100字范文 > 等温冷启动 isothermal cold start英语短句 例句大全

等温冷启动 isothermal cold start英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-07 23:53:02


等温冷启动 isothermal cold start英语短句 例句大全

等温冷启动,isothermal cold start

1)isothermal cold start等温冷启动

2)low temperature cold start低温冷启动

1.The procedure of diesel engine cold start test and different testing method was described vialow temperature cold start test of Dongfeng diesel engine, and minimum cold start temperature for 40W/30, a diesel engine oil jointly developed by Dongfeng and Lubricant producer for extreme cold application was investigated.通过东风柴油发动机的低温冷启动试验,描述了按国家标准方法进行柴油发动机低温冷启动试验的过程和不同调试方法,考察了与润滑油厂商合作开发的极寒区用油OW/30CF-4级柴油机油的最低冷启动温度,确定装用“长城”0W/30CF-4柴油机油能保证EQB/D系列发动机在-35℃环境温度下启动,也基本能保证EQB系列发动机在-40℃条件下启动。


1.A Simulation of Cold Start Emission Characteristics of Gasoline Engine with Euro-Ⅲ Cycle on Engine Test Bench在发动机台架上模拟欧Ⅲ低温冷启动排放特性的探索

2.Research on Prepurge and Cold Start of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells质子交换膜燃料电池吹扫除水与低温冷启动研究

3.remains fluid at low temperatures speeding startup and minimising wear on cold start在低温时能够保持流体状态,快速启动,减少冷启动时的磨损

4.When the air temperature is below freezing, its body temperature drops too.当气温低于冰点时,冷血动物的体温也都降低。

5.cold crack temperature低温龟裂温度,冷裂温度

6.Construction of Low Temperature-induced Expression Vector and the Study on the Regulation Mechanism of the cspA Promoter Region;低温诱导表达载体的构建与冷激蛋白cspA基因启动子区调控表达的机制研究

7.Study on a cryosurgery apparatus using auto-cascade refrigeration采用自动复叠制冷的低温治疗仪研究

8.Study on Heat-driven Thermoacoustic Cryocoolers Operating in the Cryogenic Temperature Range from Liquid Nitrogen to Liquid Hydrogen;液氮至液氢温区的热声驱动低温制冷机的研究

9.Reduce the Wearing Away in Automobile at Low Temperature Starting and Circulating;减少汽车低温启动及运行磨损的方法

10.Analysis on Low Temperature Cold-start Process in PHEV并联混合动力汽车发动机低温冷起动过程分析

11.Preliminary Test of Wastewater Treatment Plant with CAST Craft at Low Temperature and Low NutritionCAST工艺在低水温低有机负荷条件下的启动调试

12.Depression of the pour point of diesel oil and improve its fluidity in subzero.降低各种柴油的冷凝点和冷滤点,提高其低温流动性。

13.Research on Exhaust Emission of Cold-start Period for Gasoline Engine Combined with a Heater;利用汽车加热器降低汽油机冷启动排放的研究

14."The thermostat, if stuck or distorted, may not close and open properly, thus reducing the effectiveness of the cooling system,"若节温器卡住或变形,不能正常开启和关闭,便会降低冷却效能。

15.Fundamental Research on Cryogenic Pneumatic Mist Jet Impinging Cooling Based on Green Manufacturing;基于绿色制造的低温气动喷雾冷却的基础研究

16.Thermodynamic Analysis of Thermal-Electric-Glycol Refrigeration at Low Temperature;热—电—乙二醇低温制冷系统热动力学分析研究

17.Experimental Study on Natural Precooling Cycle of Cryogenic Liquid Rocket;低温液体火箭发动机循环预冷模拟试验研究

18.Series connection -100℃ auto-cascade refrigeration system for low temperature apparatus低温设备用-100℃全串联自动复叠制冷系统


low temperature cold start低温冷启动

1.The procedure of diesel engine cold start test and different testing method was described vialow temperature cold start test of Dongfeng diesel engine, and minimum cold start temperature for 40W/30, a diesel engine oil jointly developed by Dongfeng and Lubricant producer for extreme cold application was investigated.通过东风柴油发动机的低温冷启动试验,描述了按国家标准方法进行柴油发动机低温冷启动试验的过程和不同调试方法,考察了与润滑油厂商合作开发的极寒区用油OW/30CF-4级柴油机油的最低冷启动温度,确定装用“长城”0W/30CF-4柴油机油能保证EQB/D系列发动机在-35℃环境温度下启动,也基本能保证EQB系列发动机在-40℃条件下启动。

3)cold start冷启动

1.The factors affecting the gasoline engine vehiclecold startemissions and the improving measures;影响汽油机车辆冷启动排放的因素及改进措施

2.The factors affecting the diesel engine powercold start and the improving measures;影响电站用柴油机冷启动性能的因素及改进措施

3.The requirements for emissions incold start are added in Europe Emission Regulation Ⅲ for Motorcycle, which makes the research of emission control incold start for motorcycle engine become one of the focus.摩托车欧Ⅲ排放法规增加了对冷启动阶段排放的要求,对于摩托车发动机冷启动排放控制的研究已成为热点之一。

4)cold start-up冷启动

1.Behaviors and mechanisms ofcold start-up performance decay, effect of ice formation on in-house materials and components such as proton exchange membrane, catalyst layer, diffusion layer, .低温环境下的冷启动问题是质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC:Proton ExchangeMembrane Fuel Cell)迈向商业化途中所遇到的重大障碍之一。

5)cold start冷态启动

1.For the purpose of oil saving,by running a coal mill before joining network,acold start experiment was carried out to a power unit of Jiangsu Ligang Electric Power Co.介绍了江苏利港电力有限公司在机组冷态启动情况下,并网前投运磨煤机,采用以煤代油方式进行升温升压的试验情况,以此达到节约燃油的目的,并指出在此过程中的注意事项。

2.Depending on application the plasma ignition technology in the corporation,the oil free ignition in boilercold start was realized basically,and requests of boiler.等离子点火技术在内蒙古大唐国际托克托发电有限责任公司的使用,使锅炉在冷态启动中基本上能够实现无油点火且能满足锅炉升温升压曲线要求,以达到节油降耗之目的。

6)cold starting冷启动

1.Research on Capability of Cold Starting for Diesel Vehicle Engines in Extremely Cold Zone;严寒条件下车辆柴油机冷启动性能研究

2.To increase compression ratio is an effective method to improve the capability of diesel enginecold starting,so a new kind of aided device for the purpose is invented based on the theory.提高压缩比是改善柴油机冷启动性能的有效措施之一,为此开发了一种新型的柴油机冷启动辅助装置,其工作原理是在柴油机达到一定启动转速及适当的曲轴转角时,向气缸内喷入一定量的机油,从而达到通过提高压缩比、减少漏气损失,改善柴油机冷启动性能的目的。


