100字范文 > 国内外研究 research at home and abroad英语短句 例句大全

国内外研究 research at home and abroad英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-16 02:34:31


国内外研究 research at home and abroad英语短句 例句大全

国内外研究,research at home and abroad

1)research at home and abroad国内外研究


parison Study on Home and Abroad Quality Assurance System in Graduate Education;国内外研究生质量保障体系比较研究

2.Study Progress of Morinda citrifolia诺丽研究进展(一)——国内外研究进展

3.CMC and Foreign Language Learning Research Home and Abroad: a Retrospection;国内外关于CMC与外语学习研究回顾

4.Analysis of building infrared inspection research situation at home and abroad国内外建筑物红外检测研究状况分析

5.Studies on Production and Consumption Market of Caprolactam;国内外己内酰胺生产与消费市场研究

6.Research on the Comparison of Biology Textbooks in Senior High School Both at Home and Abroad;国内、国外高中生物教材的比较研究

7.Contemporary Foreign Philosophy:Present Situation and Further Development in China;现代外国哲学:国内研究现状与展望

8.Domestic and Foreign Chinese Medicine R&D Comparative Study of Development Trends中药研发国内外发展趋势的比较研究

9.The present situation of research on magnetic ink all around the world was reviewed.综述国内外磁性油墨的研究现状。

10.A Review on die Research Achievements of the Price of Information Goods at Home and Abroad国内外信息商品价格问题研究评述

11.Contrast and research on DSM measures at home and abroad国内外电力需求侧管理措施对比研究

12.The Comparison and Analysis between Domestic and Overseas Engineering Cost Model;国内外工程造价模式对比分析及研究

13.A Study on International Assurance Systems for Safety of Foods from Animals;国内外动物源食品安全保障体系研究

parative Study of Domestic and International Agricultural Subject Information Gateway;国内外农业学科信息门户的比较研究

15.Study on IT Outsourcing Development in China with Case Studies;国内IT外包服务发展探讨与实例研究

16.The Current Status and Development Trends for International Industry of Veterinary Drugs;国内外兽药产业现状与发展趋势研究

17.Analysis on Motive Force of Chinese Family Business;我国家族企业转型内外因素分析研究

18.The Study Development and New Thinking of the Parent-child Book Reading at Home and Abroad;国内外亲子阅读研究发展及其新思考


study and application of China and international国内外应用研究

3)the Research Situation of Gesar国内外研究状况

4)international and domestic remark on researches国内外研究述评

5)the going of foreign study国内外研究现状

6)research trends in China and other countries国内外研究动态


