100字范文 > 建筑电气工程 building electrical engineering英语短句 例句大全

建筑电气工程 building electrical engineering英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-10 07:49:50


建筑电气工程 building electrical engineering英语短句 例句大全

建筑电气工程,building electrical engineering

1)building electrical engineering建筑电气工程

1.For abuilding electrical engineering project, construction management plays an important part from the project starting to finish.对于一项建筑电气工程而言,从开工到竣工,施工现场管理自始至终都起着至关重要的作用。


1.On teaching organization of Building Electricity Technology谈《建筑电气工程技术》的教学组织

2.Discussion management and monitoring pointsOn building electrical engineering quality浅谈建筑电气工程质量管理与监控要点

3.Questions encountered in building electric engineering and preventive measures建筑电气工程中的问题和预防措施分析

4.The Application of Project Actuation Teaching Method in Course of budget about Building Electricity;项目驱动教学法在《建筑电气工程预算》课程中的实践

5.On combination of electrical engineering installation and civil engineering浅析建筑电气安装工程与土建工程的施工配合

6.Prevention of quality common disease in building electrical installation project建筑电气安装工程中质量通病的预防

7.Consttruction electricity,small-and-middle-scale power plant,substation project design,the work-out of electric equipment document for tenders.建筑电气、中小型发电厂、变电所工程设计、电气设备招标文件编制。

8.Brief talk on the prevention and measures of building electric installation engineering quality common diseases浅议建筑电气安装工程质量通病预防及措施

9.The overall thinking to formulate the personnel training plan of electrical engineeringand it s automation subject in architectural civil engineering academy;建筑院校电气工程及自动化专业(本科)人才培养计划探讨

10.Application of Fly Ash from Xiangtan Power Plant in Construction Engineering湘潭电厂粉煤灰在建筑工程中的应用

11.A Discussion on the architectural design of the waste incineration-steam supply and power generation plant论垃圾焚烧热电联产工程的建筑设计

12.The use of Residual current protective device in construction浅谈漏电保护器在建筑工程中的应用

13.China Architecture Electrical Standard Should be Consistent with International Electrical Standard我国建筑电气标准应与国际电工标准接轨

14.Specification for winter construction of building engineering建筑工程冬期施工规程

15.Rules for construction survey of building project建筑工程施工测量规程

16.Contractor"s All Risks (CAR)建筑工程一切险(建工险)

17.Integrated Teaching Mode and the Curriculum Teaching of Electrical Control Technology on Construction;“一体化”教学模式与《建筑电气控制技术》课程教学

18.Discussion on strategies for project quality control during construction phase of thermal power plants火电厂建筑施工阶段工程质量管理策略探讨


building electrical installation project建筑电气安装工程

1.Prevention of quality common disease inbuilding electrical installation project建筑电气安装工程中质量通病的预防

3)construction engineering建筑工程

1.Quality assurance and environmental quality control ofconstruction engineering;建筑工程质量安全及环境质量管理控制初探

2.Development of coal-fired ash applied inconstruction engineering;粉煤灰在建筑工程中的应用进展

3.Thinking and practising upon teaching and studying in production practice ofconstruction engineering;建筑工程生产实习教与学的思考与实践

4)construction project建筑工程

1.Discussion on cost management of constructing stage inconstruction project;谈建筑工程施工阶段的造价管理

2.Cost check ofconstruction project item;谈建筑工程项目成本核算

3.Application of Computer Technology to Construction Project;计算机技术在建筑工程中的应用


1.The discussion on compiling the budget and the balance ofconstruction;建筑工程预结算的编制探讨

2.The judging fuzzily synthetically ofconstruction work quality;建筑工程质量的模糊综合评判

3.Discussion onconstruction anti-fire management based on "Govern for the People s Benefit";基于执政为民的建筑工程消防管理探讨

6)architectural engineering建筑工程

1.Brief analysis on cost control ofarchitectural engineering project;建筑工程项目成本控制浅析

2.Talking on progress control ofarchitectural engineering;浅谈建筑工程的进度控制

3.The Physics Application in Architectural Engineering;物理学在建筑工程中的应用


德国电气工程师协会标准(见德国电气工程师协会)德国电气工程师协会标准(见德国电气工程师协会)standards of VDE: see Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker; VDE以为uOD心nqi GongChengshi Xi6hui德国电气工程师协会标准(见德国电气工程师协会。bjOOZhUn3切旧d田月5 of VDE)
