100字范文 > 总生物碱 Total alkaloids英语短句 例句大全

总生物碱 Total alkaloids英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-14 06:15:50


总生物碱 Total alkaloids英语短句 例句大全

总生物碱,Total alkaloids

1)Total alkaloids总生物碱

1.Study on separation and purification of total alkaloids from Herba Ephedrae and Flos Daturae by macroporous adsorption resin;大孔吸附树脂分离纯化麻黄及洋金花总生物碱的研究

2.Determination of berberine hydrochloride and total alkaloids in compound Er-xian decoction;复方二仙汤中盐酸小檗碱及总生物碱的含量测定

3.Study on the solvents extracting the total alkaloids from Uncaria macrophylla Wall and the purity of Rhynchophylline;大叶钩藤总生物碱提取溶剂的研究及钩藤碱的纯度测定


1.Purifying Techniques or Flavonoid Compound of Cephalotaxus fortunei三尖杉总生物碱纯化工艺条件的研究

2.Determination the Total Alkaloid in Different Habitat Fritillaria Thunbergii Miq不同产地浙贝母总生物碱的含量测定

3.Antibacterial activity of the total alkaloids from Macleaya microcarpa小果博落回总生物碱的抑菌活性研究

4.Affection of Thunberg Fritillary bulb omni-alkaloids on Pharmacokinetic of Aconite Alkaloids in Rabbit浙贝母总生物碱对乌头生物碱在兔体内药动学的影响

5.Dynamic Study of Effect of Preparation Condition on Fuzi Total Alkaloid and Ester-type Alkaloid Contents炮制条件对附子总生物碱及酯型生物碱含量影响的动态研究

6.Studies on Extraction, Purification and Biological Activities of Total Alkaloids from Lotus Leaves;荷叶总生物碱提取、纯化及生物活性研究

7.Accumulative Regulation of Total Alkaloid in Leonurus Artemisia (Lour.)S.Y.Hu by Various Growth Regulate Matters;生长调节物质对益母草总生物碱积累的调控

8.Determination of Total Alkaloid in Semen Arecae by Acid Dye Colorimetry酸性染料比色法测定槟榔中总生物碱的含量

9.A Comparison Between the Total Alkaloid Content of Fritillaria hupehensis hsiao et K.C.Hsia and Fritillaria cirrhosa D.Don湖北贝母与川贝母总生物碱含量的比较

10.Studies on the Development of Naoshuan Kangfu Pills and Alkaloid Extracts in the Leaves of Uncaria Rhynchophylla (Miq.) Jacks;脑栓康复片及钩藤叶总生物碱的开发研究

11.Studies of Alkaloids from Corydalis Decumbens and Its Fast-disintegrating Oral Tablets;夏天无总生物碱及其口腔速崩片的研究

12.Study on the Extraction of Whole Alkaloid from Amorphaphallus Konjak by Acidity Alcohol Solution;酸性醇溶液提取魔芋中的总生物碱研究

13.Effect of Drought Stress on Total Alkaloids and Flavonoid Content in Leonurus Heterophyllus干旱胁迫对益母草总生物碱和黄酮含量的影响

14.Effects of Cynanchum Chinense Total Alkaloid on Immunity in Mice鹅绒藤总生物碱对小鼠免疫功能的影响

15.Separation and purification of total alkaloids from the peels of Carya cathayensis Sarg. by macroporous adsorption resin大孔吸附树脂分离纯化山核桃蒲壳总生物碱

16.Extraction and Analysis of Total Alkaloids Contents in Emilia sonchifolia from Different Regions不同产地一点红总生物碱的提取与分析

17.Determination of the Total Alkaloid Content of Solanum lyratum of Different Places of Production全国不同产地白英总生物碱的含量测定

18.Colorimetric determination of total alkaloids in Ligusticum chuanxiong with reinecke salt雷氏盐比色法测定川芎季铵型总生物碱的含量


total alkaloid总生物碱

1.Determination of the content oftotal alkaloid in Nao Mai Tong Recipe;脑脉通有效部位中总生物碱的含量测定

2.Determination of the content oftotal alkaloid in Huperzia serrata by UV spectrophotometric;紫外分光光度法测定蛇足石杉中总生物碱含量

3.Research on the Method for Quantitatively Determining Total Alkaloid in the Effective Fraction of the Extract of Kushen Decoction;苦参汤有效部位总生物碱含量测定方法研究


1.Bioactivities ofalkaloids extracted from Tripterygium wilfordii against the larvae of diamond-backed moth,Plutella xylostella;雷公藤总生物碱对小菜蛾的生物活性

2.Preliminary Study on Ultrasonic Extraction of Total Alkaloids from Seeds of Peganum harmala L.;骆驼蓬种子中总生物碱超声提取的初步研究

3.Separation and purification ofalkaloids from radix of Zanthoxylum nitidum by macroporous adsorption resin;大孔吸附树脂纯化两面针总生物碱


1.The extraction of wholealkaloid from amorphaphallus konjak by acidity alcohol;酸性醇提取魔芋中的总生物碱

2.Atiasthmatic action of totalalkaloid from Chelidouium majus;白屈菜总生物碱对豚鼠的平喘作用

3.Determination of the Alkaloids in Pinellia ternata (Thunb.) Breit. from Varied Areas by UV Absorption Spectroscopy;紫外分光光度法测定不同产地半夏中总生物碱的含量

5)whole alkaloid总生物碱

1.Study on extraction process ofwhole alkaloid of Rhizoma Menispermi by method of orthogonal design;正交试验法优选北豆根总生物碱的提取工艺

2.Study on extration process ofwhole alkaloid of Moghania philippinensis(Merr. et Rolfe)Li by orthogonal design method;正交设计法优选千斤拔总生物碱的提取工艺


1.Study on the supercritical CO_2 extraction ofalkaloids from sophora flavescens ait;超临界二氧化碳流体萃取中药苦参的生物总碱

2.Toxicity of Chenopodium ambrosioidesalkaloids to Musca domestica and influence on insecticides susceptibility;土荆芥生物总碱对家蝇的毒杀作用及药剂敏感性的影响

3.The extraction ofalkaloids from the stem of Solanum melongena Linn.以茄秆为原料,用索氏提取法进行生物总碱的提取,用酸碱滴定法对提取的生物总碱的含量进行测定。


