100字范文 > Chord算法 Chord algorithm英语短句 例句大全

Chord算法 Chord algorithm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-02 07:27:28


Chord算法 Chord algorithm英语短句 例句大全

Chord算法,Chord algorithm

1)Chord algorithmChord算法

1.A friend relativity-based P2P fast search algorithm(Friend-Search),the structure-basedChord algorithm and unstructured-based flooding search algorithm are combined to work together,friend relationship is established between the network nodes.实际系统应用表明本算法较常规Chord算法高效,准确。

2.Based on the characteristics of Distributed Resource Space Model, this paper proposes theChord algorithm based on the matching of similarity and the improved Tell-flooding algorithm.并根据分布式资源空间模型的特征,通过对Chord算法和告知泛洪搜索方法结构的改变,资源相似度的匹配方法的引入,提出了基于相似度匹配的Chord算法和改进的告知泛洪搜索方法。

3.According to the deficiency ofChord algorithm supporting single keyword query only, a P2P framework -HilbertChord by combining the Hilbert curve and Chord is proposed for managing grid service resources, which supports DHT-based multi -keyword query and approximate query by means of Hilbert index to improve resources searching ability.为解决P2P框架中Chord算法只支持对网格服务的单关键字精确查询问题,本文提出将Hilbert曲线融入Chord环中形成的一种新的改进结构—HilbertChord。


1.K-Chord:An Improvement of chord routing algorithmK-Chord:一种改进的Chord算法

2.The Research on the Applying of Chord Algorithm in Peer-to-Peer Network;Chord算法在对等网络中的应用研究

3.Research and Improvr in Chord Algorithm Based on P2P NetworkP2P网络Chord算法研究与改进

4.Analysis of Chord algorithm and its application in videoconference systemChord算法分析及其在视频会议系统中的应用

5.Ca-Chord:Chord Routing Algorithm Based on Main and Subordinate RingCa-Chord:基于主从环的Chord路由算法

6.DM-Chord: Improved Routing Algorithm Based on ChordDM-Chord:基于Chord的路由改进算法

7.Research and Improvement of Chord Protocol and Algorithm in P2P Network;对等网中Chord协议及算法的研究及改进

8.Improvements and Implementation of Chord Search Algorithm in the P2P Network;P2P网络中Chord搜索算法的改进与实现

9.The Design and Implement of Improved Routing Algorithm of Chord Based on Multi-ring基于多环的Chord改进算法的设计与实现

10.Improvement of Searching and Routing Algorithm in Chord Peer-to-Peer Network对等网络Chord搜索路由算法的改进

11.Design and Implement of Dynamic Multi-Routing Chord Algorithm动态多路由Chord路由算法的研究与实现

12.DHT-based Routing Algorithm of Chord Research and Improvement基于DHT的Chord路由算法的研究与改进

13.Improved Chord Searching Algorithm Based on Grouping Grading基于分组评分的改进的Chord搜索算法

14.A regional lookup algorithm of chord based on super-node一种基于超级节点的Chord区域搜索算法

15.Improved Chord algorithm using neighbors′ routing tables一种基于邻居路由表的Chord改进算法

16.Chord routing algorithm based on limited multicasting基于有限范围组播的Chord路由算法

17.Advanced algorithm to structured P2P routing based on Chord protocol基于Chord的结构化P2P路由改进算法

18.Replica Location Method Based on PM-chord Algorithm in Data Grids基于PM-chord算法的数据网格副本定位方法



1.The paper analyses currently prevalentChord algorithm,which is based on distributed hash table.文章分析了目前比较流行的基于分布式哈希表(DHT)的Chord算法,并针对定时更新方案造成的延时问题,采用了事件驱动的方案。

3)SE-Chord algorithmSE-Chord算法

4)the inexact chord methods非精确Chord法

1.In this paper,the inexact chord methods is discussed, the convergence is proved and the rate is given.讨论了用非精确Chord法求解奇异问题,证明了该方法的收敛性,并给出误差估计。



1.A Distributed Login Model Based onCHORD;一种基于CHORD环的分布式登录模型

2.Chord is a common distributed hash table based P2P overlay model,there have many applications such as instant message,voice and video stream on this model.Chord环是目前常见的一种基于分布式哈希表的P2 Poverlay模型,在该模型上可承载即时通讯、语音、视频等多种业务。


BP算法分子式:CAS号:性质:又称逆推学习算法,简称BP算法,是1986年鲁梅哈特(D. E. Rumelhart)和麦克莱朗德(J. L. McClelland)提出来的。用样本数据训练人工神经网络(一种模仿人脑的信息处理系统),它自动地将实际输出值和期望值进行比较,得到误差信号,再根据误差信号从后(输出层)向前(输入层)逐层反传,调节各神经层神经元之间的连接权重,直至误差减至满足要求为止。反向传播算法的主要特征是中间层能对输出层反传过来的误差进行学习。这种算法不能保证训练期间实现全局误差最小,但可以实现局部误差最小。BP算法在图像处理、语音处理、优化等领域得到应用。
