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规则表 Rule table英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-11 12:15:44


规则表 Rule table英语短句 例句大全

规则表,Rule table

1)Rule table规则表

1.Through the analyses of the related problem of rule table,the rule table is separated into two sub groups.通过分析Internet网络主干路由器分组分类的关键问题和解决方案,提出了基于散列表的快速分组分类算法,该算法时间复杂度为O(1);通过分析规则表的相关性将规则表分成相关子集和不相关子集,对不相关子集采用哈希法构造散列表。


1.having or caused by an irregular surface.有不规则表面或由不规则表面引起的。

2.Decision rules acquisition algorithm for personalized knowledge based on rough set and rule presentation个性化决策规则获取算法及规则表示

3.Implementation of Classification Rules Table Query in MPLS Using Hash Unit;用哈希单元实现MPLS中分类规则表查询

4.report heading group presentation rule报表头部栏表示规则

5.Regulations and Potential Regulations-Superficial and Real Criminal Law;规则与潜规则──表象与真实的刑法

6.Rules for the presentation of graphical symbols--General principlesGB/T16900-1997图形符号表示规则总则

7.A Preliminary Study on the Explanation of Declaration of Intention in Civil Code;民法典总则之意思表示解释规则初探

8.Click to modify the selected rule in the rules list.单击此处可修改规则列表中的选定规则。

9.Click to modify the selected rule in the rules list below.单击此处可修改下面规则列表中的选定规则。

10.Optimizing of Extraction Rules and Expressing of the Rules with XQuery in Web Information Extraction Systems;Web信息抽取规则的优化及规则的XQuery表达

11.the regular [irregular] conjugation规则 [不规则] 变化

12.100. The representative of China stated that China"s rules of origin for import and export were non-preferential rules of origin.100.中国代表表示,中国的进出口原产地规则属于非优惠原产地规则。

13.The Resolution Principles & Rules of Performance of Law Conflict on the International Factoring;论国际保理法律冲突的表现与解决原则及规则

14.This class represents a disabled port rule.这个类别代表一个禁用的端口规则。

15.Don"t think you can learn grammatical rules like you learn multiplication tables.不能像记乘法表那样记语法规则.

16.Invalid registry group. No application rules specified.无效注册表组。没有指定程序规则。

17.Guidelines for establishment and development of Chinese thesauriGB/T13190-1991汉语叙词表编制规则

18.Documentation--Guidelines for establishment and development of multilingual thesauriGB/T15417-1994文献多语种叙词表编制规则


Display rules表达规则

1.Childrens cognitive construction of emotional display rules(EDRs) was an important task during their socialization and the development of emotion.情绪表达规则知识的建构是儿童社会化和情绪健康发展过程中的一项重要任务,该文考察了情绪表达规则的概念及个体对其认知发展的相关理论和测量。

3)display rule表现规则

4)knowledge representation规则表示

1.This paper analyses the disadvantage of productionknowledge representation which has been widely used in order-sheet expert system,and indicates that dependent relation between inference program and rules is the main reason which restricts the adaptability of order-sheet expert system.分析了在操作票专家系统中普遍采用的产生式规则的局限性,指出推理程序对规则表示的依赖性是制约操作票专家系统通用性的根本原因。

2.However, having simple structure and easily comprehended, Productionknowledge representation has been widely used in operating command expert system, but single rule can hardly reflect the whole structure of rule base, the rule base is lack of organization, and the logic relation of rules is not embodied.调度操作票专家系统是专家系统在电力系统中的一个重要应用,产生式规则表示方法由于具有结构简单、易于理解等优点被广泛应用于操作票专家系统中,但是,单一产生式规则很难反映知识库的整体情况,整个知识库缺乏协调与组织,不能体现规则之间的逻辑关系。

5)Rule representation规则表示

1.Rule representation which is one of key techniques in CAD model verification of product was studied.研究了基于规则的产品CAD模型验证中的关键技术——规则表示,借助UG/KF,提出了基于类的产品CAD模型验证规则表示方法。

6)delegate rules代表规则


阿斯曼通风干湿表(见通风干湿表)阿斯曼通风干湿表(见通风干湿表)AS iman tongfeng ganshibiao阿斯曼通风干湿表见通风干湿表。
