100字范文 > 航运污染 pollution from shipping英语短句 例句大全

航运污染 pollution from shipping英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-06 03:30:11


航运污染 pollution from shipping英语短句 例句大全

航运污染,pollution from shipping

1)pollution from shipping航运污染

2)administration of shipping pollution航运污染治理

3)aerospace contamination航天污染

4)Spacecraft contamination航天器污染


1.Spacecraft Contamination Analysis-A Possible Application of Modern TOF-SIMS;当代TOF-SIMS在航天器污染分析中的可能应用

2.The Study of Spacecraft Surface Environment Contamination and Calibration of the Quartz Crystal Microbalance;航天器表面环境污染研究及石英晶体微天平的校测

3.Determination of Environment Pollutants in Some Scientific Research Proving Grounds of Spaceflight Launch Land航天发射场科研试验场所环境污染物检测分析

4.There will be television chat shows hosted by robots, and cars with pollution monitors that will disable them when they offend.将会有机器人主持的电视谈天节目,及带污染监视的汽车,当汽车污染违规时它们会关闭汽车。

5.Spacecraft automatic test and spacecraft test language航天器自动化测试与航天器测试语言

6.vehicles for space astronomical observation空间天文观测航天器

7.SLA (Spacecraft Lunar-module Adapter)航天器-登月舱适配器

8.Investigation of Contaminants Emission and Heat Transfer Characteristic of Catalytic Combustion in Ceramic Prous Monolith of Natural GAS Burner;天然气灶多孔陶瓷板催化燃烧器的污染物排放及其传热特性研究

9.rapid radioactive contamination indicator放射性污染快速指示器

10.air pollution monitoring laser空气污染监测激光器

11.Research on Test System of Aviation Hydraulic Valve s Contamination Sensitivity;航空液压阀污染敏感度测试系统研制

12.ASTRO (Advanced Spacecraft Truck,Trainer, Transport Reusable Orbiter)高级航天飞行、培训、运输可再用航天器

13.Synoptic situation classification based on medium and heavy air pollutions over Liaoning province辽宁空气中度污染和重污染天气类型分析

14.spaceborne remote sensing从航天器进行的遥感

15.artificial gravity spacecraft simulator人工重力航天模拟器

16.a spacecraft"s orbital distance from the earth航天器的远地轨道距离

17.Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous spacecraft近地小行星会合航天器

18.spaceborne imaging radar航天器载雷达成象系统


administration of shipping pollution航运污染治理

3)aerospace contamination航天污染

4)Spacecraft contamination航天器污染

5)contaminant transport污染物运移

1.Numerical analysis ofcontaminant transport process through landfill considering nonequilibrium and nonlinear sorption behaviour;非平衡—非线性吸附情况下填埋场污染物运移分析

2.Advances in research for numerical simulation ofcontaminant transport and flow in North China type fracture-karst media;我国北方型裂隙岩溶水流及污染物运移数值模拟研究进展

3.Model ofcontaminant transport considering consolidation deformation of soils;考虑土体固结变形的污染物运移模型

6)pollutant transport污染物运动

1.Experimental study onpollutant transport in coastal zone;近岸海域波浪场中污染物运动的实验研究


