100字范文 > 交联膜 crosslink membranes英语短句 例句大全

交联膜 crosslink membranes英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-10 19:08:44


交联膜 crosslink membranes英语短句 例句大全

交联膜,crosslink membranes

1)crosslink membranes交联膜


1.Preparation and Properties of Hyperbranched Polymer Cross-linked Membrane;超支化聚合物交联膜的制备和性能的研究

2.Preparation of Gelatin-Chitosan Crosslinked Film and Experimental Study on Its Effect of Adhesive Prevention;明胶—几丁糖交联膜的制备及防粘连功能的实验研究

3.Experimental Study on Artificial Biological Heart Valve Materials Crosslinked by Natural Occurring Reagents天然交联剂交联制备人工生物心脏瓣膜的研究

4.Structure comparison between PVA nonwovens and crosslinked PVA nonwovens by electrospinning交联PVA与未交联PVA纳米纤维膜的结构比较

5.The Pervaporation Separation Membrane of Radiation Crosslinking PVA Copolymer聚乙烯醇辐照交联共聚物渗透气化分离膜

6.Study on Sulfonated Poly(Aryl Ether)s Containing Phthalazinone Moieties as Proton Exchange Membranes;磺化杂萘联苯聚芳醚质子交换膜的研究

7.Ultrafine Fibrous Membranes of PVDF-HFP and their Modification via PEGDMA Crosslinking;PVDF-HFP超细纤维膜及其以PEGDMA交联改性研究

8.Animal Research on the Effect of "Membrane of Interlaced Sodium Hyaluronate" in Preventing Peritendon Adhesion;交联玻璃酸钠膜预防肌腱粘连的动物实验研究

9.Study on Sulfonated Poly(Phthalazinone Ether Ketone Ketone)s as Proton Exchange Membranes;磺化杂萘联苯聚芳醚酮酮质子交换膜的研究

10.Research on Crosslink and Degradation of Gelatin Nanofiber Membrane;明胶纳米纤维膜的交联及其降解性能的研究

11.The Silk-fibrion Coating Finish of the Aminol ysised PET Microfiber Fabric;胺解涤纶织物丝素涂膜整理交联剂的筛选

12.Study on drying kinetics and cross-linking structure of natural latex film天然胶乳胶膜干燥过程及交联结构研究

13.Scaffold of transglutaminase cross-linked collagen gel for three-dimensional corneal stroma reconstruction转谷氨酰胺酶交联胶原凝胶构建三维角膜基质

14.MIEX and Ultrafiltration Membrane for Treatment of Raw Water from Huaihe River磁性离子交换树脂与超滤膜联用处理淮河原水

15.Preparation and properties of the photocrosslinked chitosan-(PVA-SbQ) membrane光交联壳聚糖-(PVA-SbQ)共混膜的制备与性能表征

16.Crosslinking Modification and Film Properties of Waterbrone Polyurethane-Acrylate水性聚氨酯-丙烯酸酯的交联改性及涂膜性能

17.Preparation of cross-linked chitosan film and its absorption behavior of acid scarlet dyeing交联壳聚糖膜制备及对酸性大红染料吸附作用

18.Film-Forming Properties of Cross-Linking Acrylate Emulsion with Core-Shell Structure核壳型自交联聚丙烯酸酯乳液的成膜性能


crosslinked HEC membrane交联HEC膜

3)Photocrosslinked film光交联壳聚糖膜

4)PAA PSF crosslinked composite membranePAA-PSF交联复合膜

5)chitose linking membrane壳聚糖交联膜

1.The result show thatchitose linking membrane Ⅱ is better thanchitose linking membrane Ⅰ.研制了两种离子交换膜壳聚糖交联膜Ⅰ和壳聚糖交联膜Ⅱ,研究了这两种离子交联膜对Sc3+的电渗析作用,考查了槽电压、溶液酸度和溶液浓度对电渗析的影响,同时对两种壳聚糖交联膜对Sc3+的电渗析作用进行了比较,得出壳聚糖交联膜Ⅱ对Sc3+的电渗析效果优于壳聚糖交联膜Ⅰ的结

6)PVA crosslinking membrane聚乙烯醇交联膜


