100字范文 > 海上交通流 marine traffic flow英语短句 例句大全

海上交通流 marine traffic flow英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-11 12:08:27


海上交通流 marine traffic flow英语短句 例句大全

海上交通流,marine traffic flow

1)marine traffic flow海上交通流

1.A combinative model of agent and cellular automata(CA) formarine traffic flow simulation was proposed to promote its efficiency.为提高海上交通流模拟效率,提出基于Agent和CA相结合的海上交通流模拟模型。


1.Simulation of Air Distribution on Data Center and Port Traffic Stream空调机房气流分布和海上交通流的数值模拟

2.Marine traffic flow simulation based on combination of agent and cellular automata基于智能体和元胞自动机的海上交通流模拟

3.Analysis of Marine Traffic Flow Characteristics Based on Data Mining基于数据挖掘的海上交通流数据特征分析

4.Sea Transportation and Chinese and Foreign Cultural Interaction before 10th Century;10世纪以前的海上交通与中外文化交流

5.International Marine-traffic Data Exchange国际海上交通数据交换

6.Analysis of the Characteristics of Passenger Flow of station on Shanghai Rail Tr ansit Line 5;上海轨道交通5号线站点客流特征分析

7.Passenger Flow and Ticket Price Adjustment of Shanghai Pearl Line (Phase Ⅱ);上海轨道交通4号线预测客流量和票价的调整

8.Trip Failure Traction DC Switch of in Shanghai Metro上海轨道交通牵引直流开关跳闸故障分析

9.Rail Transit Passenger Forecasting: a theoretical study in Shanghai上海市轨道交通客流预测理论方法研究

10.a major European river carrying more traffic than any other river in the world; flows into the North Sea.欧洲一条主要河流,世界上交通量最大的河流;流入北海。

11.A Survey on Marketing of Poultry Products in Shanghai:What Can We Learn after the Bird-flu Has Been Controlled?;禽流感后对畜禽产品流通交易方式的思考——来自上海市畜禽产品流通交易方式的调查

12.Maritime Traffic Accident Report海上交通事故报告书

13.electronic-based marine traffic surveillance capability海上交通电子监视力量

14.MACG (Marine Air Control Group)海上空中交通管制大队

15.Travel or traffic by vessels, especially commercial shipping.海上交通海土交通或航运业,尤其指商业运输

16.General Review of 20 Years Research Work at Shanghai CTU Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory上海交通大学船舶流体力学研究室二十年来科研工作概况

17.a military service responsible for the safety of maritime traffic in coastal waters.在沿海水域负责海上交通安全的兵役。

18.Its road traffic is fairly convenient, ranking the key land post in Shanghai.道路交通便利,是上海的陆上要津。


Maritime traffic海上交通

1.Construction of port maritime traffic basal information sharing platform;港口海上交通基础信息共享平台的建设

2.This paper, through analysis of the rights and obligations of coastal States in maritime traffic safety control specified in the UNCLOS and some issues related to the implementation of China s Maritime Traffic Safety Law, provides some suggestions for the revision of theMaritime traffic Safety Law with a view to further perfecting .1月5日,国务院办公厅印发国务院度立法计划,《海上交通安全法》的修订工作位列其中。

3.With the rising trade between China and other countries especially the ASEAN countries, the maritime traffic flow in Beibu Gulf which is considered as the "the most convenient international path" has been increasing rapidly.随着我国与东盟和世界各国经贸往来的日益频繁,北部湾作为“中国—东盟最便捷快速的国际大通道”,海上交通流量和船舶密度日趋增大,由此也带来了海上交通险情和事故日趋增多,为更好地履行国际公约赋予我国的义务,提高我国海上搜寻救助水平,体现以胡锦涛同志为总书记的新一届中央领导集体以人为本的执政理念,本文就北部湾海上交通突发公共事件搜寻救助问题进行了相关的研究。

3)maritime transportation海上交通

1.The purpose ofmaritime transportation is navigation security and navigation efficiency.海上交通是以航行安全和航行效率为目的的。

4)marine traffic海上交通

1.Safety investigation and improvement program formarine traffic in Dalian port;大连港海上交通安全调研与航道锚地功能改善规划

2.Methods of safety quantitative evaluationinmarine traffic system;海上交通系统安全定量评价方法

3.Synergic mode formarine traffic risk management based on level and period synergic modes基于层次与阶段协同的海上交通风险管理模式

5)maritime exchange海上通交

1.With the aid of the historical data,the article aims to interpret themaritime exchange in two aspects,including Silla people s role in the exchange and the then Sino-Japanese protocol system focused on the reception of Japanese envoys to the Tang Dynasty.《入唐求法巡礼行记》是研究九世纪东亚交流史不可多得的第一手资料,通过对这一史料的深入探析,从新罗人在九世纪东亚海上通交中的作用和以日本遣唐使为中心的唐日邦交礼制体系两个层面来诠释九世纪的东亚海上通交,以期对这一时期的东亚政治、经济、文化交流有一个较为微观、具体的认识。

6)sea transportation海上交通

1.The development of thesea transportation expanded a sea association of content,and developed a Chinese and foreign cultural interaction further,made the culture of Chinese and foreign each race influence gradual extension,various intercultural blend and borrow deepen gradually,and accelerated the progress of culture blend.海上交通的发展扩展了海上交往的内容,并进一步发展了中外文化交流,使中外各民族间的文化影响逐渐扩大,各种不同文化间的相互融合与借取程度逐渐加深,加速了文化融合的进程。

2.Fuxu port played a much more important role insea transportation than in trades.而广州对外贸易的繁荣与海上交通密不可分,广州城港不仅可利用珠江与广大腹地相连,而且直接与海外交通。


