100字范文 > 排风能量回收 exhaust air energy recovery英语短句 例句大全

排风能量回收 exhaust air energy recovery英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-10 17:59:33


排风能量回收 exhaust air energy recovery英语短句 例句大全

排风能量回收,exhaust air energy recovery

1)exhaust air energy recovery排风能量回收

1.Technology of refrigerant natural circulation and its application toexhaust air energy recovery;制冷剂自然循环技术及其在排风能量回收中的应用

2.But what can we do when there is unbalance between energy conservation and IAQ? How can we conserve energy, in the mean time protect human health? In HVACexhaust air energy recovery system, the use of the annular fin heat pipe heat exchanger is limited because of the higher flow resistance and lager occupancy space.用于空调排风能量回收的整体式环形肋片热管换热器有着阻力大、大风量时体积大,新、排风管道不便于布置等弊端,使其应用推广受到限制。


1.The Research of Longitudinal Fin Heat Pipe Properties Applied in HVAC Exhaust Air Energy Recovery System;应用于空调排风能量回收系统的纵向翅片热管特性研究

2.The air-to-air energy recovery ventilator can recover a fraction of the energy from the exhaust air to the supply air.空气热回收装置能够将一部分排风能量转移到新风侧,有效地降低新风能耗。

3.Discussion on the Energy Saving Effect of HVAC System with Air-to-air Heat Recovery in Shanghai上海地区空调系统排风热回收节能效果探讨

4.Experimental Study on a Liquid Desiccant Fresh Air Conditioner with Heat Recovery;溶液媒介能量回收新风空调器的实验研究

5.The Feasible Research on the Double-Spray Chamber s Heat Recovery from the Exhaust Air;双喷水室用于空调排风热回收可行性研究

6.Preliminary discussion on application of pulsating heat pipes to air conditioning system for heat(cool)recovery from exhaust air脉动热管用于空调系统排风余热(冷)回收初探

7.Application of Waste Steam Recovery Technique of Deaerator to Energy Saving and Emission Reduction除氧器乏汽回收技术在节能减排中的应用

8.Feasibility Study of Exhaust Air Heat Reclaim for One High-rise Office Building某高层办公楼排风热回收空调方案的可行性分析

9.Study and Analysis on Regenerative Braking Energy of the Electric Vehicle;电动汽车制动能量回收的分析与研究

10.Study on the Constant Pressure System of Energy Reclaim about Automobile;汽车CPS定压源能量回收系统的研究

11.The Research of Recycling Exhausted Gas from Fuel Cell Engine;燃料电池发动机尾气能量回收的研究

12.Study on Recycle of Revive Energy in Converter Timing;变频调速中的再生能量回收应用研究

13.Measuring the Torgue and Rotational Speed of Power Machinery and Recovering Energy;动力机械的转矩转速测试及能量回收

14.Light energy absorber in aeronautic and astronautic recovery航空航天返回过程的轻质能量吸收器

15.released HC collecting system排放的烃类回收系统

16.The Development and Research on Thermoelectric Fresh Air Exchanger with Heat Recovery from Exhausting Air;具有热回收功能的热电新风机的开发与研究

17.When they are discharged after recovery treatment, the oil content of the discharges may not exceed the standards set by the state.经回收处理后排放的,其含油量不得超过国家规定的标准。

18.Study on Heat Exchanger for Recovering Heat Energy from Raw Water in Star Hotel星级宾馆用于回收优质杂排水热量的换热器研究


potential of discharged air回收排风潜能

1.Research and production of the liquid desiccant air conditioning device utilizing thepotential of discharged air;回收排风潜能的新型液体除湿空调装置的研制

3)exhaust air heat recovery排风热回收

1.Analysis ofexhaust air heat recovery in air conditioning system design;空调排风热回收系统设计应用浅析

2.In this paper,the characteristics of fresh air cooling load in public buildings in hot summer and warm winter area were analyzed,and energy saving effects under differentexhaust air heat recovery modes were investigated.本文分析了夏热冬暖地区公共建筑空调新风负荷特征,研究了不同排风热回收模式下的节能效果。

4)air-to-air energy recovery排风热回收

1.The LCC analysis of HVAC systems withair-to-air energy recovery;空调系统排风热回收的生命周期成本分析

2.The energy saving analysis of HVAC system withair-to-air energy recovery;空调系统排风热回收的节能性分析

5)energy recovery能量回收

1.Research on the simulation of a novel breakingenergy recovery system;一种新型制动能量回收系统的仿真研究

2.Progress in research of technology and device ofenergy recovery in reverse osmosis desalination system;反渗透海水淡化系统中的能量回收技术及装置研究进展

3.Economical and technical comparison of exhaust airenergy recovery schemes for animal clean rooms;动物房洁净室排风能量回收方案技术经济性比较

6)energy recycling能量回收

1.A New hydraulic lift system withenergy recycling function;新型能量回收式液压举升系统

2.This article produced the method of recycling the braking energy and comparatived various methods; finally, obtained a higher efficiencyenergy recycling me.给出回收制动能量的方法,并对各方法进行比较分析,得出一种效率较高的能量回收方法。


低心排血量综合征低心排血量综合征lowcardiac output syndrome指由于心脏排血量下降而出现多脏器灌注不足、组织缺氧的复杂病理生理变化。病因主要是低血容量、心包压塞、心律失常、心力衰竭和手术矫正畸形不满意。表现为神志淡漠、末梢性发绀、动脉压降低,尿少、血氧分压降低。根据典型症状和体征,参考心脏指数低于1.5L/(min·m2)〔小儿低于2.0L/(min·m2)〕可确诊。治疗原则为对症综合治疗。
