100字范文 > 压载水置换 Ballast water exchange英语短句 例句大全

压载水置换 Ballast water exchange英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-21 13:22:32


压载水置换 Ballast water exchange英语短句 例句大全

压载水置换,Ballast water exchange

1)Ballast water exchange压载水置换

1.The determination of the ballast water exchange sequence can be generalized to a multi-objective combinational optimization problem with multi-constraints.根据船舶压载水置换的安全条件,将压载水置换问题归结为多目标组合优化问题。


1.Multi-criteria design optimization of Ships" Ballast Water Exchange Scheme Using a Genetic Algorithm改进遗传算法在船舶压载水置换方案求解中的应用

2.oily ballast water separator压载水油水分离装置

3.bilge and ballast piping arrangement舱底水和压载水管系布置图

4.The Study on the Flow-through Ballast Water Exchange on Ship;用“溢流法”更换船舶压载水的研究

5.Introduction of Valve Actuator of Ship Ballast System船舶压载水系统阀门驱动装置的现状

6.The Safety Evaluation of Changing Ballast Water of Tanker at Sea;油轮在航更换压载水综合安全评估研究

7.The Study of Microprocessor-controlled Device of Ballast Water Treatment;采用微机控制的船舶压载水处理装置的研究

8.A general discussion on the emergency response to the treatment of ship ballast water and its sediments涉及船舶压载水及沉积物处置的应急反应概述

9.main ballast tank主压载舱主压载舱主压载水舱

10.Optimization of BurnablePoison Assignment for PWRLow Leakage Reload Core压水堆低泄漏换料堆芯可燃毒物的优化配置

11.The Combined Treatment of Coastal Rinsefill Foundation with the Vacuum Preloading + Dynamic Compaction Replacement真空联合堆载预压+强夯置换法组合处理沿海冲填土地基

12.on load tap changer带负载抽头变换装置

13.transformer underload trip变压器欠载跳闸装置

14.hydraulic efficiency shifter unit液压移动装置液压切换装置

15.LPHP hot water heat exchanger低压-高压热水换热器

16.bilge and ballast piping system舱底水和压载水系统

17.bilge and ballast general service pump舱底水和压载水通用泵

18.The Design of Turn on-and-hot Device for Solar Water Heaters Based on Hydraulic Directional Control Valve基于液压换向阀的太阳能热水器开即热装置的研制


ballast water exchange design压载水置换设计

3)Ballast Exchange压载水更换

4)freshen the ballast压载舱换水

5)ballast arrangement压载水布置

6)freshen the ballast压载水舱换水


