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烟气涡轮 exhaust gas turbine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-01 06:11:20


烟气涡轮 exhaust gas turbine英语短句 例句大全

烟气涡轮,exhaust gas turbine

1)exhaust gas turbine烟气涡轮

1.Numerical simulation on three-dimensional turbulent flow in aexhaust gas turbine stage cascade for supercharged marine boiler船用增压锅炉烟气涡轮级叶栅三维湍流流动的数值模拟

2.By way of solving a 3D viscous and compressible Reynolds Navier-Stokes equation at the conditions of considering the tip clearance,a numerical simulation on the 3D turbulent flow was carried out in theexhaust gas turbine Stage Cascade for Supercharged Marine Boiler.本文以某船用增压锅炉涡轮增压机组中的烟气涡轮级为研究对象,采用全三维数值模拟技术和"混合平面"方法传递级间参数,利用标准k-ε双方程湍流模型和耦合隐式求解器,在考虑动叶顶部间隙情况下,通过求解三维定常雷诺平均Navier-Stokes方程来模拟烟气涡轮级叶栅三维湍流流动。


1.A Numerical Simulation Consideration an Exhaust Gas Turbine Stage Cascade with Tip Clearance计及动叶顶部间隙影响的烟气涡轮数值模拟

2.Numerical simulation on three-dimensional turbulent flow in a exhaust gas turbine stage cascade for supercharged marine boiler船用增压锅炉烟气涡轮级叶栅三维湍流流动的数值模拟

3.an air [a gas] turbine空气[瓦斯]涡轮机.

4.centrifugal-flow jet engine离心式涡轮喷气发动机

5.axial flow turbojet轴流式涡轮喷气发动机

6.straight-compound cycle平行双轴(燃气涡轮)循环

7.aircraft gas turbine bearing lubrication飞机燃气涡轮轴承润滑

8.double-compound turbo jet双轴涡轮喷气发动机

9.exhaust driven supercharger排气驱动涡轮增压器

10.turbine exhaust flame涡轮泵装置排气火焰

11.gas turbo-alternator燃气涡轮交流发电机

12.exhaust turbine driven supercharge排气涡轮传动增压器

13.dual-flow turbojet engine内外涵涡轮喷气发动机

14.double-flow engine内外涵(涡轮喷气)发动机

15.gas turbine compressor燃气轮机压缩机燃气涡轮压缩机

16.gas turbine power unit燃气轮机动力装置燃气涡轮动力设备

17.chamber, combustion, for turbojets or turbopropellers燃烧室,用于涡轮喷气发动机或涡轮螺旋桊发机

18.Aerodynamic Design of Turbo for Solid Rocket Turbo Ramjet Engine;固体火箭涡轮冲压发动机涡轮气动设计


gas turbine disk烟气轮机涡轮盘

1.In this paper,microstructure and mechanical properties of agas turbine disk after 60,000 hours service were sys- temically studied.本文对一个已经运行6万 h 的烟气轮机涡轮盘进行系统的组织和力学性能研究。

3)smoke turboventilator涡轮排烟机

4)gas turbine燃气涡轮

1.Sensitivity analysis of controlling elements on agas turbine performance test bench燃气涡轮性能试验台的控制因素敏感度分析

2.Considering volumetric effects,combined with modular modeling,a mathematical model for calculating the varying specific heat ingas turbines has been deduced.结合模块化建模的方式,引入容积效应,推导了燃气涡轮变比热计算的数学模型。

3.With the breakout of some key technologies, the traditionalgas turbine engine will be improved greatly.传统的燃气涡轮发动机仍具有巨大的发展潜力 ;随着超燃冲压发动机以及涡轮和火箭基组合循环发动机的应用 ,高超声速飞行将成为现实 ,并有可能迎来以高超声速空天往返飞行为标志的新的航空时代 ;脉冲爆震发动机、超微型发动机等新概念发动机必将登上历史舞台 ;新能源航空发动机将占据一席之地 ;航空动力技术将继续在人类科技发展和社会进步中占据重要的地

5)air-cooled turbine气冷涡轮

1.With the continuous improvement in performance of modern aeroengines,the design ofair-cooled turbines has become ever more important.随着现代航空发动机性能的持续提高,气冷涡轮的设计变得越来越重要。

2.This study introduces the development of an aerodynamic design system and ideology forair-cooled turbines in advanced gas turbines.由于燃气涡轮机的发展,作为燃气涡轮机最重要的部件气冷涡轮,其负荷与涡轮前温度不断提高,为适应这一发展,气冷涡轮气动设计体系与设计思想均有了新的发展。

6)turbocharger for exhaust air废气涡轮

1.The theory and construction on air scrubbing system for fuel cell vehicle are summarized in this paper as well as the conception thatturbocharger for exhaust air could be helpful to resolve the problem of increased transport resistan.文章简要论述了车用燃料电池空气供给系统的净化原理和装置结构,并认为采用废气涡轮增压装置有助于解决空气传输阻力增加的问题。


烟气1.亦作"烟气"。 2.云烟雾气。 3.燃烧时产生的烟火气。 4.特指吸烟时散发的气味。
