman Filter ForecastKalman滤波预测的多小区子载波分配方法

4.Implementation of Tone Reservation Scheme for PAPR Reduction in Coaxial-cable Modem System预留载波法在同轴电缆调制解调系统中的实现

5.An OFDMA subcarrier allocation algorithm based on estimated difference value基于预期容量损失的OFDMA子载波分配算法

6.Could you reserve a table for two, please?可否预留一张二人桌子?

7.Restoration algorithm with wavelength reservation collision avoidance in ASONASON中波长预留冲突避免恢复算法

8.Settlement reservation control in construction of a deepwater breakwater某深水防波堤施工中的预留沉降控制

9.Blind estimation algorithm of multi-carrier CDMA sub-carrier frequencies and its performance analysis多载波CDMA子载波频率盲估计算法及其性能分析

10.Research on Pre-equalization Technology in Uplink MC-CDMA Systems;多载波CDMA上行链路预均衡技术的研究

11.The Application and Prospect of Watt-hour Meter with CPU,Power Line Carrier,and PrepaymentCPU载波预付费电能表的应用及前景

12.The calculation of sea/land clutter power to airborne PD early warning radar is a hot and difficult problem of EW simulation.机载脉冲多普勒预警雷达海地杂波功率计算是电子战仿真研究的一个热点和难点问题。

13.Cyclical delay based random beamforming using sub-carrier scheduling基于子载波调度的循环延时波束成型方法

14.valve 3-channel carrier telephone terminal equipment三路电子管载波电话终端机

15.(electronics) the reception of a signal by extracting it from the carrier wave.(电子学)从载波中提取接收信号。

16.Research on Dynamic Subcarrier and Power Allocation for OFDM Systems;OFDM的动态子载波功率分配算法研究

17.OFDMA Interference Depression and Sub-Carrier Assignment;OFDMA系统干扰抑制与子载波分配

18.Research on Dynamic Subcarrier Allocation Schemes for OFDMA System;OFDMA系统中动态子载波分配研究


tone reservation子载波预留

1.A newtone reservation method which processes the peaks at the maximal amplitude direction is proposed.提出了一种在最大幅值方向上进行峰值处理的子载波预留方法,同时还利用改进的牛顿迭代算法,进一步降低了子载波预留方法的计算开销。

2.Since the distorted methods would result in signal distortion and out-of-band radiation, we will focus on the distortionless methods: Tone Reservation (TR) and Partial Transmit Sequence (PTS).由于有畸变方法会导致信号失真和带外辐射,使系统误比特率(BER, Bit Error Rate)升高,因此本文主要研究常用的无畸变PAPR抑制方法:子载波预留算法(TR, Tone Reservation)和部分传输序列(PTS, Partial Transmit Sequence)。

3)reversed subcarriers预留载波

4)tone reservation (TR)载波预留

1.A method that combines partial transmit sequence (PTS) with tone reservation (TR) was proposed for the peak-to-average power ration (PAPR) reduction in OFDM system.提出一种部分传输序列(partial transm it sequence,PTS)算法与载波预留法(tone reservation)相结合的算法来降低OFDM系统峰均功率比(peak-to-average power ratio,PAPR)。

5)carrier-reduced single side band残留载波单边带

6)bits loading子载波装载


电力线载波保护复用载波机电力线载波保护复用载波机multi purpose PLC equipment for teleprotection systemd一onl一x一on zolbo boohu fuyong 20一boJ-电力线载波保护复用载波机(multi purposePLC equiPment for teleProteetion system)见电力线载波机。
