100字范文 > 导通模式 conduction mode英语短句 例句大全

导通模式 conduction mode英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-16 03:11:03


导通模式 conduction mode英语短句 例句大全

导通模式,conduction mode

1)conduction mode导通模式

1.There are three modes of APFC operation:the criticalconduction mode(discontinuous mode) with peak current control,the criticalconduction mode with constant on time and average current mode(continuous mode) with constant switching frequency.本文分析了电子镇流器的功率因数校正问题,着重讨论了有源功率因数校正的3种模式(峰值电流控制、固定开通时间、固定频率平均电流连续导通模式)的工作原理、优缺点及适用场合等。


1.Design of High Performance CCM PFC Circuits;一种高性能连续导通模式的PFC电路设计

2.Design of a BCM Power Factor Correction Circuit一种临界导通模式功率因数校正电路设计

3.Research on Modeling and Simulation of Buck Converter in Continuous Conduction Mode Based on MATLAB;基于MATLAB的连续导通模式Buck变换器的建模与仿真研究

4.The Study of Application of JIT Production Mode in VGSC通用半导体公司JIT生产模式应用研究

5.The Research onArea Transit-Oriented Development区域交通导向发展(TOD)模式研究

6.Study of Public Transit-oriented Urban Traffic Development Mode以公共交通为主导的城市交通发展模式的研究

7.Cultivating students ability to studyindependently by learn-guiding model;通过学导式教学模式培养学生自学能力

8."Generally speaking, the system includes three modes according to different functions. They are modes of coaching, exercise and drill, and dialogue."这个系统的功能通常有三种模式,即辅导模式,练习与操练模式和对话模式。

9.A Study of the Pattern of Urban Passenger Terminals: Traffic Integration Oriented;以交通一体化为导向的城市客运枢纽模式研究

10.The Research of Numerical Modeling of Iductive Ventilation in Welding Workshop;诱导式通风在焊接车间运用的数值模拟的研究

11.The Lead Models of Nurturing People in Higher Vocational Colleges:the Crasis of Dual Certificate and Production Cooperate with Study;高职人才培养主导模式:双证融通 产学合作

bination of the Leading and Featuring Styles--Efficient Style of Training High Vocational Personnel;高职人才培养主导模式:双证融通,产学合作

13.Designs for University Martial Art Teaching Patterns Under the Guidance of the New Compendia;以新《纲要》为指导的普通高校武术教学模式设计

14.The Discussion on the Land Using Mode Guided by the Public Traffic;浅谈以公共交通为导向的土地利用模式

15.System analysis for coordination modes between urban traffic control and vehicle route guidance;城市交通控制与诱导协调模式的系统分析

16.Coding Algorithm of Traffic Flow in Intelligence Guidance System Based on Adaptive Switching Mode智能导航系统自适应切换模式交通流编码算法

17.Delay and Bandwidth Constrained Intelligent Static Traffic Grooming Scheme延迟与带宽受限智能静态通信量疏导模式

18.Numerical Simulation of the Inner Flow Characteristics of an Axial Fan with Rear Guide Vanes带后导叶轴流式通风机内流特征的数值模拟



3)discontinuous conduction mode断续导通模式

4)continuous conduction mode连续导通模式

1.This paper has given an analysis of different stages operation characteristics for Buck converter incontinuous conduction mode.在分析连续导通模式下Buck变换器各阶段运行特性的基础上,借助Matlab/Simulink强大的数学功能和仿真平台,利用模块化建模的思想,搭建Buck变换器模型,得到其电感电流、输出电压和输出电流的波形。


1.Design of High PerformanceCCM PFC Circuits;一种高性能连续导通模式的PFC电路设计

2.This paper introduced the main feature of a new continuous conduction mode (CCM) power factor correction (PFC) controller, named ICE1PCS01.介绍了一种新型的连续导通模式(CCM)的功率因数校正(PFC)控制器ICE1PSC01的主要特点,并重点讨论了其应用电路的设计过程。

3.According to the basic principle and the non-linear characteristic of the Buck-Boost converter,this paper separately con- structs the T-S fuzzy model of the Buck-Boost electric circuit under two patterns which areCCM and DCM.根据Buck-Boost变换器的工作原理及其非线性特征,在电感电流连续导通模式和断续导通模式下,分别对Buck-Boost电路构建T-S模糊模型,在断续导通模式下,引入切换函数,统一了两种模式下电路状态方程和T-S模糊模型。

6)discontinuous conduction mode非连续导通模式

1.Analysis of circuit characteristics of cascade resonant converter and itsdiscontinuous conduction mode;级联式谐振变换器的电路特性及其非连续导通模式的分析


脉心导敏 ,脉导敏,英他佐明,麦新导明药物名称:吗多明英文名:Molsidomine别名: 吗导敏;吗多明;吗斯酮胺;脉心导敏 ,脉导敏,英他佐明,麦新导明外文名:Molsidomine 特点: 脉导敏是一种属于亚胺类化合物,其作用与硝酸盐相似。舌下含服1毫克,2~4分钟起作用,可阻止心绞痛发作。口服一次可持续6~7小时,剂量每天3次,每次2毫克。副作用包括头痛、头胀、脸部发热感等,但不多见。 适应症: 防治心绞痛的发作。 用量用法: 口服:1次1~2mg,1日2~3次,发作时舌下含服:1次2mg。喷雾吸入:每次揿吸1~2次(相当于本品0.2~0.4mg),每日次数酌定。 注意事项: 1.一般不良反应可有头痛、面部潮红、眩晕等,停药后可自行消失。 2.低血压、青光眼病人忌用。 规格: 片剂:每片1mg、2mg。 气雾剂:每瓶含42mg(可揿吸200次左右)。 类别:非选择性钙通道阻滞剂||防治心绞痛药
