100字范文 > 绿色照明工程 green lighting project英语短句 例句大全

绿色照明工程 green lighting project英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-29 20:10:41


绿色照明工程 green lighting project英语短句 例句大全

绿色照明工程,green lighting project

1)green lighting project绿色照明工程

1.In this paper,a deep research on the method of urban lighting planning is carried out in combination with the understanding from the urban lighting engineering practice,the method of master and detailed urban lighting plannings in mountain region is proposed,and the implementation ofgreen lighting project through rational urban lighting planning is realized.对城市照明规划设计方法进行了深入研究,结合城市照明工程实践中的认识,建议了山地城市照明总体规划和详细规划设计方法,并通过城市照明规划设计与城市照明建设实现绿色照明工程的要求。


1.Investigation on the green light programs in 500kV substation;500kV变电站实现“绿色照明工程”的研究

2.Brief Discussion on Development and Application of Green Lighting Engineering浅谈绿色照明工程的发展与应用状况

3.The Application Research and Development of High Brightness LED in Green Lighting Engineering;高亮度LED在绿色照明工程中的应用研究与开发

4.Review and Prospect of Implementation of China Green Lighting Program for Ten Years;中国绿色照明工程实施十周年回顾与展望

5.DSM Illumination Power Conservation Item Experience About Chinese Green Illumination Project;中国绿色照明工程DSM照明节电示范项目经验初探

6.For environmental protection and the mankind"s fine foregrounds, please concentrate on together the prosperity that the green illuminates the engineering prosperous.为保护环境和人类的美好前景,请共同致力于绿色照明工程的繁荣昌盛。

7.Implementing Green Project Advocating Green Civilization--Profound Transformation of Green Revolution Practice in Dongfang City;实施绿色工程 倡导绿色文明——东方市绿色革命实践的深刻变革

8.The Application of Green Concrete in Mingzhou Bridge Project绿色混凝土在明州大桥工程中的应用

9.Analysis of the Status and Development Trends of Green Lighting Technology浅论绿色照明技术的现状及发展趋势

10.Green Engineering:the Tactic on Green Consumption;城市绿色消费问题对策——绿色工程

11.Ecological Engineering Green Roofs and the Greening of Vertical Walls of Buildings生态工程 绿色屋顶和绿色垂直墙面


13.Application of Wireless Sensor Network in the "Green" Lighting System;无线传感器网络在绿色照明系统中的应用

14.The application of power electronic technology in green lighting circuit;电力电子技术在绿色照明电路中的应用

15.Probe into Promoting the Green Construction of the Engineering Projects in Shanxi Province;推进山西省工程建设绿色施工的探讨

16.a transparent variety of beryl that is blue green in color.一种透明青绿色绿玉。

17.Thorium Shells are now green at 300 Engineering (was orange at 300 eng. before this patch).瑟银弹现在是绿色的,在300工程看,是绿色的(以前是橙色的.

18.China Trans-Century Green Project Plan《中国跨世纪绿色工程规划》


China Green Lights Project中国绿色照明工程

1.Discussion of Sustainable Development ofChina Green Lights Project;中国绿色照明工程可持续发展探讨

2.Research on Energy Conservation Scenario ofChina Green Lights Project;中国绿色照明工程节电方案研究

3)green illumination绿色照明

1.Shallowly will discuss the electromagnetic induction lamp ingreen illumination vital role;浅谈电磁感应灯在绿色照明中的重要作用

2.Discussion on problems existed in implementinggreen illumination;实施绿色照明存在的问题探讨

3.A probe into the application ofgreen illumination on the campus;校园绿色照明的应用与探索

4)Green lighting绿色照明

1.Development of aluminum electrolytic capacitors for green lighting;绿色照明用铝电解电容器的研制

2.Implementation status and effect analysis of green lighting in different countries;绿色照明在各国的实施状况与效果分析

5)green lights绿色照明

1.Discussion aboutgreen lights barriers;推广绿色照明工作中问题的探讨

6)lighting engineering照明工程

1.In order to establish the relationship between subjective sense and physical measurement inlighting engineering,the qualitative and quantitative analyses are connected through generalized Weber-Fechner Law.为了建立照明工程中主观感觉量与客观物理量之间的关系,利用广义的韦伯—费昔勒定律把照明工程中的定性问题与定量问题联系起来,并对于照明工程实际应用问题,推导出了由客观物理量得到相应主观感觉量的近似计算式。


