100字范文 > 电气控制技术 electrical control technology英语短句 例句大全

电气控制技术 electrical control technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-08 19:32:29


电气控制技术 electrical control technology英语短句 例句大全

电气控制技术,electrical control technology

1)electrical control technology电气控制技术

1.Research on the Teaching Method of "Electrical Control Technology" Curriculum;《电气控制技术》课程教学方法研究

2.Research on the Teaching Method of "Electrical control technology" Curriculum;电气控制技术课程教学方法研究

3.Research on "Electrical control technology" Curriculum Teaching to Higher Professional Technical Education;“电气控制技术”课程教学方法研究


1.On Motor and Electrical Control Technology Curriculum Reform《电机与电气控制技术》课程改革的探索

2.Research on the Teaching Method of "Electrical Control Technology" Curriculum;《电气控制技术》课程教学方法研究

3.Research on "Electrical control technology" Curriculum Teaching to Higher Professional Technical Education;“电气控制技术”课程教学方法研究

4.Explorations on Curricular Building of Electric Control Technology in Machine Tool;《机床电气控制技术》课程建设初探

5.Reform And Practice for Electrical Control Technology Subject;《工厂电气控制技术》课程改革与实践

6.On teaching material construction of "Machine Electronics Control Technique;“机床电气控制技术”教材建设问题浅议

7.Integrated Teaching Model on Technical Course of Electrical Controlling;“电气控制技术”课程一体化教学模式

8.Research on the Electric Control System for Large-Scale Wind Turbine Generator;MW级风力发电系统单机电气控制技术研究

9.Researching on the Training Content of Electrical Control Technology under the Overview of Double Identity in Higher Vocational Colleges;双证沟通:高职院校电气控制技术实训内容研究

10.Multimedia in the《 Factory Electricity Control Technique》Application in the Teaching;浅谈多媒体在《电气控制技术》教学中的应用思考

11.Integrated Teaching Mode and the Curriculum Teaching of Electrical Control Technology on Construction;“一体化”教学模式与《建筑电气控制技术》课程教学

12.Exploration and Practice of Experimental Teaching of Electric Control Technology for Mechanical Specialty;机械类专业电气控制技术实验课的探讨与实践

13.Course Construction and Teaching Reform on "the Controlling Technology on Factory Electricity";“工厂电气控制技术”课程建设与教学改革

14.The Electro-hydraulic Servo Control System in Gas Pressure Welding of Rail钢轨气压焊电液伺服系统及控制技术

15.The New Electric Control Technology of Automatic Autoclaved Brick Presses蒸压砖自动液压机的电气控制新技术

16.Railway Crane Control System Based on Programmable Logic Controller基于PLC控制技术的铁路起重机电气控制系统

17.The Technical Reformation of Electric Control System of GF Air Impact Moulding LineGF气冲造型线电气控制系统的技术改造

18.General specification of central control equipments for electrical parts in power stations and substationsGB11920-1989电站电气部分集中控制装置通用技术条件


the motor and electrical control technology电机与电气控制技术

1.By stronger ties with the production,the motor and electrical control technology is the main contents of organic union,automation,electrical engineering and automation.《电机与电气控制技术》是计算机控制技术、电气工程及其自动化专业的一门专业基础性较强且与生产紧密联系的课程,本门课程内容多、难度大。

3)Electric Control Technology in Machine Tool机床电气控制技术

1.Explorations on Curricular Building ofElectric Control Technology in Machine Tool;《机床电气控制技术》课程建设初探

4)Electrical Control Technology on Construction建筑电气控制技术

1.Integrated Teaching Mode and the Curriculum Teaching ofElectrical Control Technology on Construction;“一体化”教学模式与《建筑电气控制技术》课程教学

5)Controlling technology on industry electricity工业电气控制技术

6)controlling technology on factory electricity工厂电气控制技术

1.This paper introduces the study and practice of course group on "thecontrolling technology on factory electricity" in constructed course content system, reformed teaching means, integrated practice teaching link and developed course construction and teaching reform.介绍我校应用电子技术专业"工厂电气控制技术"课程组以先进教育思想为指导,以能力和素质培养为主线,构建课程内容体系、改革教学手段和教学方法、整合实践教学环节和资源,开展课程建设和教学改革的研究与实践。


《比利时皇家电气专家协会通报电气评论》《比利时皇家电气专家协会通报电气评论》Bulletion de la Société Royale Beige des Electriciens avec Revue EBll一shi HuangjlaD旧nq一ZhuanjlaX一ehu一TongbaoD一onqlP inglun《比利时皇家电气专家协会通报电气评论》(B以let加de la Soc心乏尺刃以‘及才g‘己云‘E距以”必奋nsavecRevueE.)创刊于1885年,法文季刊,12开本,由比利时皇家电气专家协会编辑出版。编辑部地址:比利时,布普塞尔,Boulevard BrandWithlock 114 Btes,1200。该刊是比利时皇家电气专家协会的通报,并附有“电气评论”,主要刊载核能、人工智能、电信网络等电子、电工领域的科技论文、科技简讯和会议动态。以法文和弗兰芒文对照出版。该刊的读者对象是电子、电工部门的科技人员。
