100字范文 > 立法措施 legislative measures英语短句 例句大全

立法措施 legislative measures英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-10 14:53:49


立法措施 legislative measures英语短句 例句大全

立法措施,legislative measures

1)legislative measures立法措施

1.This paper provides a brief review of the harmful effects of bio-fouling of ships,and some experiences of other countries on bio-fouling control,and analyses the possible legislation of IMO in this regard,taking into account of thelegislative measures taken by IMO for the Ballast Water Management Convention.文中简要介绍了船舶生物污损的危害,结合国外一些国家对生物污损问题的管理经验,与压载水公约的立法过程进行对比,针对IMO可能采取的立法措施进行了分析,对我国航运业应采取的应对措施提出了意见和建议。


1.To use obstructionist tactics against(a legislative measure, for example.阻碍通过用阻碍策略反对(如立法措施)

2.Qing Dynasty Northwest Border Area Nationality Legislation Measure Evaluation;有清一代西北边疆民族立法措施评析

3.Constitutional review of legislative measures like duration extensionis one important means of achieving that goal.对立法措施的宪法审查是实现那个目标的重要方法,立法措施如保护期的延长问题.

4.To alter(a legislative measure, for example) formally by adding, deleting, or rephrasing.修正,修订通过增加、删减或重新措词来正式修改(如一种立法措施)

5.On the WTO Investment Measures and China s Legislation on Foreign Investment for Conformity to the WTO Requirement;WTO投资措施与我国外资措施立法的“适世”建议

6.They railroaded the measure through the legislature.他们使这项措施在立法机关草率通过。

7.A Study on the Domestic Law of WTO Principal Members Concerning the Application of Safeguard Measures;WTO成员方实施保障措施之国内立法研究

8.A commentary on the US judicial practice and legislation for protection of technological measures美国保护技术措施的司法实践和立法评介

9.The Legislative Studies on the Relief Measures in Anti-domestic Violence Law;反家庭暴力法中公力救济措施的立法研究

10.Study on the Alternative Measures to Death Penalty--Standpoint on the basis of criminal law legislation in our country;论死刑的替代措施——以我国刑法立法为基点

11.The Necessity and Measurements in Establishment of Independence of Judicial System;我国确立法官独立制度的必要性及实施措施研究

12.On Measures of Enhancing Independence in Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Its Revelation浅议《萨班斯法案》中的独立性改进措施及启示

13.On the Technology Protection Measures and Its Improvement;论著作权技术保护措施制度及其立法完善

14.On the Comparison Research of Circumvention on Technological Measures of Copyright Protection and Legislation of Anti-circumvention;规避版权保护措施与反规避立法比较研究

15.The Competitive Reach on the Legislation of Remedies of Breach in International Goods Sales;国际货物买卖中违约救济措施之立法比较研究

16.Legal Research on WTO Safeguard Measures System and Legislation Perfection of China;WTO保障措施制度及我国的立法对策研究

17.On Investigative Compulsory Measures of Job Crime and Legislative Perfection;论职务犯罪侦查强制措施及其立法完善

18.Study on the Agricultural Machinery-rization Supporting Measure Basing on the Place Legislation Tier of Face;基于地方立法层面的农机化扶持措施研究


jurisdictional issues非立法措施

3)Legislation and policy立法对策与措施

4)domestic legislative measure国内立法措施

5)position and actions立场与措施

6)legislative criteria经由立法措施订立的准则;法定准则


