100字范文 > 强电 heavy current英语短句 例句大全

强电 heavy current英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-21 11:43:31


强电 heavy current英语短句 例句大全

强电,heavy current

1)heavy current强电

1.In order to meet the demands of residents maximally and realize the environmental amenity standards of residence in this paper according to weak current,heavy current and intelligent design of residences some experiences are introduced in order to provide references for designers engaged in relevant area.为最大限度地满足住户的需求 ,实现住宅环境的舒适性、安全化建设 ,就住宅及小区的强电、弱电及智能化建设 ,总结出相关的设计体会 ,可供同行参考借鉴。


1.strong electrolyte and weak electrolyte强电解质和弱电解质

2.received field strength接收(电)场强(度)

3.The current is quite high, and the wire is getting very hot.电流很强,电线开始发热。

4.locking circuit保持电路强制同步电路

5.the product of voltage and current.电流强度和电压的乘积。

6.The strength of an electric current expressed in amperes.电流强度用安培数表示的电流强度

7.radio-field strength无线电场强(度), 射电场强(度)

8.intensity-controlling electrode(电子束电流)强度控制电极

9.The force of attraction is dependent on the strength of the magnetic field that again is dependent upon the strength of the current.引力取决于磁场强度,磁场强度取决于电流强度。

10.The strength of the magnet was large or small according to the strength of the current.磁的强度根据电流强弱而有大

11.An ambient field aids the magnetization from the exciting current.背景场加强了激励电流的磁化强度。

12.an intense light used in producing films.拍摄电影时用的强光灯。

13.negative electron affinity image intensifier负电子亲和势像增强器

14.minimum required receiving field intensity最低要求接收电场强度

15.electronic spin resonance magnetometer电子自旋共振磁强计

16.EIDE enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics增强形电子集成驱动器

17.amplify the sound, electric current, signal增强声音、 电流、 信号.

18.Don"t force children to play the electronic keyboard(electronic organ)不要强迫孩子弹电子琴


power circuit强电电路

3)strong electromagnetic field强电磁场强

1.In this technique,Introduced a few anti interference methods of microcomputer control system in the environment ofstrong electromagnetic field,and go through practical application and achieve good results.介绍了在强电磁场强环境中微机控制系统抗干扰的几种方法,并经实际应用,效果较好。

4)Electromagnetic Enhancement电磁增强

5)strong curcent surge强电冲击

6)electric field strength电场强度

1.The influence to ADSS cable ofelectric field strength;电场强度对ADSS光缆的影响

2.Calculation for maximumelectric field strength within cover contact;触头盒内最大电场强度的计算

3.When theelectric field strength was changed from 100 V/cm to 375 V/cm,the mobility was varied as a complex function of fragment size and electric field.改变电场强度100~375V/cm,得到的迁移率曲线与电场强度和DNA片段长度成复杂的函数关系,已有的经典理论模型:Ogston模型、Reptation无拉伸模型和Reptation拉伸模型都不能正确地描述实验观察到的迁移率随电场强度和DNA片段长度的变化情况。


AC-DC-AC-DC型开关稳压电路AC-DC-AC-DC型开关稳压电路AC-DC-AC-DC type switching voltage stabilizing circuits对小功率的AC一DC一AC一IK!型稳压电路,可省去图中的集成驱动器,由集成控制器直接驱动。AC一DC一AC一】兀型稳压电路组成的开关电源及模块,广泛应用于通信和其他电子设备中作为一次电源用。AC DC ACDCx一rlg伙019七Jo了1 wenyod旧z〕JLJAC一OC一AC一OC型开关稳压电路(AC一DC一AC一IX二type switehing voltage stabilizingcircuits)将交流电压通过整流滤波电路及DC一〔X)开关变换器,并借助反馈环节得到稳定直流输出电压的开关型稳压电路。其原理方框图如图所示。图中输人和输出端都加有噪声溥波器。电容滤波的全波整流电路中,开机时有一大的充电电流流过整流管。为了削弱该冲击电流,在AC一DC一AC一IX{型稳压电路中加人软起动电路。又因电容滤波的整流电路中电流失真很大,使功率因数很低。为了提高功率因数,通常采用功率因数校正技术。90年代以前,采用无源校正技术,只能对基波进行相移补偿或抑制某些指定的谐波。实际应用中,还受到体积、质量、价格等因素的限制。9。年代普遍采用高频有源功率因数校正技术。图中的有源功率因数校正电路实质上是一种升压式有源功率因数校正(b oost一PFC)电路(见DC一DC型开关稳压电路)。它可将稳压电路的输入电流波形变换为与输入电网电压同相位的正弦波,变换效率可大于98%。这样,可以降低线路损耗,节约能源,减小电网的谐波污染。┌───┐┌────┐┌─────────┐┌──┐│NF│ ┌───┐│ pFC││ OC~O(: ││ 哪││,噪声│ │_整流 ││功率因数││ 变换器 ││噪声││健波 │ └───┘│ 校正 ││(含高频整流及滤波)││滤波││ │││└─────────┘││└───┘└────┘ └──┘ ┌─────┐ │ SS │ ┌─────┐ │软起动│ │集成驱动器│ │ │ └─────┘ └─────┘ ┌─────┐ │集成控制器│ └─────┘AC一1)C一AC一1)C型开关稳压电路原理方框图
