100字范文 > 常规法 conventional method英语短句 例句大全

常规法 conventional method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-05 14:47:55


常规法 conventional method英语短句 例句大全

常规法,conventional method

1)conventional method常规法

1.In the presence of aqueous sodium hydroxide and phase transfer catalyst,compared withconventional method,the reaction rate of alkylation of chitosan is accelerated more 180 times under microwave irradiation .结果表明 ,在微波辐射条件下 ,用相转移催化剂和以NaOH水溶液作为碱性试剂和载体 ,壳聚糖与溴代烷能迅速地发生反应 ,生成相应的O烷基化产物 ,反应速度是常规法的 180多倍 ,极大地节约时间和提高效率 ,并且发现微波辐射下反应的取代度比常规法的有一定的提高 。

2.The article simply introduces the construction with inverse method, compares inverse method withconventional method, and expounds the justification and possibility of inverse method.简明地介绍了逆作法施工,并对逆作法施工和常规法施工做了详细的比较,论述了逆作法施工的合理性和可能性。

3.This paper introduces the feasibility of flying quality checking using air photograph film directly, the checking flow compared with film method andconventional method as well as the items of flying quality checking.通过对底片法与常规法检查流程的比较及对飞行质量的检查 ,论述了用航摄底片直接进行飞行质量检查的可行性。


1.nomothetic approach常规法则研究法常规法则研究法

2.normal wet combustio常规湿式地层燃烧法

3.one who habitually ignores the law and does not answer court summonses.常违反法规而不回答法院传票的人。

4.Distinguishing Conventional Choices of Person Deixis From Unconventional Choices of Person Deixis;从人称指示的非常规用法反观人称指示的常规用法

5.It often tends to reflect the government"s views and always stands for the traditional establishment.它常常反映政府的观点,总是代表着传统的法规。

6.Heel bony spur is the normal disease in clinical treatment,but the result of normal therapy is not good.足跟骨刺在临床中属常见病,常规疗法疗效不佳.

7.Research on the Coordination of Planning and Management between the Bus Rapid Transit and Bus Transit;快速公交(BRT)与常规公交规划管理协调方法研究

8.Research on the Method of Railway Feeder Bus System Planning接运轨道交通的常规公交规划方法研究

9.A kangaroo court is an illegal mock court that often takes the law into its own hands.“非正规法庭”是非法的模拟法庭,这种法庭常常草菅人命。

10.Unable to load the resources neccessary to display the general tab.无法加载显示常规选项卡所需的资源。

11.The General page for this trigger cannot be displayed.无法显示此触发器的“常规”页。

12.Programme for Combating and Preventing Illicit Trafficking in Conventional Arms打击和预防常规武器非法贩运方案

13.We should earnestly implement the Securities Law to standardize and develop the securities market.认真贯彻《证券法》,规范和发展证券市常

14.The conventional practice flourishes in the United States.这种常规做法在美国很盛行。

mon elements analysis by optical emission theory for wire and bar steel直读光谱法分析线、棒材中常规元素

16.The syntax rules of RSS 2.0 are very simple and very strict.0的语法规则非常简单并十分的严格。

17.Irregular Withdrawal of Action: Legal Avoidance in Administrative Procedure;非正常撤诉——行政诉讼中的法律规避

18.Discussion on Visualizing Fingerprint upon Water-disposed Object by Common Methods;常规方法显现潮湿客体上手印的探讨


routine method常规方法

1.Objective: To compare theroutine method and the kit method for the measurement of acid phosphatase activity in seminal plasma,and to explore the possibility of the kit method for routine measurement.目的:对检测精浆酸性磷酸酶(ACP)活性的常规方法(磷酸苯二钠法)和试剂盒方法进行比较,并探讨试剂盒方法取代常规方法用于常规检测的可能性。

3)normal method of ISOISO常规法

4)traditionally tannage常规鞣法

5)Conventional acid常规酸法

6)regular treatment常规疗法

1.Obsevvation onregular treatment and spironolactone to cure chronic heart failure;常规疗法加螺内酯治疗慢性充血性心力衰竭的疗效观察


