100字范文 > 船兴波 Ship-generated wave英语短句 例句大全

船兴波 Ship-generated wave英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-31 06:44:24


船兴波 Ship-generated wave英语短句 例句大全

船兴波,Ship-generated wave

1)Ship-generated wave船兴波


1.The Comparison of Calculation Methods to Wave-making Resistance and Wave Interference in Trimaran三体船兴波阻力计算方法比较及兴波干扰研究

2.Research on Multi-hull Configuration Based on New Slender Ship Theory;基于新细长船兴波理论的多体船构型优化研究

3.Numerical Calculation of Wavemaking Resistance for High-Speed Displacement Trimarans;高速排水型三体船兴波阻力数值计算

4.Solution to the trimaran wave making problem with the method of free-surface domain transformation自由面区域变换法解三体船兴波问题

5.WaveMaking in Time Domain for MultiHull Ships and Eulerian Equation Solution for Wave Body Interaction;多体船兴波时域分析及波体干扰欧拉方程解

6.Calculating the wave making resistance of multi-hull ships based on an integral expression of the Kochin function on the surface panels单元柯钦函数精确积分的多体船兴波阻力计算

7.Numerical calculation of wave-making resistance of a high-speed trimaran in deep or shallow water深浅水中高速三体船兴波阻力数值计算

8.A Higher-Order Panel Method for Numerical Calculation of the Wave Resistance of High-Speed Displacement Vessels;基于高阶面元法的排水型高速船兴波问题的数值计算

9.Research on the Method and Calculation of the New Slender-Ship Wave Resistance Theory船舶兴波阻力新细长船理论的方法与计算研究

10.Numerical Research on Unsteady Ship Wave-making Problems in Time-domain;船舶非定常兴波问题的时域计算研究

11.Numerical uncertainty analysis for the prediction of resistance and wave profile of a surface ship model水面船模阻力、兴波CFD不确定度分析

12.Calculation of Wave Patterns and Wave Resistance of High-speed Displacement Ships with Transom Stern高速排水型方尾船舶的兴波波形与阻力计算

13.Numerical Calculation of Wave Pattern and Wake Wash for High-Speed Displacement Ships高速排水型船舶兴波波形及尾浪的数值计算

14.In linear ship wave-making problem, constant boundary elements are ued to discretlze the inter-face of a steady moving ship and the water.采用常数边界元对船舶与流体界面进行离散,求解船舶兴波势及船舶兴波阻力。

15.Optimization Research of Ship Form Based on the Numerical Value Calculation of Wave Resistance;基于兴波阻力数值计算的船型优化研究

16.Calculation of Wave Making Resistance of Ship Using NURBS-Based Higher Order Panel Method;基于NURBS高阶面元法的船舶兴波阻力计算

17.Numerical Calculation and Research of Ship Wave-making Problem by A Raised Panel Method Based on NURBS;基于NURBS面元法的船舶兴波问题数值计算研究

18.Optimization of hull forms using genetic algorithms and linear wave resistance theory遗传算法与线性兴波阻力理论结合的船型优化


ship wavemaking船舶兴波

1.Theship wavemaking incorporated with the hydrofoil is computed by 3-D Green function method in time domain.以Wigley船型为数值计算例,考虑近水面水翼的影响,分别对单体船和双体船进行了船舶兴波计算研究,提供了兴波波形和兴波阻力的计算结果。

3)ship waves船舶兴波

1.It shows that the modified Dawson s method and the program developed here are valid and can be applied to many different engineering problems onship waves or ship hydrodynamics.结果显示了改进后的Dawson方法以及计算程序的有效性 ,是一种可以用来预报不同工程问题中船舶兴波和船舶水动力的简单而实用的方法。

4)ship wave船舶兴波

1.Stability analysis of free surface discretizationinship wave problem;船舶兴波问题面元法计算中自由面离散的稳定性分析

2.The wave pattern resistance is obtained by wave pattern integral through wave cuts from the calculatedship waves.探讨了基于 NU RBS(non- uniform rational B- splines,非均匀有理 B样条 )的高阶面元法的高速排水型方尾船舶兴波波形数值模拟与兴波阻力计算问题。

5)ship wave-making potential problem船舶兴波势

6)ship wavemaking problem船舶兴波问题

1.An expression for the numerical damping and dispersion of panel method calculating ship wave-making problem is derived from Fourier analysis, It can be used to analyse not only the order of magnitude of er-rors concerned and their coupling effects in calculatingship wavemaking problem but also the errors in calculating other steady free-surface flows by panel method in principle.本文利用Fourier分析导出了船舶兴波问题面元法计算中的数值耗散及数值色散误差表达式。


