100字范文 > 正交优化试验方法 orthogonal optimization test method英语短句 例句大全

正交优化试验方法 orthogonal optimization test method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-13 10:30:40


正交优化试验方法 orthogonal optimization test method英语短句 例句大全

正交优化试验方法,orthogonal optimization test method

1)orthogonal optimization test method正交优化试验方法

1.The inspected liquid cases with different full rate were chosen byorthogonal optimization test method.为研究充液对箱形多腔结构振动特性的影响,运用数值有限元方法建立多腔结构及其单元腔室的模型,计算分析了不同充液工况对系统振动频率的影响,其中不同充液比的充液工况由正交优化试验方法确定,最后通过弹簧振子模型研究多单元系统的频率变化。

2)orthogonal optimization test正交优化试验

1.The influence of technical parameters of temperature, pressure and time on vacuum diffusion welding of horizontally projected jet bits on the shear strength of the welding seam was studied byorthogonal optimization test.利用正交优化试验方法研究了水平射流钻头真空扩散焊温度、压力和时间等工艺参数对焊缝抗剪强度的影响,并确立了相应的关系式,分析了温度、压力和时间等工艺参数对焊缝抗剪强度的独立影响和交互影响。

2.The influences of the technological parameters of vacuum diffusion bonding of logging ceramic probe(Al2O3 ceramic to 45 steel) such as temperature,pressure and time on the shear strength of the bonging seam were studied by theorthogonal optimization test.利用正交优化试验方法,研究了测井探头Al2O3陶瓷电极座与45钢基体真空扩散焊温度、压力和时间等工艺参数对焊缝抗剪强度的影响,并总结出相应的关系式,然后分析了温度、压力和时间等工艺参数对焊缝抗剪强度的独立影响和交互影响。


1.Study of the technology on bFGF fermentation;bFGF发酵工艺参数正交优化试验

2.Optimization of Extraction Technology of Cistanche tubulosa by Orthogonal Test正交试验优化管花肉苁蓉水提取工艺

3.Orthogonal Testing Optimum Design in Loader Wheel-side Reducer装载机轮边减速器正交试验优化设计


5.Applying orthogonal method optimization Tanggula rhubarb seeds processing scheme正交试验优化唐古特大黄种子活性化处理方案

6.The Optimization of Gasification Technology for Firing the Mixture of Coke and Anthracite by Orthogonal Test正交试验优化土焦掺烧无烟煤制气工艺

7.The Application of Orthogonal Experiment in the Optimization Allocation of Air Materiel Middle Maintenance Cost正交试验法在航材中修费优化分配中的应用

8.The Research on Optimizing the Procedure of the Extraction of Enteromorpha Prolifera with the Orthogonal Testing Method;用正交试验法优化浒苔多糖提取工艺的研究

9.Optimize the Inspection Conditions of Pleural Effusion and Ascites Cytology with Orthogonal Experiment;正交试验法优化胸腹水细胞学检查条件

10.The Research on Optimizing the Procedure of the Extraction of Lonicera Jap Onica Thunb with the Orthogonal Testing Method;用正交试验法优化金银花多糖提取工艺

11.Optimizing JIT System with Simulation Technology and Experiment Design based on Orthogonal Arrays;用正交试验设计法实现JIT系统的仿真优化

12.Section Optimum Analysis of Thin-Walled Compressive Bar Based on Orthogonal Experimental Method基于正交试验方法的薄壁压杆截面优化分析

13.Optimizing Extraction Technology of Total Flavonoid in Smilax Glabra Roxb.by Orthogonal Experiment正交试验优化土茯苓黄酮类成分提取工艺研究

14.Study on optimum compound of lonicerae and forsythiae powder正交试验法优化加减银翘散的剂量组方

15.Optimization of Synthesis Technology of Thermoplastic Phenolic Resin by Orthogonal Test正交试验优化热塑性酚醛树脂合成工艺

16.Forming parameters optimization of tailor rolled blanks based on ABAQUS and orthogonal test theory利用ABAQUS与正交试验理论的TRB成形参数优化

17.Study on Extraction Technology of Polysaccharide from Corn-cob by L_9(3~4) Orthogonal TestL_9(3~4)正交试验优化玉米芯多糖浸提工艺研究

18.Process parameter optimization on sheet stamping based on orthogonal experiment基于正交试验的板料冲压回弹多工艺参数优化


orthogonal optimization test正交优化试验

1.The influence of technical parameters of temperature, pressure and time on vacuum diffusion welding of horizontally projected jet bits on the shear strength of the welding seam was studied byorthogonal optimization test.利用正交优化试验方法研究了水平射流钻头真空扩散焊温度、压力和时间等工艺参数对焊缝抗剪强度的影响,并确立了相应的关系式,分析了温度、压力和时间等工艺参数对焊缝抗剪强度的独立影响和交互影响。

2.The influences of the technological parameters of vacuum diffusion bonding of logging ceramic probe(Al2O3 ceramic to 45 steel) such as temperature,pressure and time on the shear strength of the bonging seam were studied by theorthogonal optimization test.利用正交优化试验方法,研究了测井探头Al2O3陶瓷电极座与45钢基体真空扩散焊温度、压力和时间等工艺参数对焊缝抗剪强度的影响,并总结出相应的关系式,然后分析了温度、压力和时间等工艺参数对焊缝抗剪强度的独立影响和交互影响。

3)orthogonal experiment正交试验方法

1.UV-curable inkjet inks were prepared by changing the quantities of the mixed monomer withorthogonal experiment.设计了由单、双、三官能团单体EOEOEA、TPGDA和TMPTA组成的混合单体体系,采用正交试验方法设计改变混合单体比例的配方,测试了由混合单体体系组成的UV喷墨油墨的黏度和固化率。

4)orthogonal experimental design正交试验方法

1.With tertbutyl alcohol as the chain transfer agent,orthogonal experimental design was used to find the optimal conditions for the polymerization.以N,N,N′,N′-四甲基乙二胺为配体合成了Zn-Fe氰化物配合物催化剂,以叔丁醇为链转移试剂,用正交试验方法探索了该催化剂开环聚合的最优条件,正交实验结果表明,最佳反应条件为t=100℃,t=6h,w(Cat)=15mg,w(t-BuOH)=15mg。

2.Orthogonal experimental design was used to find the optimal conditions of the polymerization.用正交试验方法探索了ε-己内酯在该引发剂下开环聚合的最优条件 。

5)orthogonal test/methods正交试验/方法

6)orthogonal experimental method正交试验方法

1.Due to the analytic solution of pile longitudinal vibration is a function of the damping coefficient,the impulse duration and the amplitude of transient impact force,and the elastic modulus,density,length,sectional area of pile,theorthogonal experimental method is used to analyze the effect of different parameters to the process of velocity wave attenuation along the pile.由于桩纵向振动的解析解是桩土相互作用阻尼系数、半正弦波的脉冲宽度、瞬态激振力幅值、桩弹性模量、桩密度、桩长以及桩身截面积等参数的函数,所以利用正交试验方法分析了不同参数对速度波沿桩身衰减过程的影响。


