100字范文 > 溶剂粘接 solvent bonding英语短句 例句大全

溶剂粘接 solvent bonding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-31 07:21:06


溶剂粘接 solvent bonding英语短句 例句大全

溶剂粘接,solvent bonding

1)solvent bonding溶剂粘接

2)solventless bonding无溶剂粘接

3)solvent bonding self-fluxing enamelled wire溶剂粘接直焊性漆包线

4)Solvent viscosity溶剂粘度


1.We thus meet the first effect of structure on reaction rate, an influence on the importance of solvent viscosity.这样我们碰到了结构对反应速度的第一个影响,这种影响是以溶剂粘度的重要性为基础的。

2.viscosity controlled mutual solvent受粘度控制的互溶剂

3.high solubility binder glass mat高溶解度粘合剂玻璃纤维毡

4.Aqueous Polyester Plasticizer Dedicated for Sizing and Binding Agents浸润剂、粘结剂专用水溶性聚酯增塑剂

5.Viscosity Reduction Test of Viscosity Reducer-doped Water-soluble Emulsion超稠油掺水溶性乳化降粘剂降粘试验

6.Influence of the solvent system on gel viscosity of montmorillonite/alkylammonium complexes溶剂体系对蒙脱石/烷基铵复合物凝胶粘度的影响

7.Effect of Surfactants on the Shear Viscosity of Dilute Aqueous Solutions of Sodium Alginate表面活性剂对海藻酸钠稀水溶液剪切粘度的影响

8.gas-oil fluid viscosity含溶解气石油的粘度

9.Preparation of Organic-inorganic Composite Binder by Sol-gel Process溶胶凝胶法制备有机无机复合胶粘剂

10.9. A solvent will dissolve more solute with a rise of temperature.溶剂随着温度升高而溶解更多的溶质。

11.Research and development on solvent-based CR adhesive溶剂型氯丁橡胶胶粘剂的研究开发现状

12.Study on a two-component PU adhesive based on solvent-free一种无溶剂型双组分聚氨酯胶粘剂的研制

13.Determination methods for viscosity of adhesivesGB/T2794-1995胶粘剂粘度的测定

14.testing methods for flexural strength of adhesives胶粘剂粘结挠曲强度的试验方法

15.Basic Material: Rimple paper, with advantage of naural color, heat-proof, wet-proof, anti-pollution.用一种自然色的,具有防热、潮、污的皱纹纸为基材,涂上具有溶解度的感压橡胶粘剂而成。

16.It was observed that the pentamethoxyl red was fading in atidity and viscose alcohol.发现在酸性低粘度醇类溶剂中,五甲氧基三苯甲基正离子的褪色现象。

17.an adhesive made by dissolving unvulcanized rubber in a solvent like benzene or naphtha.将不能硫化的橡胶溶于苯或石脑油等溶剂中制成的粘合剂。

18.electronic grade solvent电子工业纯度级溶剂


solventless bonding无溶剂粘接

3)solvent bonding self-fluxing enamelled wire溶剂粘接直焊性漆包线

4)Solvent viscosity溶剂粘度

5)solvent bonding溶剂粘合

6)solvent adhesives溶剂粘着剂


