100字范文 > 舰船电网(SPS) shipboard power system(SPS)英语短句 例句大全

舰船电网(SPS) shipboard power system(SPS)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-09 12:38:13


舰船电网(SPS) shipboard power system(SPS)英语短句 例句大全

舰船电网(SPS),shipboard power system(SPS)

1)shipboard power system(SPS)舰船电网(SPS)

2)ship electric network舰船电网

1.The requirement of the security ofship electric network is higher too.随着舰船大型化,电力系统容量增大,对舰船电网安全性要求也越来越高,绝缘在线监测已逐步成为现代舰船电网自动监测不可缺少的一部分。

3)ship network舰船网络

1.In order to make all the systems into an organic whole, theship network platform must be constructed.同时,为了将各系统有机结合、形成整体,必须建设完备的舰船网络平台,实现舰船信息的网络化。


1.Ship Network Based on Field Bus and Interlink Technology;基于现场总线的舰船网络及其互连技术

work pattern of naval ship synthesized platform management舰船综合平台管理系统网络形式探讨

3.On the Neural Network Theory and Its Application in Ship Motion Prediction神经网络理论研究及在舰船运动预报中的应用

4.Prediction of Ship Movement Based on Parallel Grey Neural Network;基于并联型灰色神经网络的舰船运动预报

5.Application of Network Technology in the Integrated Monitoring of Ship Engine-room;网络技术在舰船机舱集中监控中的应用

6.Study of Naval Vessel Repair Price Appraisal Based on BP Neural Network;基于BP神经网络的舰船修理价格估算研究

7.Distributed Marine Combat Network Visual Simulation System Based on HLA基于HLA架构的舰船编队网络视景仿真系统

8.Research on HRA in the ship PSA based on Bayesian network基于贝叶斯网络的HRA研究在舰船PSA中的应用

9.Remote monitoring of networking ship and development of maintenance management decision-making system网络化舰船远程监测及维修管理决策系统研制

10.An identification method for ship parameters based on neural network ensembles一种基于神经网络集成的舰船参数辨识方法

11.Ship relative integrated navigation and positioning based on wireless无线网络系统的舰船相对组合导航定位

12.Study on the application of network reconfiguration method in zonal distribution system of warship网络重构法在舰船区域配电系统中的应用研究

13.Topology Analysis of Network for Adaptive Protection of Current for Shipboard Power Systems舰船电力系统自适应电流保护网络拓扑分析

14."In the 20th century, radio Beacons and satellite networks allowed aircraft and ships to determine their position. "在20世纪,无线电信标台与卫星网络让飞机和船舰确定其位置。

15.The Methods for Feature Extraction and Classification of Radar Ship Target Using Neural Network基于神经网络的舰船雷达目标特征抽取与分类方法研究

16.Research on Technologies of Monitor and Control System for Power Devices in Marine Engine Room Based on Networks;基于网络环境的舰船机舱动力装置监控系统技术研究

17.Modeling and Predicting of Neural Network and Application in Watercraft Motion Modeling and Prediction;基于神经网络方法对舰船姿态运动预报的仿真研究

18.Recognition and Classification Methods of Ship Targets Based on Wavelet Transform and Neural Network基于小波变换和神经网络的舰船目标识别和分类


ship electric network舰船电网

1.The requirement of the security ofship electric network is higher too.随着舰船大型化,电力系统容量增大,对舰船电网安全性要求也越来越高,绝缘在线监测已逐步成为现代舰船电网自动监测不可缺少的一部分。

3)ship network舰船网络

1.In order to make all the systems into an organic whole, theship network platform must be constructed.同时,为了将各系统有机结合、形成整体,必须建设完备的舰船网络平台,实现舰船信息的网络化。

4)network monitoring for the mechanical and electrical equipment of warship舰船机电设备网络监测

5)electric field of warship舰船电场

1.The conclusions prove that theelectric field of warship has obvious characteristics and can be detected easily.根据海上实测数据,结合实验室试验和理论分析,初步分析了舰船电场的频率成分、强度、波形特征与舰船航速、消磁水平以及尺度等的关系。

6)Shipboard optronics舰船光电


《国际大电网会议会刊》《国际大电网会议会刊》ElectraGuo]一DaD一anwong Hulyl Hu一kan《国际大电网会议会刊》(E之‘‘tra)创刊于1967年,双月刊,12开本。由国际大电网会议(International Conferenee on Lar罗High VoltageElectric Systems)CIGRE编辑出版。编辑部地址:CIGRE,21 rue d.Artois,75008 Paris,Franee;E一mail:[email protected]一net,sct,fr;网址:/~eigre·该刊是国际大电网会议会刊,选登国际大电网会议各专业组的有关论文,介绍各专业组的讨论摘要,报道会议活动简讯等。用英、法文对照出版。该刊的读者对象是电力、能源部门的科技人员。
