100字范文 > 深层取水 deep water intake英语短句 例句大全

深层取水 deep water intake英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-24 14:47:20


深层取水 deep water intake英语短句 例句大全

深层取水,deep water intake

1)deep water intake深层取水

2)deepwater sampling深水取样


1.sampling in deep waters for macro-invertebrates(guidance on the use of colonization, qualitative and quantitative samplers)宏无脊椎生物的深水取样-菌落使用导则

2.A depth sampler is strapped to the running board of the helicopter.把深水取样器固定在直升机的试验台上。

3.Deep Sampling Equipment Development and Its Application of Soil-Cement Mixed Pile by Triaxial Stirring Machine三轴水泥土搅拌桩深层取样装置研制及其应用

4.The choice on the best deepness of obtaining sample of water in the simulating examination on nutrients removing and transforming in sediment-water interface现代沉积物—水界面营养盐迁移模拟实验的最佳取样深度优选

5.Gordeev prism grab水底等深柱形采样抓斗

6.Sampling method of cementGB12573-1990水泥取样方法

7.horizontal [ vertical ] sub - sampling水平[垂直]辅助取样

8.it is able to get water.这样它就可以汲取水分。

9.Preliminary Studies on the Depth Selection of Seepage Calculation on the Infinite Deep Pervious Foundation大坝无限深透水地基渗流计算深度选取初探

10."If there is a stream nearby, also collect some stream water."若样条经过小溪,也取小溪的水样本。

11.Collect water sample from the site where transect line runs into the sea.在样条伸展入海的位置取海水样本。

12.Using ArcGIS to Extract Separate Water Depth Labels from CAD利用ArcGIS提取CAD中分离式标注水深

13.guidance on sampling of sludges from sewage and water-treatment works污水中淤泥和水处理厂的取样指南

14."Silent men, like still waters, are deep and dangerous"沈默的人像静水一样,深而难测

15.Application of Simple Deep Well Point Dewatering in Construction of Feiya Water Intake Project简易深井井点降水在飞亚取水口工程中的应用

16.I showed him how to keep his fly from dragging, how to fish the deeper pools.我教他怎样不拖拉钓线,怎样在深水里钓鱼。

17.What affectionate nickname did Sally give Linus?萨莉给奈勒斯取了一个什么样具深情的名字?

18.Key Technologies Study on Deepsea Microplankton Concentrated and Gas-tight Sampling;深海浮游微生物浓缩保压取样关键技术研究


deepwater sampling深水取样

3)deep water pocket深层水包

4)deep soil water consumption深层耗水

5)deep brine深层卤水

6)water depth水层深度

1.Studies on effects of differentwater depths on the growth of rice and chemical weed control efficacy in paddy fields were conducted.以汕优63、武育粳3号水稻品种及稗草、异型莎草和鳢肠杂草为试验材料,采用乙草胺和苄·乙·甲2个除草剂品种各2种剂量、3个水层深度对试验材料进行处理,分析水层深度对稻田杂草化除效果及水稻生长的影响。

2.Meanwhile,mathematical and statistical methods are used to comparatively analyze the variation of the characteristics of reed growth in differentwater depths.针对辽宁双台子河口湿地的芦苇生长状态指标进行了试验研究,并采用数理统计方法对不同水层深度的芦苇生长状况变异度进行了多项比较分析。

3.Based on the Phargmites Communis production areas in wetland and the sole-factor and the double-factor experiment,the effect of different salt stress and differentwater depth on the plant height,stem diameter and yield of reed were studied,through the theory of mathematical statistic.9%,水层深度20~25 cm咸淡水混合灌溉模式比较理想。


