100字范文 > 公务船 Public Service Ship英语短句 例句大全

公务船 Public Service Ship英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-28 21:08:47


公务船 Public Service Ship英语短句 例句大全

公务船,Public Service Ship

1)Public Service Ship公务船

1.A Study on Law Issue ofPublic Service Ship in Marine Accident;海上事故中公务船法律问题研究

2)public vessel公务船艇

1.Discussion about the standard of replacing of main engine for thepublic vessel;关于公务船艇主机相关更换标准的探讨

3)shipping company船务公司


1.China Merchant Shipping Company and G Communication Development Company;《案例》:招商船务公司与G通信发展公司

2.SHS Nantong Development CO.,LTD. was established in a professional shipping companies.南通四海船务发展有限公司是于成立的一家专业性船务公司。

3.Intership Ltd. provide Barge and Tug Services to the Oil &Gas Offshore Industry.海上船务公司提供舢板、油驳进行油气海上服务。

4.We can transact various sailors certificate by the most preferential price for sailors and shipping company.可以为广大船员或船务公司以最优惠的价格办理各种船员证书。

5.Decision Analysis on Ming Wah Shipping Company s Human Resource Management Outsourcing;明华船务公司人力资源管理外包的决策分析

6.Coral Sea Ferry Service Company Limited珊瑚海船务有限公司

7.China Shipping Agency(Rizhao)Co.,Ltd. (Re-fers to: CSA RIZHAO ) founded on May 1,1998.日照中海船务代理有限公司(简称日照中海船务)。

8.a shipbuilding company, yard造船公司、 造船厂.

9.Please tell me whether your shipping company can perform all kinds of service for us .请问你们船运公司能提供各种服务吗?

10.Will you mind give me some Idea of your shipping business ?能请您介绍一下贵公司的船运业务吗?

11.I am a trainee in the Liner Shipping Company at present.我现在大丸船运公司服务,任见习员。

12.offshore Marine Service Co.Ltd.近海石油船舶服务有限公司

13.Chu Kong Shipping Enterprises (Holdings) Company Limited珠江船务企业(集团)有限公司

14.The Researches of the Development Strategy of the XIAMEN SL Shipping Ltd. Co;厦门SL船务有限公司发展战略的研究

15.A Study on the Development Strategy of Shanghai Changxin Shipping Co. Ltd.;上海长新船务有限公司发展战略研究

16.The Research of Development Strategy for Shanghai Huili Marine&Trading Co., Ltd;上海汇利船务有限公司发展战略研究

17.The Strategic Research on Development of China Shipping Agency Tianjin Co.Ltd;天津中海船务代理公司发展战略研究

18.Research on Competitive Strategy of Dalian Tiger Shipping Ltd.大连泰嘉船务有限公司竞争战略研究


public vessel公务船艇

1.Discussion about the standard of replacing of main engine for thepublic vessel;关于公务船艇主机相关更换标准的探讨

3)shipping company船务公司

4)traveling cruiser公务旅游船

1.Optimizing the overall design of 100-passenger coastaltraveling cruiser;100客位沿海公务旅游船的总体优化设计

5)Public Service Ship政府公务船

6)The Public Vessels Act公务船舶美


LNG船(见液化天然气船)LNG船(见液化天然气船)liquified natural gas carrierLNG船(liquified natural gas earrier)见液化天然气船。
