100字范文 > 电话自动报警 automatic alarm system with telephone英语短句 例句大全

电话自动报警 automatic alarm system with telephone英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-11 23:57:15


电话自动报警 automatic alarm system with telephone英语短句 例句大全

电话自动报警,automatic alarm system with telephone

1)automatic alarm system with telephone电话自动报警

2)household automatic phone alarm system家用自动电话报警

3)telephone alarm电话报警

1.Objective To settelephone alarm device in attraction system of automatic control center for timely detection of malfunctions.目的:研究在中心吸引系统加装电话报警装置,以便及时发现故障,使医疗工作不受影响。

2.A multi-intelligenttelephone alarm monitor system based on pyroelectric infrared(PIR) detector is designed.设计了基于热释电探测的智能多路电话报警系统,放置在不同监控点的各探测器能将探测信号以无线的方式传送给系统主机,启动电话拨号报警系统或本地声响方式报警。

3.Telephone alarm system based on GIS platform would inform security center of inhabitant community, policeman and the users when some emergency happened.提出了一种建立在地理信息系统(GIS)基础上的电话报警网络计算机管理系统。


1.Application of telephone alarm system in fault alarm system of the CINRAD / SC radar电话报警器用于CINRAD/SC雷达故障报警

2.In case of fire, ring (up) the police.如果发生火灾,打电话报警。

3.Please call the police for me?请你替我打电话报警好吗?

4.He fled the kidnappers and phoned the police.他从绑架者手中逃脱之后打电话报警。

5.and went to the telephone to call the police to come and arrest him.然后走到电话机旁,想打电话报警,让警察来逮捕他。

6.Study and Development of 110 & Banking Network-Point Alarm System by Telephone;110及金融网点电话报警系统的研制与开发

7.The design and realization of the telephone alarm system based on singlechip基于单片机的电话报警系统的设计与实现

8.They did not have the protection of an organized police force or telephones which could summon the police instantly.他们没有一支有组织的警察队伍的保护,也不能随时打电话报警。

9.Nat: My laptop has gone too. OK, we"d better telephone the police straightaway.约特:我的笔记型电脑也不见了。我们马上打电话报警吧。

10.When firefighters answer a call,当消防员接到报警电话,

11.Some cities have special telephone numbers to report a fire or call the police.有些城市有报警或火警的专用电话号码。

12.Then enter your alert phone number followed by the# key.这时,输入您的报警电话号码,按#结束.

13.radio telephone alarm signal generator发线电话警报信号发生器

14.Design of smart telephone alarm system based on AT89S52基于AT89S52智能安居报警电话的设计

15.Rough-in communication - phone, cable, computer, alarm安装通讯设备(电话、电缆、计算机和报警设备等)

16.The Alarm System of Weapon and Equipment Warehouse Based on Telephone System;基于电话系统的武器装备仓库报警系统

17.Design of Infrared Alarm System of High Sensitivity Based on Telephone Net;基于电话网络的高灵敏度红外报警系统的设计

18.An intelligent household alarm system based on telephone netwok一种基于电话网络的家居智能报警系统


household automatic phone alarm system家用自动电话报警

3)telephone alarm电话报警

1.Objective To settelephone alarm device in attraction system of automatic control center for timely detection of malfunctions.目的:研究在中心吸引系统加装电话报警装置,以便及时发现故障,使医疗工作不受影响。

2.A multi-intelligenttelephone alarm monitor system based on pyroelectric infrared(PIR) detector is designed.设计了基于热释电探测的智能多路电话报警系统,放置在不同监控点的各探测器能将探测信号以无线的方式传送给系统主机,启动电话拨号报警系统或本地声响方式报警。

3.Telephone alarm system based on GIS platform would inform security center of inhabitant community, policeman and the users when some emergency happened.提出了一种建立在地理信息系统(GIS)基础上的电话报警网络计算机管理系统。

4)alarm telephone报警电话

5)automatic reporting telephone(ART)自动报告电话

6)telephone alarming device电话报警器

1.This paper is to introduce a single chip micro processor that is used as the core to control thetelephone alarming device.文章介绍一种以单片机作为控制核心的电话报警器 。


长途电话自动交换网长途电话自动交换网long-distance telephone automatic switched network/ang ehangtu dianhua zidong iiaohuanv 长途电话自动交换网(long一diSI 以telephone antomatie switehed network)话和自动接续电路交换方式向用户提供电带数话带数据业务的长途电话通信网。话带上据业务是指使用调制解调器在话音频网通常采用网状网结构,即由若干个本地电话交换端局(简称本地端局)通过局间中继两两互联组成。较大的本地电话网通常采用等级网结构,即由若干个本地电话汇接局(简称本地汇接局)及其所属的本地端局组成,汇接局间通过局间中继按网状网方式相连,汇接局与其所属的端局间通过局间中继按星形网方式相连。长途电话网通常采用栅格网与星形网相结合的等级网拓扑结构,设若干级长途交换中心,包括各级长途汇接局、长途终端局或长市合一局(既有本地交换功能又有长途交换功能的电话交换局)。各长途交换中心间的长途中继按照连接关系不同分为直达路由、迁回路由和基干路由等方式。长途电话自动交换网的路由选择原则是:主叫用户侧的长途终端局首先选择连接被叫用户侧长途终端局的直达路由,无直达路由或直达路由被占用时,按照迁回路由的距离由近而远的原则,依次选择迁回路由,最后选择基干路由。┌───┐│广’勺│└───┘C1C2C:C;C5B用户赢l︷l以模拟方式传送各类数据(包括传真通信等)的通信业务。长途电话自动交换网的特点是:使用简便,覆盖范围广,通信实时性好。军用长途电话自动交换网是保障统帅部和各级指挥机关对部队实施指挥通信的主要手段,是连接各军种、兵种电子信息系统的基本网络,是战略通信网的重要组成部分。组成与原理长途电话自动交换网主要由用户终端设备(如电话机、传真机、调制解调器)、交换设备、传输设备(含连接用户终端与交换机的用户线、交换机间互连的中继线和长途线路)等基础设施以及信令系统、网络管理系统和数字同步网等控制设施组成。长途电话自动交换网采用全网统一的用户编号方式,每个电话用户终端分配一个惟一的用户号码。
