100字范文 > 微波预处理 microwave pretreatment英语短句 例句大全

微波预处理 microwave pretreatment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-04 15:39:02


微波预处理 microwave pretreatment英语短句 例句大全

微波预处理,microwave pretreatment

1)microwave pretreatment微波预处理

1.Study on extraction of total polyphenols from Acacica mangium leaves bymicrowave pretreatment;微波预处理-溶剂回流提取马占相思叶多酚的工艺研究

2.Development of woodmicrowave pretreatment technology木材微波预处理技术研究进展

3.Process optimization of extraction total alkaloid from huperzia serrata bymicrowave pretreatment微波预处理提取蛇足石杉中总生物碱的工艺优化


1.Research on Effect of Pretreatment on Properties of Digestion of Diaspore微波预处理矿石溶出赤泥的比较研究

2.The Study on the Wood Microwave Pre-treatment and Ultrasonic Dyeing木材微波预处理与超声波辅助染色的研究

3.Study on Extracting Effectual Component from Vegetal Cell by the Method of Microwave Pretreatment;微波预处理提取植物细胞中有效成分的研究

4.Study on Extracting Effectual Compositions from Plants by Vacuum Microwave Pretreatment真空微波预处理辅助浸提植物有效成分的研究

5.Efficiency of anaerobic digestion of straw pretreated with microwave energy微波预处理对秸秆厌氧消化影响的研究

6.Optimization for Enzymolysis of Straw under the Condition of Microwave Pretreatment and Ultrasound-assisted微波预处理超声辅助酶解大豆秸秆条件优化

7.Effect of microwave pretreatment power, pretreatment time and different microwave pretreatment conditions on the rection was discussed.探讨了微波预处理功率、处理时间及在不同条件下预处理对反应的影响。

8.Experimentl Study on Microwave Pretreatment with Cyanide Leaching of Gold Flotation Concentrate Containing High Arsenic from Guigang, Guangxi;广西贵港高砷浮选金精矿微波预处理氰化浸出试验研究

9.Extraction of Total Asiaticoside from Centella asiatica by Enzymatic Pretreatment and Microwave Extraction用酶解预处理-微波法提取积雪草总苷

10.Experimental Study on the Pretreatment of the Straw by Microwave-NaOH微波-NaOH预处理稻杆纤维素的实验研究

11.Image Preprocessing of Airborne 8 mm Imaging Microwave Radiometer机载8毫米成像微波辐射计图像预处理

12.Application of Microwave and Additives to the Pretreatment and Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Plant Fiber Materials微波及助剂在植物纤维预处理和酶解中的应用

13.Study on the Microwave-Acid Pretreatment and Enzymatic Hydrolysis of the Corn Stalk玉米秸秆微波酸预处理与酶解糖化研究

14.Effects of Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) Pre-treated on Potatoes Microwave Drying Characteristics脉冲电场预处理对马铃薯微波干燥特性的影响

15.Research on Microwave Drying Technology of Potato Slices with Pulsed Electric Field(PEF) Pre-treated脉冲电场预处理马铃薯片微波干燥工艺研究

16.Study on cellulase enzymatic hydrolysis of microwave-acid pretreated corn stalk微波酸预处理玉米秸秆纤维素酶水解条件研究

17.Hydrolysis of corn stalks by microwave-assisted acid pretreatment微波辅助酸预处理玉米秸秆水解条件研究

18.Research in pad dyeing process for wool pretreated by microwave/chemical method微波/化学法预处理羊毛的轧染工艺研究


microwave pre-treatment微波预处理

1.Effect ofmicrowave pre-treatment on the extraction rate of arlemisinin;黄花蒿微波预处理对青蒿素提取产率的影响研究

2.The Study on the Wood Microwave Pre-treatment and Ultrasonic Dyeing木材微波预处理与超声波辅助染色的研究

3.was studied by means ofmicrowave pre-treatment,supercritical CO_2 extraction,microwave assisted extraction and enhanced pe- troleum ether extraction,enhanced with ultrasonic wave.从黄花蒿的选择、青蒿素提取溶剂的选择、黄花蒿微波预处理、超临界CO_2萃取技术、微波辅助提取、超声波强化石油醚提取等方面叙述青蒿素提取的研究进展,并将这几种方法进行比较,为工业上大规模生产青蒿素提供借鉴。


1.For the investigation of the enhancement mass transfer mechanism of microwave-assisted technology on medicinal herb extraction,the extraction kinetic equation ofmicrowave-pretreatment reflux technology was developed and used to simulate the extraction experimental status of flavones from hawthorn.为揭示微波辅助技术强化中草药提取过程的机理,针对微波预处理-回流提取联合工艺,建立了提取动力学方程,并利用该方程模拟了山楂提取实验,探讨了微波功率和辐照时间对目标成分提取过程动态特性的影响。

4)microwave pre-conditioning微波预处理

parative experiments were carried out to study the effect ofmicrowave pre-conditioning factors on seed vigor and saline tolerance of some different species of plant, with Jinqing-60 Chinese cabbage seeds, tall fescue seeds, ryegrass seeds and black locust seeds as studied object.为了研究微波预处理工艺对不同种类植物种子耐盐性的影响及所选工艺参数的普遍性,用NaCl溶液和原生水分别作种子萌发的培养液,选择蔬菜种子(白菜)、草本植物(高羊茅、黑麦草)和木本植物(刺槐)为实验对象,以相对幼苗活力指数评价种子的耐盐性,采用对比实验考察了微波预处理对4种不同种类植物种子活力的影响。

5)Micro-wave pretreatment微波辐射预处理

6)microwave acid pretreatment微波酸预处理

1.In order to explore the feasibility of producing fuel ethanol from corn stalks,corn stalk leaves,skin and core was investigated bymicrowave acid pretreatment respectively,selecting the suitable portion of raw materials for the fuel ethanol,reducing the waste of resources and environmental pollution while preparing corn stalks to fuel ethanol.为了探索利用玉米秸秆生产燃料乙醇的可行性,本研究将玉米秸秆的叶子、外皮和髓分别进行了微波酸预处理,选出适合作燃料乙醇原材料的部分,减少玉米秸秆制备燃料乙醇时的资源浪费与环境污染。


