100字范文 > 教学型大学 teaching-oriented university英语短句 例句大全

教学型大学 teaching-oriented university英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-12 12:14:57


教学型大学 teaching-oriented university英语短句 例句大全

教学型大学,teaching-oriented university

1)teaching-oriented university教学型大学

1.Educational service is the main output ofteaching-oriented university.教学型大学是我国高等教育大众化的主力军,它的发展好坏直接影响到我国高等教育整体质量的高低。

2.The Well-known University evaluation expert and researcher Wu Shulian made a classification research of china\"s 591 general undergraduate universities, and suggested that general undergraduate universities should be divided into four categories: Research-oriented University, Research and Teaching Oriented University, Teaching and Research Oriented University, and Teaching-oriented University.国内知名的大学评价专家武书连研究员对中国591所普通本科大学的分类研究,他建议把普通本科大学分为四类:研究型大学、研究教学型大学、教学研究型大学、教学型大学。

3.Also the ways and methods of teaching reform of building equipment course in the localteaching-oriented university are studied.结合建筑学专业建筑设备课程教学的现状,从提高教学质量、培养应用型人才着手,提出并阐述了建筑设备课程应从教学内容、教学手段、师资配置和教学计划实施等方面进行改革和创新,探讨了地方教学型大学建筑设备课程教学改革的途径和方法。


1.The View on the Development of the Quality of Students of Teaching University教学型大学学生素质发展特色的思考

2.Convergence in School-running Modes of Teaching-centered Universities: Roots and Counter-measures教学型大学办学模式趋同:根源与对策

3.Theory and Countermeasures of Quality of Educational Service on Teaching-oriented University;教学型大学教育服务质量理论的探讨

4.Application of Task-based Language Teaching to College English Teaching;任务型教学在大学英语教学中的运用

5.College English Tenching form the Perspective of "Input Teaching Method”;“输入型教学”视角下的大学英语教学

6.Strategies for Upgrading from Teaching-Research University to Research University;教学研究型大学向研究型大学跨越的战略研究

7.Reflexion on Teaching and Research University at the Preliminary Stage;教学研究型大学初期阶段的办学思考

8.Task-based Teaching in College English under Research-based Learning Style;大学英语“研究性学习”下的任务型教学

9.Study of the Change in Chinese Teaching in College;浅谈学校转轨变型后的“大学语文”教学

10.An Analysis of the Existing Elite Education Model of Teaching and Research-oriented Universities;教学研究型大学精英教育模式的分析

11.How to Lead the Faculty to Focus More on Teaching in Research Universities;在研究型大学如何引导教师重视教学

12.Research of teacher performance evaluation of teaching and research university教学研究型大学的教师绩效评价研究

13.On the Application of TBLT in College English Teaching;任务型教学法在大学英语教学中的应用

14.The Application of Task-based Language Teaching to College English Intensive Reading Class;任务型教学在大学英语精读课教学中的运用

15.Application of Task-Based Approach in College English Vocabulary Learning and Teaching;任务型教学法在大学英语词汇教学中的应用

16.Research on the Application of Task-Based Approach to the Teaching of College English Listening and Speaking;任务型教学在大学听说教学中的应用研究

17.The Study on Supervising and Controlling Mechanism of Undergraduate Teaching in Universities of Teaching and Researching Type;教学研究型大学本科教学监控机制的分析

18.The Application of Task-based Teaching in Russian Teaching in College;任务型教学法在大学俄语教学中的应用


teaching-oriented universities教学型大学

1.Thus,to carry out strategic management has become the first choice of all the universities in the world,and it is also the realistic choice for theteaching-oriented universities of our country to develop healthily.21世纪,世界各国大学面临着在校生规模扩大和教育经费紧缺、大学之间竞争日趋激烈、社会压力越来越大等世界性问题,实施战略管理成为世界各国大学的首选,也是我国教学型大学得以健康发展的现实选择。

3)teaching-research university教学研究型大学

1.This paper advances the requirements for the construction of the library ofteaching-research university from the angle of target location of the library ofteaching-research university.从教学研究型大学图书馆的目标定位角度,提出了教学研究型大学图书馆的建设要求。

4)research-teaching university研究教学型大学

1.While colleges and universities are turning toresearch-teaching university,which emphasizes talented person education and science research,the students practices,students assessment of teaching,information of teachers research,convenience of records availability and information technology and so on have been highlighted in departments and institutes teaching records management.高校向注重创新型人才培养和科学研究的研究教学型大学跨越中,院所教学档案管理更加突出地表现出对学生实践环节、对学生评教活动、注重教师科研信息以及档案利用要方便快捷和信息化技术要求等特点。

5)teaching and research university教学研究型大学

1.A high levelteaching and research university represents some features such as advanced university ideal,higher academic group,typical subject,high quality sphere,leading scientific research and open university mode.高水平的教学研究型大学具有先进的办学理念、高水平的学术群体、强势的特色学科、优质的办学环境、卓著的科研业绩和开放办学模式等基本特征。

6)teaching-research universities教学研究型大学

1.The Study on Target and Method of Personnel Training of Teaching-research Universities;教学研究型大学的人才培养目标与途径研究


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